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"What are you using in 12th grade?"

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My 12th grade son will be doing:


English 1: 1 credit

The Language of Literature: British and as far in World as we can get.

The Writer's World - Paragraphs and Essays

?? Spelling ?? -- He NEEDS some spelling work!

Finish Easy Grammar Plus

Maybe Daily Grams Ultimate


Math: 1 credit

An advanced math DE at CC.... Probably College Algebra


Science: 1 credit

Apologia Physics with Rusty Hughes DVD


Economics: .5 credit


IEW Economics Based Writing Lessons


American Government: .5 credit

Great Source

and following the elections


Fine Arts: .5 credit

WTM style with Khan Academy, Sister Wendy, and Annotated Mona Lisa


Astronomy: 1 credit

The Teaching Company's Intro to Astronomy

Wiley Guide ala WTM

Various library books and documentaries

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I have an average (could excel if he were a bit less lazy), put-as-little-effort-as-possible-into-anything-that-does-not-have-to-do-with-music ds. He wants to compose film scores. (God, thank you so much for this artistic son. Please help him realize that you put this passion in him for a reason. Please help him find what You have for him to do.) Luckily, this guy realizes that he needs a back-up plan and plans to double major in college. Here is what he'll be doing his senior year. I cannot wait to be done hsing this child. :cursing:


1. French 2 @ TPS

2. AP English Language & Composition with Debra Bell

3. College Algebra @ cc

4. Trig @ cc

5. Pre-AP Government

6. Pre-AP Physics OR Intro to Physics @ cc ???? Not sure about this.

7. 50-80 more hours of community service

8. For fun: youth orchestra, continue private lessons on trumpet & begin piano, music composition private lessons.

9. He would like to add Music Theory III & Ear Training Lab, Survey of American Music, and Classical & Romantic Music @ the cc. At this time, our budget for class is exhausted, so he'll have to come up with the money himself to take extra classes.

Edited by ValRN
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The working schedule:


OYAN- other worlds

Bible as Literature

Winston Advanced Grammar


Math at community college- probably Algebra (haven't done placement test yet)

Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace for the Next Generation


1/2 credit Geology

1/2 credit Anatomy (no labs/dissections)


Diana Waring's History Revealed III


Spanish III or equivalent (Community college? Online?)


Dance/assistant teaching

public school spring musical

Senior project- something dance related



possibly co-op classes (10 weeks fall/spring) if they fit with her schedule/plans

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Physics at local co-op

Calculus w/Analytical geometry I and II at cc

English 111 (compostion only) at cc

British Lit at home

Psychology SL at home

American Gov. At home


Still trying to decide but this is the latest that ds and I think will work. We only have one vehicle for us to share, and two other dc at home, so these outside classes have to work with everyone's schedule too. I don't want to spend productive hrs in the van YKWIM?:)

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Spanish 2 at local uni.

College algebra and trig at local university

Biology at local univ

US history at local univ

Continue literature study at home

A couple other courses at CC to finish the year. May try to figure out how to add a physics that is more advanced than the conceptual physics he took in 9 th


Hopefully he will spend his last 2 months of senior year at Capernwray Bible School in England like his older brother did.

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For the fall semester, my dd is currently registered for the following at her CC:


Technical Writing


US Politics

Western Civ I


But, it might change. We ran into some scheduling issues with math and physics, the two classes we'd most like to have her take at the CC. She can only be on campus on certain days because of other commitments.


So she *might* do math at the CC, and would be taking calculus. If not, I'll have to find a calc program!


We're thinking she'll do AP Physics B, probably through K12, if we can't fit physics into her CC schedule.

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C.S. Lewis : Major Works with Potters School Online ( one semester)

Spanish III with Potters School Online

Science not decided

AP Statistics with PA Homeschoolers

AP US History?

Philosophy using Teaching Company's Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition, R.C. Sproul's Ideas Have Consequences DVD and Book, and Sophie's Choice.

Discovering Music, How to Understand and Listen to Great Music : Summer

History of European Art by Teaching Company: Summer



Science Olympiad

Speech and Apologetics


Volunteering, Shadowing, etc.

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My dd will be doing the following:


MUS Precalculus

Apologia Marine Bio

English: BJU 12 grammar portion only, Teaching Rhetoric Through Structure and Style (IEW), more LToW, World Lit class at our homeschool group

Logic/Critical Thinking: Traditional Logic 2 and A Rulebook for Argument workbook

Greek History and Mythology: Using TTC Classical Mythology, Famous Greeks, Vandiver Illiad and Odyssey lectures, SMARR Mythology Guide, and whatever other resources I can find


BJU American History: Civil War - Present

Thinking Like A Christian


Still deciding if we will add psychology to the mix.

