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Joining the ranks of happy mamas sharing the excitement when "doors open"

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Dd got the call today offering her the summer internship she had applied for at a global non-profit agency, one you would recognize instantly.


Woo,hoo woo,hoo woo,hoo!


She applied late (really late, as in after the deadline) after getting a rejection for something else that she was (at that time) truly hoping for, but something that wasn't nearly the opportunity that this will be. This one is *truly* a case of God opening a door for her after she dared to step out in faith in a big way.


The icing on the cake? Because of the location, she'll be able to help this summer as her grandparents transition from being on their own to living with extended family.


Isn't His orchestration phenomenal? This is one grateful mama!

Edited by Valerie(TX)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Dd got the call today offering her the summer internship she had applied for at a global non-profit agency, one you would recognize instantly.


Woo,hoo woo,hoo woo,hoo!


She applied late (really late, as in after the deadline) after getting a rejection for something else that she was (at that time) truly hoping for, but something that wasn't nearly the opportunity that this will be. This one is *truly* a case of God opening a door for her after she dared to step out in faith in a big way.


The icing on the cake? Because of the location, she'll be able to help this summer as her grandparents transition from being on their own to living with extended family.


Isn't His orchestration phenomenal? This is one grateful mama!


This is wonderful, Valerie! Congratulations to your dd. Thank you for sharing. I love hearing how He works.

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God is awesome. Congratulations to her and to you on encouraging her faith. Where did she hear about these internships?


I can ask her if there was anything specific, but I know that she has a passion for service to those in need, so she keeps her ear to the ground. She wanted to apply with Compassion International but didn't want to compete with friends who were also applying there--their idea first. She also applied to work locally with a local program that helps refugees settle into the area, so you can follow the thread of interest.


I think Sebastian had a thread on the College Board with some links to internships, perhaps online websites listing same. ??


When/if I know more from dd, I'll update the post.

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Just seeing this Valerie. Wonderful news!! Parenting certainly causes us to "mourn with those who mourn" when things don't work out, but "rejoice with those who rejoice" when God's sovereign plans are better than we could ask or imagine!


Enjoy the rejoicing!


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