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Wow, so apparently the guy who wrote The Case Against Homeschooling...

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Which you can read here if you haven't already and if you have the stomach for it:




(it's pretty vicious but it's also from 2009, before you get too worked up and start forming your own response to him lol)


Anyway, that guy is now running for city council in Norfolk, VA! Did you see the piece Deborah Markus, editor of Secular Homeschooling Magazine, wrote about him? She's calling it The Case Against Jesse Scaccia heh. I do so adore her!



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Yes, gotta love the sound of his words coming back around to bite him in the butt lol.


Back when he wrote that hate-filled rant, he got a lot of passionate responses, of course. And he'd sometimes say things like: "I'm delighted by your defensiveness!"


Well, Jesse, I'm delighted by your back pedaling! :P


What comes around goes around!

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I found this op-ed piece on the state of education in Norfolk that he recently wrote.


One of the most interesting things he says is this:


"Children learn when they are given one-on-one attention, when they have adults to look up to, adults who are asking them what they learned in school that day. Children learn when they are taught in the singular way their beautiful brains learn best. Our students are our babies; in an environment of love they thrive, and in the absence of love and attention we cannot blame them for their failures as they grow up. We can only blame ourselves."


Hmmm....sounds almost like a homeschooler at heart, doesn't he? (kidding)

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Yes, gotta love the sound of his words coming back around to bite him in the butt lol.


Back when he wrote that hate-filled rant, he got a lot of passionate responses, of course. And he'd sometimes say things like: "I'm delighted by your defensiveness!"


Well, Jesse, I'm delighted by your back pedaling! :P

What comes around goes around!



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I don't know the details of the Norfolk government, but at least in my province, the city council has no impact on home schooling. Home schooling comes under provincial auspices, with some cooperation with the school board.


I'm not sure I'd be dissuaded from voting for an otherwise pretty passionate guy because he was ignorant and stupid about home schooling several years ago. Lots of excellent teachers and administrators also have negative feelings about home schooling. That's a shame, but I would still support them in doing good work in educating the large majority of children who are _not_ home schooling.

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I don't know the details of the Norfolk government, but at least in my province, the city council has no impact on home schooling. Home schooling comes under provincial auspices, with some cooperation with the school board.


I'm not sure I'd be dissuaded from voting for an otherwise pretty passionate guy because he was ignorant and stupid about home schooling several years ago. Lots of excellent teachers and administrators also have negative feelings about home schooling. That's a shame, but I would still support them in doing good work in educating the large majority of children who are _not_ home schooling.




The sum of a person is not one piece they wrote several years ago. Heaven help all of us who have blogs/forum posts/letters-to-the-editor/etc. if that's the case.

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The sum of a person is not one piece they wrote several years ago. Heaven help all of us who have blogs/forum posts/letters-to-the-editor/etc. if that's the case.


Shrug. Maybe not. But it wasn't like he was a young kid those three short years ago. He was a grown man who acted like a playground bully saying some pretty rude things about an entire community of people and very obviously having fun doing it, just because he didn't personally agree with their choices and methods. Now he decides he wants to go into politics and if all those insults and taunts come back to haunt him, I don't feel sorry for him at ALL.

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Shrug. Maybe not. But it wasn't like he was a young kid those three short years ago. He was a grown man who acted like a playground bully saying some pretty rude things about an entire community of people and very obviously having fun doing it, just because he didn't personally agree with their choices and methods. Now he decides he wants to go into politics and if all those insults and taunts come back to haunt him, I don't feel sorry for him at ALL.


When I vote, I choose the candidate I believe will do the best job. I don't choose a candidate because I think he's a great guy and I want to reward him with public office.

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When I vote, I choose the candidate I believe will do the best job. I don't choose a candidate because I think he's a great guy and I want to reward him with public office.


Yeah, well, I'd have to go for both. I'd have to pick a guy I think would do a good job AND who I didn't think was a real jerk. Just a personal feeling. I kinda like to have my cake and eat it, too! :D And I'm sorry, but there's no way I'd be voting for the guy who told me I was a self-aggrandizing, society-phobic, selfish, arrogant to the point of lunacy parent whose child was a "geek" who would never be properly socialized, and that I could never do as good a job educating my child as a public school teacher could, and who if I got defensive about it told me he was "delighted" by my defensiveness, and that my decision to homeschool pissed him off, and so on and so forth. And I am not religious at all and I'm offended for people who are that he publicly stated that "God hates homeschooling." Yeah, no, not voting for that guy. Just not. I do get what you're saying. Just for ME, I wouldn't personally vote for someone like that.

Edited by NanceXToo
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The sum of a person is not one piece they wrote several years ago. Heaven help all of us who have blogs/forum posts/letters-to-the-editor/etc. if that's the case.


The author's response on a blog post yesterday:


"I could have made the same points without being as (frankly) awful about it."


He apologizes for his delivery, not the content.

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When I vote, I choose the candidate I believe will do the best job. I don't choose a candidate because I think he's a great guy and I want to reward him with public office.




I don't believe that a person who has verbalized such a negative pov towards a segment of the population should be trusted with a public office. I think that greatly hinders his ability to perform his job with integrity.



Is it not obvious that he would push his anti-homeschooling agenda, given the chance?:001_huh: Is it not obvious that he is seeking that chance???



I don't live in VA, but you can bet that I would never vote for anyone who marginalizes an entire segment of society--be it homeschoolers, public schoolers, private schoolers...rich people, poor people...fat people, skinny people....people with dark skin or light skin...people who ________...etc etc etc




That kind of bigotry needs to be shunned, not elected.

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