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Dr Hive, what is wrong with me?

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Looking for suggestions on what could be wrong with me...


Thursday evening I went out to eat, and by Thursday night I began itching. I had a headache before I went out, so I took a little bit of Tylenol. It seemed to start on the backside of my upper legs, and when I woke up, my arms and legs (knees and elbows especially)itchy. I have noticed my feet and hands seem swollen (can't fit my wedding ring). There is slight redness on my skin, like a super-mild sunburn, but no rash. No itchiness on my torso area at all.


I took some Benadryl this morning (over 24 hours after first noticing symptoms), and after a while it seemed to help a bit. Now it feels like the itchiness is starting to come back. Except it is my back that is starting to itch now, too. Which happens for me from time, and I think it is probably mostly in my head.


I have no food or other allergies as far as I know. (I ate 4 cheese ravioli at California Pizza Kitchen if that helps).

We had changed our sheets Thursday night, but we have used the same detergent for several months.


This is kinda driving me crazy, and was wondering if any of you have suggestions for what it might be.



Edited by tntgoodwin
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Definitely sounds like an allergic reaction. If Benadryl didn't kick it, you likely need a steroid. Please don't mess with it over the weekend...says the woman who let one go thinking she was just getting sick and ended up in anaphylactic shock and nearly dead.

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It does sound allergic and I agree you may need a steroid to tamp it down. In fact, I think you very likely due given the long time range and that benadryl didn't stop it better than that. I hope you did or can do a walk in clinic perhaps.


Zyrtec is good for reactions that hang around. It stays in your system better than benadryl.


Do you routinely take tylenol? My father had a reaction to ibuprofen and it took a really long time to get out of his system even though he, of course, stopped it. He had been ok with ibuprofen until he wasn't. Given the seriousness of your reaction (the swelling is especially concerning to me) and that you don't know what it was I'd want to see an allergist.


You know any throat swelling at all is an emergency (as in ambulance type).

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In the ER waiting room now. Time to wait.


No, I don't regularly take Tylenol. I do regularly take Adderall XR, Claritin, and sometimes sudafed. If I have pain I normally take Advil.


It seemed to subside for a few hours when I took Benadryl this morning, but when that wore off is when the hives started. I have had no swelling of the throat.

I took another Benadryl this afternoon and then ate a yogurt. After that it seemed to get worse instead of better So, I headed to the hospital.


It's on my face, the back of my neck, my arms, and most annoying, the palms of my hands.

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:grouphug: Yikes, that's scary and sounds anaphylactic. I'm so glad you went to the ER. I just want you to know my son had an (immediate in his case) anaphylactic reaction to nuts and our ER was not very good in handling it. That's not uncommon so I hope you got a knowledgeable ER doctor and good treatment.


Try to get them, or your regular doctor if they have a call in number, to give you an epi pen script especially given the reaction to an unkown something came back with that much force. You want some rescue medication when you go home. Do look up warning signs of anaphylaxis. Those need immediate epi pens and 911. The epi pen might help for as little as 15 minutes--enough time to get an ambulance to someone.



I know you won't take anymore tylenol or tylenol containing products until you see an allergist. Zyrtec will do much better with hive control generally. My father's reaction to ibuprofen lasted a very long time. You may find you need Zyrtec for quite a while. I'm thinking the tylenol but it could be anything in the restaurant given cross contamination potential. I'm assuming you don't have any known food allergies?

Edited by sbgrace
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No itching or rash or swelling today! Got to wear my wedding ring...good thing too, it was her birthday. :001_smile:




I just saw this thread. Several years ago, my dh suffered a similar reaction that he thought was from (bad and molded) cheese in food he ate at a certain restaurant. His seemed equally bizarre, as it moved around to different parts of his skin.


I'm glad you're on the meds, and I'm glad it seems to be easing for you. Your comment about cheese made me wonder though . . .

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This morning I woke up with a headache. I took 1 Advil. Not long after that my elbows and knees started itching again. :glare: My elbows were starting to show some red marks.


After I took the meds they gave me, it stopped. It was only the second day of five days of treatment, so I am not terribly worried yet.

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In the ER waiting room now. Time to wait.


No, I don't regularly take Tylenol. I do regularly take Adderall XR, Claritin, and sometimes sudafed. If I have pain I normally take Advil.


It seemed to subside for a few hours when I took Benadryl this morning, but when that wore off is when the hives started. I have had no swelling of the throat.

I took another Benadryl this afternoon and then ate a yogurt. After that it seemed to get worse instead of better So, I headed to the hospital.


It's on my face, the back of my neck, my arms, and most annoying, the palms of my hands.

Gosh, could you have chicken pox or measles or something? That sounds unlikely.


Seems kind of long lasting for a food allergy. What was it? Did they find out?

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