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Prayers for Kendra

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Thanks for your continued prayers, everyone. And thanks to Monique for posting updates. I can't get onto the blog tonight for some reason, but there is another update there... can't get the sound on the tv to work... sheesh. I am technology challenged and probably just need to go to bed!


I wish I could do more.




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Here is the latest update from Kendra. Pop over to her blog for prayer requests and more information...



Today was a pretty steady day. Joe slept for most of it, but when he awoke he was irritated by diaper rash, bright-eyed, and sucking away on his pacifier. All good! He is still chubby from the fluids, and as a result they couldn’t replace his central line IV with a PIC line. Please pray for the swelling to subside so that we can move to a PIC line; the longer the central line stays in Mighty Joe’s groin, the more likely it will get infected. The PIC line will allow them to continue his fluids and antibiotics, but it is less likely to become infected. We can also take him home with a PIC line if we have to. A little scary for me, but God is stretching me in many new ways. I am so NOT a medical girl.

He is back on antibiotics because his culture came back positive for bacteria, and if I were a medical girl, I would remember the name. When Fletch updates next, you’ll get the technical info icon_smile.gif

When you spend five days in the PICU, you see a lot of sadness. All day long we watched a vigil for a 17-year-old dying of cancer. That young lady lost her fight with cancer tonight and we were broken-hearted to hear her mama sobbing. You can pray for them, if you think of it.

Hold your babies tightly tonight-


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May God bring healing and strenght to you and your family. I can barely imagine your pain even though I slightly walked your steps almost 13 years ago with my then 6 week old son who almost succumbed to undiagnosed pertussis.


Looking forward to hearing your news.

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From Kendra's blog:



Hey! Great news! Joe has been demoted from the PICU to a regular hospital room (Yay!…Now we are in the regular hospital!).


How to Pray:

***We are trusting that God will continue to bring his kidneys back to full health. We are guessing he has about 50% usage right now.

***Once his kidneys are 100%, he will get his MRI done.

***For his potassium to regulate on it’s own.


If he does excellent…we leave in 2-3 days.

If he does good…we leave in 4-5 days.

If he does average…we are here for another week


Read the whole entry here


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Mighty Joe may be going home as soon as today!!!


Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for your continued prayers! I will just copy Andy's (Fletch) post right here....



Joe’s doctor visited today and reported that almost all of his lab results were normal (I asked the doctor if he was making “smart pee†and he had no idea what I was talking about). This is remarkable! They have stopped all medications (for seizures and high blood pressure) and while I was typing this entry, the nurse just removed his nasal food tube and his picc line. Wow…kind of boring to only be monitored for heart rate and oxygen saturation…it’s like he is healthy or something (go figure…).

The best part (check this out), Joe’s doctor told us that if things go well tonight…Joe could go home tomorrow…


Has someone out there been praying or something? A week ago Joe had a 50:50 prognosis and now we are ready to go home…c’mon…one of you must have been praying. Raise your hand if it was you, because I can’t believe we are on the verge of taking Mighty Joe back home.

His hospital release comes with some strings attached, because we’ll need to return for an MRI in the next week or so. We’ll post tomorrow if Joe is really getting booted and then you can look forward to multiple photos from our party!

Thanks again for your prayer and support through this week!

Andy and Kendra

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