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Do 3D glasses give you headaches? I have a question

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I hate 3D glasses, sunglasses, anything that changes or distorts the color of things. It gives me an immediate headache. About a year ago, my son was looking at an I Spy book that has some 3D features and couldn't find something. I couldn't find it either, and so I put on the glasses for only a few seconds, and got a splitting headache that lasted the rest of the day.


So now the dilemma: I wanted to take my daughters to see Titanic. I didn't realize they remade it 3D. Once I realized that, I figured I'd just watch it without the glasses, but dh said you can't because it's all blurry. He said that the technology had changed and maybe it wouldn't give me a headache. But I'm afraid that I might spend $10 on a movie ticket and then have to leave! I'd like to see Titanic on the big screen, but the original version. My dds would like to go, I thought it would be a fun outing for the 3 of us, but not if I have a terrible headache and have to leave.


I thought maybe some of you have dealt with this. Has anyone who gets headaches from 3D glasses been able to go see one of these new 3D movies?? Thanks!

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I have had success with a few, like Up, but I needed a full glass of wine after John Carter.


Hmm... surely that had nothing to do with plot lines, aye? ;)


Seriously, after the last one I decided it was kind of silly to pay extra money just to buy a tension headache. And there were no effects that weren't already fine without being 3D.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot to post that I did chance the headache and went to see Titanic 3D. My oldest son told me to sit all the way in the back. I took ibuprofen about an hour before it started. I asked for prayer and prayed myself LOL. I did not get a headache. However, my eyes hurt for like two days afterward, and driving home right after the movie was difficult because my eyes were trying to adjust back to normal. It was worth it because my daughters loved it and I enjoyed seeing it on the big screen. Thanks for the advice!

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They usually offer 3D movies in non-3D also. (And, it is at the normal movie price; not the inflated 3D price.) My entire family refuses to watch the 3D versions.:D


:iagree: we always see the non-3D version because thy don't offer captions with 3D (and I need captions), which is fine with me because I hate 3D, too!

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They usually offer 3D movies in non-3D also. (And, it is at the normal movie price; not the inflated 3D price.) My entire family refuses to watch the 3D versions.:D


I checked but none of the theaters around me were offering it regular version.

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