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Allergy help, Please!!!

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I have ridiculously bad allergies. Trees, grasses, mold, dust mites, cockroaches (yes....cockroaches!), cats, etc. The last week has been horrible. I'm miserable. I had tears rolling down my face this morning.


Over the counter Zyrtec/Claritin is not helping. I've resorted to Benedryl, but now I'm exhausted and still symptomatic. There must be a better answer?!?


I haven't seen an allergist since I was about 18. I was in the middle of getting allergy shots when I found out I was pregnant with DD12. I had to stop the shots. They seem to have made a difference though, because I don't seem to react to the extreme that I used to, though this week is an exception.



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Can you try the shots again? Or, can you see an allergist again? There are lots of 'newer' treatments that are very effective.


The only thing I've seen work, that is 'alternative' is local honey and raw apple cider vinegar (not together). For instance, take a spoonful of raw ACV once a day, and that sometimes brings relief.


If you are allergic to cockroaches, check your food for dyes...if you don't already know many bugs and critters are used for food dyes.


It's a drag...our allergies have been pretty bad this year, too.



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Over the past several years, I ended up using OTCs, homeopathic, herbal, essential oils--rotating through these so that I could always be getting some relief-- nothing worked for too long; but this year I ingested an essential oil blend whose main ingredient is tea tree oil everyday for three months prior to my allergy season and that has made everything tolerable. Certainly there could be other factors, but I think this has made the biggest difference for me.

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Invest in an air purifier for your bedroom especially. I recommend RabbitAir purifiers. Top of the line, but you don't have to replace the filters so much, just vacuums them each month. saved both my son and dh a lot of needless suffering without extra meds.

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I have ridiculously bad allergies. Trees, grasses, mold, dust mites, cockroaches (yes....cockroaches!), cats, etc. The last week has been horrible. I'm miserable. I had tears rolling down my face this morning.


Over the counter Zyrtec/Claritin is not helping. I've resorted to Benedryl, but now I'm exhausted and still symptomatic. There must be a better answer?!?


I haven't seen an allergist since I was about 18. I was in the middle of getting allergy shots when I found out I was pregnant with DD12. I had to stop the shots. They seem to have made a difference though, because I don't seem to react to the extreme that I used to, though this week is an exception.




Have you tried the D version; the one you have to show your license and sign for? They work tremendously better. Dd has had to resort to them this spring because the allergens have been so bad. Normally she just uses the regular. Saline rises a couple of times a day are helpful. Shower before bed including washing your hair. Do not leave your dirty clothing in your bedroom. Do not get on your bed wearing clothing that has been out of the house.

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What about a Rx nasal spray? You might not even need to see an allergist. I just told my gp that I had allergies, OTCs weren't cutting it, and I needed a nasal spray. She gave me Patanase, which is steroid-free and works pretty well for me. FWIW, Benadryl does work fairly well for me, but I am 100% worthless when I take it (even a child-sized dose.) :blink:




Saline rises a couple of times a day are helpful.


This helps me a lot too. Sometimes it works so well I don't even need the nasal spray.

Edited by Element
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My dd's allergist has her on zyrtec plus 75mg of zantac (Ranitidine) twice a day. Zantac is an antihistamine that works in a different way in addition to treating acid reflux. She's also taking omnaris which is a prescription nasal spray - and something for hives and something for her asthma. But anyway. Try adding zantac to your daily OTC antihistamines and go to an allergist. Also purify the air in your bedroom, toss out your old pillows, get rid of everything in your room that can collect dust.

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Okay....lots of ideas - thank you!!!


I don't think it's the dust mites, because it really just ramped up in the last week or so. I think it's something outside. I'm used to swollen tissue in my nose and slight stuffiness due to the dust mite issue. We do have the special things on our mattress and pillows, but also have a lot of carpet. We can't make any changes in that department any time soon. I do my best with a hepafilter vacuum, etc.


For whatever reason the last week has about killed me. Nose so itchy I think I'm going to go crazy, eyes watering to the point of tears streaming down my face, etc. Weather.com says oak and pine pollen are at moderate levels today (and for the past few days) here. I can't remember if I'm allergic to oak or not, but I'm thinking I must be.

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this year has been terrible for me. zyrtec and claritin did nothing and left me absolutely miserable. Allegra was my life saver (I use the generic version from Target). Also taking turmeric has helped a lot, at least I think so. It may be just a timing coincidence but I doubt it, the pollen is still pretty bad here.

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If you are allergic to cockroaches, check your food for dyes...if you don't already know many bugs and critters are used for food dyes.




Carmine dyes should only raise alarm in those that are shellfish allergic.

