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So if you totally bomb on your no-sugar diet one evening...

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How do you recover from it? Do you just pick up with your normal diet the next day, or what?


I've done pretty well on our vacation, but tonight is our last night here, and I got a piece of homemade key lime pie, planning to just have a few bites (it's my favorite). I ate the whole piece. :001_huh:


I'm sure I'll feel somewhat crummy, but can I just pick back up tomorrow? I've done great for 6 weeks. I kinda hate that I caved, but I figure it is not something I have a chance to eat often.

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Or is sugar off-limits at all times?


I actually seem to have a physical reaction to cane sugar. So in my case, sugar is off-limits at all times. I'm also insulin resistant so I have to watch my blood sugar level.


But that doesn't mean that I don't have treats. I have a square or two of Lindt 85% dark chocolate every day. And I eat fruit. And I eat Tofutti "ice cream". Those don't seem to affect me or my blood sugar.

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I just pick back up the next day. You may notice extra cravings for sweets for a couple of days, and you may feel tired/yucky in the morning, but it really probably won't be that bad.


Also don't beat yourself up. It was just a piece of pie. You are still doing great!



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I have only had 2 headaches in the 6 weeks I've had no sugar. One was last night, and one was after we took my mom it for Mother's Day dinner and they brought us a free dessert sampler (my sil's steak was overcooked), and I had some bites of dessert. That night, I actually threw up, and I hadn't even consumed that much. I had a terrible headache then also.


What about other sugars? I just don't know how reasonable it will be for me to NEVER have honey or maple syrup on a homemade, gluten-free pancake. Eventually I know I will incorporate some of that back into my diet. Or at least I think I will.

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I have only had 2 headaches in the 6 weeks I've had no sugar. One was last night, and one was after we took my mom it for Mother's Day dinner and they brought us a free dessert sampler (my sil's steak was overcooked), and I had some bites of dessert. That night, I actually threw up, and I hadn't even consumed that much. I had a terrible headache then also.


What about other sugars? I just don't know how reasonable it will be for me to NEVER have honey or maple syrup on a homemade, gluten-free pancake. Eventually I know I will incorporate some of that back into my diet. Or at least I think I will.


A couple of things could be going wrong. You could have an allergy to cane sugar. Sugar allergies are usually to something specific - cane sugar or fructose or sorbitol etc. so you would want to narrow it down. If you are allergic specifically to cane sugar, you will be able to eat honey or maple syrup. Of course, you might be not be allergic to cane sugar so you would want to eliminate it and then test it specifically. A cane sugar allergy can cause Gl problems as well as fatigue as well as other symptoms.


Another thing that could be wrong is: insulin resistance. This is different than a cane sugar allergy. This is pre-diabetes. If your blood sugar goes too high, then you can feel fatigue and nausea. You would want to test for this. If you are insulin resistant, then you would need to watch all sugars in your diet.


Or you could have a yeast problem. Eating any kind of sugar would feed the yeast, making you feel ill.


I'm sure there are other things that could be going on but these are the ones I know about.

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I always pick back up the next day. I am not super low carb right now being pregnant but eating regular sugar is very, very rare. I don't eat gluten and tend to avoid processed items, so it makes it rather easy. I do eat honey and rarely maple syrup. Assuming it doesn't bother you for another reason I don't have an issue with those things, in moderation. They've been in the diet for centuries, just not in the quantities normally consumed.

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:001_huh: I'm another begin again with the battle. I've been enjoying the most lovely banana bread all week long and wondering why I was having a nightly headache / bloating:confused:. Strangely, I thought my diet was so good that I could handle it.


Your post was a lightbulb moment for me, and prompted me to toss the rest of it. Thank you.;)


Feeling good is worth going without the yummy treats for me.

Edited by Tammyla
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Or is sugar off-limits at all times?


I think it depends on how you react if you include some sugar....does having some sugar trigger the craving for more? If it does, then sugar should probably be off your menu; if it doesn't and you can limit it to really be just now and then, that should be fine. I've watched carbs and sugar in my diet for over a decade now and am okay with an occasional piece of cake at a birthday or an ice cream cone on a hot summer day - but those are few and far between things (less than once a month on average)....but I also know people who just can't do it, one bite sets off triggers for more and they'll fall face first into the carbs/sugar and will have a hard time getting back on track, with just one bite! It's a YMMV type thing.

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:001_huh: I'm another begin again with the battle. I've been enjoying the most lovely banana bread all week long and wondering why I was having a nightly headache / bloating:confused:. Strangely, I thought my diet was so good that I could handle it.


Your post prompted me to toss the rest of it. Thank you.;)


Feeling good is worth going without the yummy treats for me.



No sense looking back...just go forward!


We are in birthday month...we have 4 in May.....so, I am going to have a piece of their birthday cake..and if I am having birthday cake...it is going to be a whopper!! Lol:D


Anyway, I am back off the sugar and wheat ....and carbs.

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I am losing weight by cutting out bad carbs. I hardly eat any sugar, grains, white potatoes, etc. However, dh and I went out last Saturday to a buffet and I blew it. I had some healthy choices and then some dessert. I picked right back up where I left off the next day and I've still lost three pounds so far this week.


Don't let one slight bump in the road derail you completely! Just start over right away.

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Just start today over. I do fine with sweets, as long as I don't buy them. If I have to make them, they are here for a short time and gone...no issues.


There are some "sweets" I can make myself that I can indulge in regularly (thank you VitaMix), without any worries. So, my "need" to make sweets really goes down.


But, if we have a lot of cookies, candy in the house... and I'm under a lot of stress (like now), it's bad. So for me, just keep it out of the house and I'm good.

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The only thing in the house with processed sugar is dh's bag of chips ahoy. I'd never be desperate enough to eat one of those, so it's a non-issue. I don't like most store-bought sweets, and I'm not a fan of candy (other than the occasional GOOD chocolate). I eat a small square or two of dark chocolate dipped in almond butter for a treat maybe once/week.


My biggest issue thus far; no sweetener in my coffee. I've gotten accustomed to unsweetened teas, and I have been drinking my coffee with just coconut oil and a little coconut milk in it, but I MISS coffee that tastes good. I've been drinking much less than I used to (I only ever had a cup a day, but now I have it a few times/week) because I just can't stand the taste - its so bitter without anything in it.


I really thought I'd miss bread and pasta, but honestly, I'm ok without them. I feel like over time I'll have a desire to just eat a hamburger and not have to take it off the bun, but for now, I'm okay (I was vegan before, so I'm not dying for a hamburger by any means - I just feel like I'll want what seems like normalcy at some point, or maybe this will be my new normal and it'll be okay forever).


I also LOVE fried eggs, and wonder if I can go forever without being able to have them with something to dunk in them.


Are ANY breads ok? What about an Ezekiel type? I don't feel like I must have that now, but ever?!?


I'm feeling committed to this way of eating, but I'm just trying to work out things that I think could be stumbling blocks down the road.


The weight isn't an issue. My husband thinks I look anorexic. I feel good, but at 113.5, it's the thinnest I've been in YEARS, and I haven't really been overweight in the low 120s. I'm almost 5'4. I'm in this for my health.

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