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Can you tolerate one more thread about dinner?

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I have way too much on my plate (no pun intended) and can't stand to make one more decision.


I have NO idea what to make for dinner tonight. I have to go to the grocery store before I make anything because I'm about out of food.


Someone please tell me what to make! I'm begging you.


I prefer fast (so no slow-cooker ideas), simple, and cheap.


These are out because we've already had them in the past week:





Breakfast for dinner

Grilled cheese and soup

Grilled chicken salad

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I bought rotisseried chickens, ready to heat mashed potatoes, caesar salad, and slice and bake cookies.


They are having the same thing tomorrow night and the next night.


A friend is bringing us dinner on Friday night in the new house.


I'm guessing it will be what we are having tonight -- it transports well.:D

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French Dip Sandwiches

.75 to 1 lb. of thinly sliced deli roast beef

2 cans beef broth (lo-sodium if you're feeling particularly healthy)

a package of sub rolls


Open the soup, heat it on the stove. While it's warming, slice the rolls (we spread them with butter), and layer on some of the meat. Close the sandwiches, put them on a plate, and serve with a bowl of the broth/au jus.


While the meat is not super cheap, you can either buy less of it (1 lb. still gives me leftovers for my family of four, and three of us do not in any way skimp on the meat.



Caesar Salad


1 package romaine type lettuce salad mix

1 bottle store brand Caesar dressing

croutons, if desired


And a package of strawberries that one of your kids can prepare while you are getting the sandwiches ready.


Package of cookies for dessert





one store bought roasted chicken

one package frozen potatoes that are made expressly for heating in microwave and mashing

one can of corn

one package of strawberries




OR (depending on the breakfast-for-dinner you already ate)


one package of precooked sausage patties

one box of waffles

one box of strawberries



Sub Sandwiches


a package of lunchmeat

a package of cheese

tomato, lettuce

package of rolls, or a loaf of french bread


healthy potato chips


apples, or (you guessed it) a package of strawberries

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I roasted a chicken tonight. It's so tasty ... so little effort. Slather it with olive oil, salt, pepper, thyme, and into the roasting pan it goes. Brown at 450 (for 20 min each side, or less. All ovens are different), then lower the temp to 350-375. Toss in chopped onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes, cabbage and whatever other veggies you like and bake for 45 mins to an hour (depending on the size of your chicken & veggies). In the end, your family will think you brilliant. The oven does all of the work once you've chopped it all. :001_smile: I think I am giving too much cooking time. However, I know some people only like to see clear liquid at the end of a cooking time. ;) That I think that means overcooked matters not. :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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