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I take Allegra twice a day, plus saline rinse and prescription nasal spray. I also take Claratin twice a day. If needed Benedryl at bedtime helps but I can't take it during the day. Zyrtec leaves me too lethargic. Also switch to Allegra-D when things are bad but it doesn't let me sleep so only when necessary. Allergist said I could safely take four times amount listed on Allegra bottle if needed.



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Carmine dyes should only raise alarm in those that are shellfish allergic.




Carmine and cochineal dyes are made from scale insects, not shellfish. There might be some cross reactivity with shellfish, but someone allergic to cockroaches might be more likely to react to them than someone allergic to shellfish.


Someone with a cockroach allergy might also want to avoid chocolate and coffee. I have at times wondered if black tea might also be an issue, but I don't have independent verification of that. I'm also allergic to cockroaches and other insects, and these are things that really bother me. There is quite a bit of entomologist lore that suggests that coffee and chocolate can both be highly contaminated with cockroach allergens. It's not something most people want to think about, though.


Cochineal dyes are also in non-food substances like lipstick.


You also might want to avoid silk (that makes me really ill).


However, it could be pollen alone that is causing the symptoms, and you can't really avoid that.

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I have ridiculously bad allergies. Trees, grasses, mold, dust mites, cockroaches (yes....cockroaches!), cats, etc. The last week has been horrible. I'm miserable. I had tears rolling down my face this morning.


Over the counter Zyrtec/Claritin is not helping. I've resorted to Benedryl, but now I'm exhausted and still symptomatic. There must be a better answer?!?


I haven't seen an allergist since I was about 18. I was in the middle of getting allergy shots when I found out I was pregnant with DD12. I had to stop the shots. They seem to have made a difference though, because I don't seem to react to the extreme that I used to, though this week is an exception.




My understanding is that the cockroach prick on the panel is the cross-control for shellfish allergies, basically to prove shellfish allergy if one sports a hive on the shellfish spot, a positive on the cockroach indicates it's a true allergy and it's to the protein shellfish shares with cockroaches in their exoskeleton. A non-reactive shellfish with a positive cockroach is supposed to be considered positive for crustacean shellfish too, but not bivalves....if you get a hive on the shellfish too, then it's both crustacean and bivalve.


As someone else noted, a cockroach/shellfish allergy means you'll be allergic to some things like dyes that are made from grinding up bug bodies (many hard shelled bugs share the same protein) and anything else that might have bugs and/or shellfish in the ingredients, like fish sauces in Asian cooking, cross contamination in kitchens where shellfish is cooked, etc., and some supplements (glucosamine uses crushed shells, some omega-3 supplements will be cross-contaminated in facilities, etc.).

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Carmine and cochineal dyes are made from scale insects, not shellfish. There might be some cross reactivity with shellfish, but someone allergic to cockroaches might be more likely to react to them than someone allergic to shellfish.



Cockroaches and shellfish (crustacean) share the same protein in their exoskeleton, which is why when one is allergic to cockroaches, they're considered allergic to crustacean shellfish too.


With the OP's syptoms including itchy nose, watery eyes, etc. - while they're typically symptoms induced by environmental allergies, the fact that the OTC allergy meds aren't doing it and benedryl is, that's highly indicative that her symptoms aren't environmental right now, but being triggered by her allergy to cockroaches, which would include bugs in dyes, chocolate, etc. The trigger from chocolate is not the chocolate, but artifacts left in the process, bug tidbits that remain in plants that are contaminated/infested with roaches....which can happen in almost any food that's processed. Same with coffee - if it's factory ground, odds are high it contains bug remnants, but if you grind it yourself, low risk for bug remnants.

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Cockroaches and shellfish (crustacean) share the same protein in their exoskeleton, which is why when one is allergic to cockroaches, they're considered allergic to crustacean shellfish too.


With the OP's syptoms including itchy nose, watery eyes, etc. - while they're typically symptoms induced by environmental allergies, the fact that the OTC allergy meds aren't doing it and benedryl is, that's highly indicative that her symptoms aren't environmental right now, but being triggered by her allergy to cockroaches, which would include bugs in dyes, chocolate, etc. The trigger from chocolate is not the chocolate, but artifacts left in the process, bug tidbits that remain in plants that are contaminated/infested with roaches....which can happen in almost any food that's processed. Same with coffee - if it's factory ground, odds are high it contains bug remnants, but if you grind it yourself, low risk for bug remnants.


Wow!! This is fascinating!!!


I've never been tested for food allergies, so I don't know if I'd react to shellfish or not. Interestingly, I've upped my coffee intake over the last week or so. Makes me wonder if that's the culprit!

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