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So, how was your day today?

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Terrible. Woke up with a splitting headache which has turned into a bad cold. Truned off my phone accidentally so never got call from dh that he needed to be picked up at mechanic where he was dropping off my car....he stayed there for 2 hours til i realized. Mechanic said the door that i banged up accidentally will cost 1500 to repair. Ds older has a sore throat, then i fell asleep and slept through youngers tap class, theyre on their last rehearsals for a show, so NOT good. Reheated frozen pizza for boys for dinner, my head is still pounding, and dh has to work late.


On the plus side, george zimmerman was charged with murder, so there will be a chance for the martin family to get theor day in court.

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Congrats, Tammy!


One*Mom... our day was good... yesterday was my day like yours was today. We had Japanese for lunch with some hs friends and then I was able to take a short nap which is always a blessing!


Hope tomorrow is better for you!

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I had a great day, except for 15yo dd taking ALL day long to do her math. She started at 9:00 this morning, and we just finished going over it. :banghead:


She did other subjects in between math problems, but doing it that way drives me bonkers.


Other than that, I'm good.


Happy Anniversary, Tammy!

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Pretty good, actually.


I got DD18 and DS16 sent off to their 4-day Jazz festival (400 mile bus ride, anyone?). DD10 is out skiing with a friend. The sun is shining and it's 46 degrees. The cat and both dogs are flaked out in the sunbeam here in the dining room. Calzone dough is in the bread machine.


all around good day.

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Happy Anniversary, Tammy! What an achievement :)



It's not even lunch time here yet, but (touch wood) the kids have been happily occupying themselves for most of the morning. I was inspired by my brother yesterday, he is starting to write a book for my kids, so I have started writing my religious calendar curriculum. :)


If the good moods last, I might even do a bit of sewing later. My brother is coming down to visit some time today and that is always a happiness.




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