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Do you work full time and homeschool?

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I didn't find a social group of working parents who also homeschool. Is there interest in connecting? I always find it a challenge to fit everything in and generally feel like I'm catching up on our year. I doubt that I'm alone in this so I'm throwing out a "hello" to see if I get any responses.

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I work basically full-time because dh and I have our own business. I homeschool at the office while answering the phone, dealing with customers and agents who work with us and doing paperwork. We school year round to make up for all the days where she ends up doing more reading and playing than doing schoolwork.:tongue_smilie:

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I work full time outside of the home (in a job that also requires some travel) and homeschool 1.5 of my kids :). (One full time, one half time and one goes to public school.)


I might be interested in a social group but I have limited time so my participation might be sporadic.

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i work full time and then some over nights and homeschool my dd. My dh is a stay at home dad due to his disablilities so it is all me when it comes to planning purchasing buying figuring things out. We are in our K year and it has shown me that I have to also setup and do more of the teaching. It is too over whelming for him but he also agrees she should not go to public school

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  • 2 months later...

Not yet, but likely something close to it. I want to maintain my nursing licence and to do so I need to have a certain number of "hours of Practice" I plan to do that by volunteering a few shifts a month at a free clinic and also giving flu shots in the fall/winter. Time wise It should equal out to 20-30 hours a week, my head is swimming just trying to work it all out. Part of the reason I decided to plan out our whole year by subject rather than as we went/go. Which in the past has been my usual method.:bigear:

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I work basically full-time because dh and I have our own business. I homeschool at the office while answering the phone, dealing with customers and agents who work with us and doing paperwork. We school year round to make up for all the days where she ends up doing more reading and playing than doing schoolwork.:tongue_smilie:



Oh, man....I feel for you! Right there with ya! Some days.....I just want to:auto:

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