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Work boot recommendations

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My oldest son is working construction all Summer. His hiking boots have already bit the dust and he's already had a roofing nail go into his foot.


He's working for a small company so he's doing everything from framing and roofing to laying wooden floors and painting drywall... to, I have no idea what.


If you or your family are in construction please tell me the best kind/brand shoe for him to wear.



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My husband (fire dept) says these are the best station boots he's ever had. In fact, I need to order him a new pair because he's had the current one for five years, I think. (his are the pull-on, steel toe ones. Your son probably doesn't need steel toes)

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dh must wear steel toes for his work (thankfully they pay for his shoes!) He's had excellent luck with Red Wings. They are so well made that even though he wears them every day, in a year they are not worn looking. He gets a clothing allowance for them and yearly he gets another pair. He has 6-8 pairs because we've never had to discard any for wear. They are pricey though.

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He should definitely not be wearing hiking boots anyway. He needs steel toe boots and preferably oned with a steel shank (sole) as well. My husband goes to Walmart. He'sspent hundreds of dollars on a pair of boots in other stores but has found that the 80-100 dollar (Canadian) pairs at Walmart last just as long. They'd be fine for a summer job.


I don't think a person would even be allowed on a job site here if he/she showed up in hiking boots.

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Red wings will last and they have been the most comfortable steel toed boot that I have found. They do make work boots without steel toes. Have your son ask about it, if steel toes aren't required non steel toes are more comfortable. Normally I have seen steel toes required in industrial work places and not so much in home construction or small building construction.

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One other thing about Red Wings, my father used to love his. He said that they were the only boot that he could put on brand new and be comfortable in the very first day of wear. His favorite "style" was called the Irish Setter.


The taller type, that go up the shin a bit are around $175-200.00 these days. They also have a lower topped version that only goes just above the ankle that runs around $120 or so. It would depend on how much ankle support your ds needs and what his employer prefers they wear.


If you periodically clean and oil them, they will last a very long time. If your ds works in a lot of water/mud/sloppy environments, he might want to oil them first and then put on a couple of coats of the spray-on waterproofing (reapply occasionally).

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It's very cool to see all of the love for Red Wing boots. I grew up in Red Wing MN. My sister works at the factory.


You can send your comfortable, worn-in boots there and get them resoled and renewed.


Here's a nice video of the factory and town:

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Red wings are awesome boots.

DH has worn steel toes for decades and loves Red Wings. He doens't wear them anymore as his foot plant now uses some kind of chemicals on the floors that eats thru his boots.


He usually tries to find them on sale and comfortable. Meijer carries several brands and will run sales. Dickies might be the brand.


He has also had good ones from Sears.


Have him try on several brands and see whats comfy. For a summer job, I wouldn't spend the money on Red Wings.


Yes, he should get steel toes. They have saved my husband and my son from loosing toes.

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