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1 Physics

2 College Alg and Trig for homeschoolers at the CC (not a mathy kid)

3 ~Spanish 2

4 ~a worldview class/intro to philosophy mashup we put together (two semesters)

5 ~British Lit and an online writing course

6 macro-econ at CC and something in the spring, possibly an introductory computer programming course

7 art history or music history (at CC?)


~ will be with me at home, the others will be outsourced except, perhaps, #7.

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Well, I cheat. Dd will be doing everything online with Veritas. Here's her schedule:

Omnibus VI primary

Omnibus VI secondary

Organic Chemistry


Senior Thesis

Latin III (Latin Readings) (Might do French III through Potter's school instead..... undecided)


She'll also continue with classical and jazz piano, and competitive swimming.

Edited by Jackie in NE
added course
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AP English Literature & Comp w/ PA Homeschoolers

AP US History with w/ PA Homeschoolers

AP Calculus BC w/ PA Homeschoolers

AP Chemistry at home using the Brown Lemay Book & Thinkwell Lectures & lab tbd.

AP US Gov't at home using Thinkwell (1/2 credit)

German IV (dropping OSU German online so this will be self-study, with tutor)

Personal Finance (1/2 credit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The plan is firming up but not set in stone yet! My ds (oldest child), provided input, with guidance from me/DH, for next year. This is what we've come up with:


Language Arts: AP Eng Lit & Composition online (via Blue Tent Online)


Science: Apologia Biology via co-op (has already completed Conceptual Physics & Chemistry)


Social Sciences: US Government (fall) still working on that but might be Pre-AP via Debra Bell online or BJU Press Text here @ home (@ recent homeschool conference, he scoped out 4-5 curriculum choices and liked BJU Press a lot); Economics (spring)-Economics in a Box, which I'm very excited about


Bible/History: Sonlight Core 200 "History of God's Kingdom"(home)-but just the Bible/History of the Core. DS wants to study church history, and this looks like it will fit the bill well.


Electives: Photography (Fall)/Yearbook (Spring) @ co-op; "Masterpiece Art" (all year) @ homeschool co-op


Extracurricular: continue w/weekly Bass Guitar lessons & practice; membership in local fitness club (goes 3-4 times per wk); volunteers providing Tech Support for junior high and senior high worship (2 services) @ church; "Pit Crew" volunteer (h.s. students helping with children's pgm) once a month. May go on a Missions trip to Mexico next spring.


He is a creative type although he abhors that label, so I just keep that in mind when planning. :) He also is a good writer. He doesn't want to take math as a senior (would have been Alg 2 if he did) but we've advised him that, if needed, he can always make up any shortfall at the CC.


He will attend the local community college after he graduates from high school next May. His plan, with our blessing, is to transfer to a Christian college. He is very interested in Music, History, and Ministry. Will be interesting to see what God has in store for him!


Younger DS, 15,(public h.s. due to avid sports participation) is a completely different creature. Makes for a very interesting life, never a dull moment! :)

Edited by Donna in Sacramento
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Still not sure and part of this will depend on what she can actually register for at the cc.

My dd should be able to get permission to take an overload (more than 2 classes) at the cc for next year.


She is taking Chemistry I for chemistry majors at the cc this summer.


For fall she will take

Chemistry II (at cc)

Biology I (at cc)

Government I (at cc)

Calculus I (at cc) if she can, but they strongly dislike starting anybody higher than Precalculus regardless of what the placement test shows. If they won't place her in Calculus I, then we'll do it at home and take the AP test.

English - she already did English I and II at the cc and she has no interest in taking a full-on literature course, so she is going to take the Fantasy and Sci Fi literature course through coursera this summer and also participate in Movies as Literature with her younger sister.



Biology II at cc

Programming Fundamentals at cc

Government II at cc

Calculus II at cc or continue with Calculus at home, depending on placement in fall, might possibly take Statistics instead of Calculus II

English - continue with Movies as Literature

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DD will graduate in December, and this is the first year in a long time that I have no planning done:confused:. I'm going back and forth with dual enrollment options.



I'm in desperate need of a motivating thread to kick my rear into gear. Thank you all.

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Not really homeschooling any more!!!!!


My son will be doing Histoire/Géographie 3e with me at home, and the rest will be at the community college. The first semester he will be doing Calc 1, Physcis 1, and Intro Bio 1. The second semester he will be doing Calc 2, Physics 2, and probably java and composition.



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Thank you! We were new to homeschooling this school year. I've been looking at WTMF periodically since last fall-and it's been so helpful! I was reluctant to post for fear of not doing it right, still trying to figure out all the lingo, abbreviations, and enhancements. :)


I've found that posters here are very helpful, so post away. (It does help to use the search function to see if there have been prior discussions on a given topic.)


I know that I've seen a list of abbreviations somewhere -- ah, try here.




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