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I have a female question. Help?

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Okay, here's the deal. I'm almost 40 (in a few months). I'm still getting a regular, normal cycle (usually about 30 day avg). My husband and I are not actively trying to conceive but neither are we doing anything to prevent. Make sense? I am 6 days late today. I took a test yesterday and it was negative. Very negative, like not even a hint of another line. I have all the normal pre-period (or early pregnancy) symptoms...sore bre@sts, moodiness, had some mild cramping earlier this week, etc. The bre@st soreness is NOT my typical pre-period soreness but rather that hurts-all-over sort of early pregnancy soreness (after 7 kids I know the difference :tongue_smilie:). I've also had an upset stomach for a few days, off and on. Upon waking, when I haven't eaten and at night before bed (that is typical of when I was expecting) I do not "feel" like I'm going to have my cycle any time soon. My LMP was March 9 and my cycle is normally 30 days...there was one month where it was more like 35 (but that was the exception, kwim?). I'm so frustrated! What could be happening? Why do I feel all the symptoms of either a. pre-period or b. early pregnancy but no period and a negative test result? Help? This is driving me crazy!

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I had several false negative tests with some of my pregnancies. I knew I was pregnant before the test could tell. I would just take another test in a few days if you can wait. :001_smile:


Elise in NC

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pregnancy tests vary in their sensitivity, some aren't very sensitive at all.

HCg levels can vary greatly from pregnancy to pregnancy. (in my research, there was one woman who never registered a positive test, and had a happy and healthy baby.)

false negatives early in pregnancy are reasonably common. (false positives are rare, I was so shocked to be pregnant in my 40's after years of no contraception or conceptions, I did lots of research on it.)


do another test in a few days to allow your hcg levels to rise.

also - do the test with your first morning urine as it will be most likely to register a concentrated hcg.

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pregnancy tests vary in their sensitivity, some aren't very sensitive at all.

HCg levels can vary greatly from pregnancy to pregnancy. (in my research, there was one woman who never registered a positive test, and had a happy and healthy baby.)


There is something called the hook effect where the hcg levels are so high that they don't register properly on a strip designed to test more modest levels. This is why women who test later in a pregnancy can get false negatives. Also a reason women shouldn't use darkening lines on a test strip to determine their hcg levels are rising, because the line might start getting fainter as her levels rise.


To the OP, get some internet cheapies so you don't have to feel guilty about testing. As far as what's going on, your cycle could be delayed for any number of reasons or you are testing too soon. Sperm can live up to a week (norm is three days) so even if you know when you dtd, it might not have been when you actually conceived.


I got my strips from early pregnancy tests.com... they're about $1 each.

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Well, I did test in the morning. So, perhaps, my hcg levels are so high already that a test would be false-negative? Hmmm...that could only mean one thing. TWINS! :D No, seriously...can't get my hopes up like that. I'm probably just very late. 39 years old, cycle probably getting wonky...boo.

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Only time will tell. Perimenopausal symptoms can feel exactly like an early pregnancy, i.e. sore bre*sts, lower abdominal fullness, frequent urination, etc.


In addition, after age 40, it is very common to have extremely early miscarriages. If there is initial implantation, a woman can have pregnancy symptoms, but within a couple of days if there is a miscarriage, a woman may never get a positive pregnancy test.



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So, this could be perimenopause? Coincidental that all the "symptoms" are occuring when I would normally get my period? I'd be very sad if that is what this was. :( Very sad indeed :(


40 is plenty early enough to have a baby. Depending on which circles you frequent, there are many moms still having children at 40. And I wouldn't expect peri unless your mom went into it very early.


Chin up. :001_smile:


And yeah, when I was preggers with the twins I STILL had a false positive, but my symptoms were totally double. I knew within days.


I would take one every morning. :D

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Now a week late. Took 2nd test. Also very negative. Still no sign of Aunt Flo. Still have sore bre@sts, am moody as all get out, felt nauseous all day. Should I be concerned about an ectopic? I don't want to go running to the dr. for a blood test just yet. This getting old stuff stinks. :glare:

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It could be a false negative, or that you did have an implantation but the pregnancy wasn't viable and your HCG levels have fallen below the HPT detection threshold for the brand you used. If it's the latter, your period will start in a day or two; the former, your symptoms will continue and a test at a later date will confirm a positive pregnancy test.

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It could be perimenopause ... I'm the same age, and my cycles have gone from 27-29 days to 20-40 days over the last year or so. My family doc (GYN until insurance for that specialty got too high) says it's totally normal for this life stage. Pregnancy chances are slim to none for me ... in your case, I'd definitely get a serum Hcg (blood test) before chalking it up to that.

