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Should I even attempt to combine a Ker and a 4th grader?


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I need advice. Dd and ds are far in skills, as they are 4 years apart. I keep reading to combine children as much as possible. However, when I'm reading to ds (Literature read-alouds, even audio books), she cannot stand listening, and anyway, it all is too way over her head. She doesn't understand the words. She's sequestered in the car when listening to Harry Potter already :tongue_smilie: She complains all the time. She's 4, but turning 5 soon. Ds will be a fresh 9. Dd is on par with ds when it comes to art, and they are combined in this. Since she'll be in K, she will also need intensive instruction and hand-holding in learning how to read and math (even if for only 20-30 minutes). My first idea was to teach dd separately, but I also want to save time.


Can I still combine? Should I combine? Should I even try?


This year I'm striving to have nicely laid out lesson plans and schedule so we have smoother days.

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I have my two students study the same topics in history and science but using different resources. DS uses Mr. Q as his science "spine" while DD uses Prentice-Hall Science Explorer. DD listens in to Mr. Q because she likes it but I don't require her to complete the end-of-chapter exercises since they would be too easy.


For history, DS does unit studies with library books following the sequence of DD's textbook. Next year we'll be studying world geography and again DS will be doing unit studies that follow the sequence of DD's textbook. DD will typically read most of the picture books I get for DS but I don't require her to do so.


Math and LA they do individually for obvious reasons.

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What would you combine? I would just take the 30 minutes it would take to do a short reading and math lesson with the Ker and let the 4th grader do seat work or reading in that time. Do art together and let the Ker listen to lit, history and science part of the time. Don't have the Ker do it all, just one thing a day and then find some good videos: Leap Frog, Liberty Kids, Word World, etc....and play a video for your younger child while you finish up school with the older one.


I keep lots of color sheets for my prek dd. I have two copies of all SOTW maps and something for her to cut and paste while brother does a lap book. Mine are a year closer, Ds will be 3rd when dd starts K.

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My youngest will be K next year (January) while my eldest will be in 4th. I plan to semi-combine history, science and art (same topics, but working at different levels). Aside from that, I don't even know how it would be possible. Their math and language skills are far too divergent.

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That age spread probably won't combine well except for art, singing, family wide memory time, and such. A K'er won't have enough interest in history or science (except for experiments) to last as long as the older one would need, and core subjects couldn't possibly be combined.


In my experience, the best way to save your time is to kick-start anyone who can work independently, even if that's just reading literature, and work up from the bottom with everyone else. I'd start by getting the oldest working on something they can probably do with minimal assistance from me, then I'd play with the 1yo or have him help me do laundry or something else he enjoys. When his momma-cup is full I'd pull the K'er aside and work on phonics and math until the wiggles get the better of her. When she finishes, or gets so wiggly she can't think straight anyway, I'd send her off to play and begin mom-intensive lessons with the oldest one. As the oldest one has bursts of independence, I'd call the middle one back to finish undone work in little bites, keeping the oldest at my elbow so I can redirect attention or assist.

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I have really found that in my year of trying to combine, it just hasn't worked very well for my dd. So, next year I plan on doing geography with all the kids, and doing FIAR books that go along with each country. That way my littles will have something all for them, on their levels, and my older can expand on topics that interest him. Now, I am not sure what I'll do the year after next!

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You could have the 4th grader "help" the K'er to give them practice of the material if you chose to do that. It also teaches them how to work with their siblings which is a great benefit. I will have a 1st and 4th grader next year and we are combining a lot of subjects. History, science, art, nature study, music.....pretty much everything except for language arts and math. My dd 4th will be helping my dd 1st with math and language arts. I have them do math and language arts "centers" together for at least 1 subject a day. This gives my older dd a chance to be in charge and it's a great way to sneak in review for her. My younger one enjoys the practice coming from someone else besides mom.

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The only way to combine those ages, IMO, would be to work on the same subjects in art, music, history, and science. But the level at which you approach those subjects should be different. If you are doing ancient history with the older student, bring the K into the discussion but don't require the same level of work/reading.

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Mine are entering 1st and 4th. We combine nothing, not even most read alouds. It's actually easier and less stressful for me than trying to make one level fit 2 very different abilities.




I would really be interested in seeing your schedule! :) I cannot wrap my head around doing 2 sciences, 2 histories, 2 arts, etc. I find it way easier to combine as much as I can. How do you keep up with doing that many different activities in a day? I tried it once and we ended up spending around 7-8 hours on school everyday. Whats your secret to making everything flow?

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Mine are entering 1st and 4th. We combine nothing, not even most read alouds. It's actually easier and less stressful for me than trying to make one level fit 2 very different abilities.



:iagree: Mine are going to be K and 3rd next year and while I toyed with the idea of combining for history and science, I realized it would be just as much work (maybe more!) than keeping them separate.


Plus, they like each doing their own thing. We do combine for circle time in the morning, art, Spanish, and memory work but that's it.

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Thanks for all the answers and suggestions so far. My Ker is not getting History yet, only Penmanship, Phonics, Reading, Literature, beginning Geography (I guess we could combine a bit, at least the reading), etc. In fact, I'm thinking of not starting History with dd until she's in 2nd. By then she'll be rolled into Ancients with ds. Ds is doing Early Modern this year (a review of most of American History, as we focused on that this year).


I go back and forth between teaching dd first in the morning for one hour to one hour and 20 minutes, then ds the rest of the day. Have ds do independent work during the time I teach dd5. In theory, ds9 would be doing work, but also watching dd1. She'll be 18 months old and sure to cause some trouble :D

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I really didn't combine much and mine are closer in age than yours. Hobbes was free to listen to Calvin's books if he wanted to, but didn't have to.


I tried to teach them French together when one was twelve and the other eight. The 8yo became convinced he was stupid and the 12yo got bored.



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