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The worlds not ending....

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...only the English language as we know it!:svengo:




On the high school graduation invites, reads the class motto:



"The worlds not ending.

We are just taking over."





I'm not sure if I'm more repulsed by the idea behind the motto (Really!?! Maybe you should get a job, buy a house, change a diaper, etc... before declaring that you are taking over.:lol:) or the poignant example of Excellence in the English Language acquired by the graduates.:001_huh:




...on the high school GRADUATION invitations!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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To be fair, the missing apostrophe may be the fault of the printing company, or even a secretary in the school office. I've seen print jobs gone horribly wrong. We also had a secretary in high school who would "correct" things that she thought were wrong. I have a sneaking suspicion she was behind the misspelled holiday sign that landed my former high school on the national news this year.


And I can't comment on new high school graduates taking over the world without getting political. :tongue_smilie:

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To be fair, the missing apostrophe may be the fault of the printing company, or even a secretary in the school office. I've seen print jobs gone horribly wrong. We also had a secretary in high school who would "correct" things that she thought were wrong. I have a sneaking suspicion she was behind the misspelled holiday sign that landed my former high school on the national news this year.



Oh, I want to see a link to this, please! :bigear:


I can't find it online, but my favorite is a graduate posing in front of a sign, covering up "Cl" in "Class of 2011." :lol:

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Oh, I want to see a link to this, please! :bigear:


I can't find it online, but my favorite is a graduate posing in front of a sign, covering up "Cl" in "Class of 2011." :lol:



I want to stay moderately anonymous.;) I don't think there is a link anyway. This is the high school my dc would attend if they went to ps.

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That's pretty bad, but not nearly as bad as a vendor at the Memphis convention referring to Michelangelo as Angelo and had his name spelled out in his presentation as Michael Angelo.



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