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what is your favorite garden tool or kitchen gadget or tool?

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For the kitchen, silicone spatulas and a whisk. And a cookie scoop. I use these items a lot.


For the garden/yard, I love the sprayer attachments that have the different types of flow and where you can shut the flow off. Great for watering the garden and washing the car. I also like small pruning shears--like this.

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I love my M cups

I got the white because I didn't realize that they had red.




For the garden, I don't really have gadgets.


I did take a length of chicken wire and have my dh screw it to the brick around the gutter. Then I grew a gorgeous clematis up the wire to hide the gutter.

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cast iron skillet. Hand's down my favorite cooking tool.


I have a flat edge stirring spoon that I love. It's great for stirring puddings and such while cooking, but it was a gift and I can't find it for purchase anywhere. I've had mine 30 years or so.


Heavy bottomed cookware, especially cookie sheets. I dislike flimsy cookie sheets.


Stainless steel measuring cups and spoons. They make me happy.


Restaurant quality mats for places where I stand to chop or clean.


A good timer...I get distracted and would forget the cookies otherwise. :D


For the garden:


I second the action hoe, also called a scuffle hoe. I have two types, both are great at getting baby weeds outta there.


Good clippers. Hand and larger for larger pruning.


Battery powered weed whacker. I think mine is Black and Decker, costs less than $100, and came with two batteries. I LOVE this. It's balanced well so it doesn't kill my back like the gas powered whackers do. Love it.


Wheelbarrow and a little red wagon for hauling whatever I need...


Raised beds...my soil is black clay gumbo. Raised beds means I can actually grow food easily.


Mulch. Many of the problems in my gardens could be solved by more mulch.

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I love my silicone spatulas, and spoon shaped spatulas. Mine are Pampered Chef, but if I ever have to replace them, I'll go with a different brand. There's nothing special about the PC ones. I also love my low tech egg slicer. I use it often to slice black olives, strawberries, and even avocado. Other kitchen gadgets I like have already been mentioned here.


Although I love to garden, I don't think I really have any garden gadgets. I do have the type of sprayer that a PP mentioned, but mostly I use plain old fashioned garden tools.

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