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If you do NOT summer school

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When is your last day?


We are supposed to go through the end of May, but I have MASSIVE burnout. I am good to get through math and L/A in the day now. They are supposed to have a test in SOTW, but I can't seem to get motivated enough to make the tests (different grade levels, I make different tests, so do not buy the test package). I am thinking about calling it quits for the summer. ds9 begins ITBS Tues, so really, I just can't see why I shouldn't take off now....


Thoughts? Opinions?

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Beats me. I want to finish up our curriculum. It's a 36 week curriculum and we've completed 27 weeks. We are behind. We usually finish by the end of May, but even if I consolidate and skip a bit (which I plan to, I don't plan on schooling for nine more weeks!), not sure we can pull that off. We had a few weeks of sickness, my daughter fractured her wrist/forearm and we took time off for that, we still took holiday and spring breaks, and now obsessing over this pregnancy and whether everything will be okay with it, I still haven't been getting as much done as I probably could/should (though we ARE getting stuff done, just not as much as I'd hoped). So I have no idea at this point when our last day will be. I refuse to go past mid June though. :P


With all that said if you feel you guys did enough and want to just stop for the summer, there's certainly nothing wrong with that!

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May 15. DD is taking the Terra Nova in a group administration the 14th-15th, so that's the official end of our school year. We've been on a very light schedule this last couple of weeks because of dance recitals-I try to be done with core curriculum by the end of April because I know the first week of May is always horrid.

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I was trying to hang on until the end of May, but I'm majorly burned out as well. We're caught up in everything and ahead in many others, so I'm calling it quits, I think. I want to go outside and do something with my kids before it gets blazing hot around here!

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Fortunately we have finished history and science. We have about five lessons to go in FLL and about 10 in math. My goal is to finish by the end of May. I don't like to finish the year until we have completed all of our math. If I have to, I will do more than one lesson in a day, crossing off some of the review, just to cover it all.

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My kiddos are totally burned out! I told them on Tues. that we were going to be done with school till nest year. ( August sometime.)

They were thrilled to say the least! They are already into the next years books, so we are not behind. I just love teaching them , but I know they need a break. :(

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Our last day this year is May 16th. My older dd graduates on May 26th and between May 17th and May 26th is it CRAZY!!! Older dd is done with everything but our Shakespeare study. Younger dd finished math today and will finish grammar next week. We will carry over the 7 or 8 lessons left in spelling next year and we have shelved history until things calm down in the summer.


I say if you are all burned out, then not much learning is going on anyway. Quit early and just get a fresh start in August.

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Usually the third week of May. I plot out 180 days (required by my umbrella, which is the easiest way to homeschool here) to go from mid-August to mid-May. If we aren't done with a core subject, we continue pass the 180 days.

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I'm thinking May 23rd, which will give us 2 weeks before the boys get out of public school. Those should be a busy two weeks though - has his dance recital and I'm hoping to get a start on our schoolroom for next year.

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I'm hoping to be done by the end of May. We've finished up a few things. I'm going to have to do two WWE lessons/day with my son to finish by then, but I'm hoping we can manage it. The morning sickness (read: all day sickness and fatigue) is starting to hit though. . . so we'll see. For sure we will finish math all the way though.

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Just to make you feel better... our last day is 20th July! We stick to the British school system's schedule going early September until late July wtih three 13 week terms with 2 week breaks at Christmas and Easter between the terms and 1 week half-term breaks along with a few 'bank holidays' thrown in. I take off for field trips and family holidays as well. I love the schedule in theory, but always struggle around now when you Americans are all finishing things up and we're still chugging along. I expect we'll finish most of our curriculum up by early July and will have a couple of light weeks to finish up odds and ends.

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