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Now a week late. Took 2nd test. Also very negative. Still no sign of Aunt Flo. Still have sore bre@sts, am moody as all get out, felt nauseous all day. Should I be concerned about an ectopic? I don't want to go running to the dr. for a blood test just yet. This getting old stuff stinks. :glare:


An ectopic still has rising HCG. See my post above, you may have had an implantation that wasn't viable, or if you are pregnant you may have implanted late and your HCG isn't high enough for the HPT - if you look online, and search for HPT HCG level sensitivity, maybe buy a brand with a higher sensitivity (lower HCG required), or wait it out another week if you're not ready to go get a blood test done.

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Yep, I kind of figured that I would either a. get my period in a few days or b. start getting fatter in a few months :D No, seriously, I'm just going to try to stop thinking about this. What would I do differently if I knew for certain one way or another? Nothing. I don't drink or smoke or drink excessive amounts of caffeine daily. So, I guess I'll just wait this out. Either AF will come albeit very late or not...and I'll eventually have a positive test result. Just.hate.waiting...and not knowing. :glare:

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Yep, I kind of figured that I would either a. get my period in a few days or b. start getting fatter in a few months :D No, seriously, I'm just going to try to stop thinking about this. What would I do differently if I knew for certain one way or another? Nothing. I don't drink or smoke or drink excessive amounts of caffeine daily. So, I guess I'll just wait this out. Either AF will come albeit very late or not...and I'll eventually have a positive test result. Just.hate.waiting...and not knowing. :glare:


Do you drink any? One of my first symptoms of pregnancy was that I couldn't tolerate too much caffeine at all when pregnant - I normally have a few cups of coffee in the morning and when I was pregnant, I was done with my first cup!

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So, this could be perimenopause? Coincidental that all the "symptoms" are occuring when I would normally get my period? I'd be very sad if that is what this was. :( Very sad indeed :(


Yes, it could be perimenopause. However, I had similar symptoms PLUS hot flashes at age 40. I read about perimenopause online and resigned myself to believing that was what I was experiencing.


9 months later, I had a baby girl. :001_wub:


Fast forward to exactly the same thing happening at age 43 with cycle stopping and very strong hot flashes.....and nine months later a blessing of another baby girl. :001_wub:


My OB-GYN says that as long as you are still having a cycle, even if it is wonky, there is a chance. ;)

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Only time will tell. Perimenopausal symptoms can feel exactly like an early pregnancy, i.e. sore bre*sts, lower abdominal fullness, frequent urination, etc.



when I hit perimenopause - that was how all my periods were from my late 30's. It really felt like early pregnancy - it was a real drag. every month - though some months were worse than others. I was even nauseous. the only good thing about it was I knew as soon as the symptoms stopped, my cycle would start. that's part of what REALLy threw me about being pregnant in my 40's. since my son was born, my cycles are now as regular as the moon (I used to vary from 30 -45 days - that was my norm since my teens.) and I never have any of the other stuff. I'm wondering if i should talk to my gyn about hormones. (I'm having what I consider mild hot-flashes and facial hair! I NEVER had facial hair!)


I did have implantation bleeding off and on for six-weeks. :tongue_smilie: I've no idea if it was my age, or the fact I had pnuemonia or something else entirely.


eta: my perimenopause symptoms never lasted more than two-three days before my cycle started.

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More children may not be His plan for us. Coming to terms with that is near ripping my heart out. Just not ready to swallow that bitter pill yet.




However... via women's health.com

Question: Is Pregnancy Possible During Perimenopause?

Answer: Plain and simple, the answer is yes. As long as you're menstruating, you're ovulating. This means that pregnancy is possible during perimenopause. In fact, pregnancy is possible until menopause occurs which happens only when you haven't had a period for twelve consecutive months.



I know a couple ladies who conceived during perimenoapuse, and all went quite well. :D

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Yes, it could be perimenopause. However, I had similar symptoms PLUS hot flashes at age 40. I read about perimenopause online and resigned myself to believing that was what I was experiencing.


9 months later, I had a baby girl. :001_wub:


Fast forward to exactly the same thing happening at age 43 with cycle stopping and very strong hot flashes.....and nine months later a blessing of another baby girl. :001_wub:


Woot! Awesomeness!!!

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Thanks all. I know it is "possible" to conceive. Just wondering how probable for us...especially since my husband is out of town on business so often. Not exactly the best situation for ttc. But, it is what it is. I feel physically awful this morning. Worse.period.ever.
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Thanks all. I know it is "possible" to conceive. Just wondering how probable for us...especially since my husband is out of town on business so often. Not exactly the best situation for ttc. But, it is what it is. I feel physically awful this morning. Worse.period.ever.


I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.


FWIW, DH and I were in different states the second time I thought I was in perimenopause, and saw each other about once a month. When I told him I was getting a test, he said it was practically impossible....:D


I know it's hard emotionally and physically, especially when you can't figure out what is going on with your body AND you don't feel great.:grouphug:

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