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Good energy. Juju. Kharma. Prayers. Mikes. Virtual Xanax (sorry).


I have another karate tournament tomorrow. I keep hoping these things will get easier, but after six years, it just doesn't seem to be in the cards. Intervention is so incredibly welcome.

























Now, where's that paper bag I've been breathing into?

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Six years and your still doing it...? Hey that's awesome!!!!


I've heard the testing is......difficult. You've made it this far.....:D


What do I have on hand.......hmmmmm....all I have is some Tylenol PM, Horse Linament (great for sore muscles and sloughing off all that dead skin), Motrin and Entex.....Doesn't sound like you are having sinus problems......


Can't help you with the big stuff....don't have any on hand.


I can wish you good luck......and give it all you've got!!!


I'll sit here and wait for you to come back and tell us how good you did on your test......That I can do......:D



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Even if I bombed, I'd have you all there in the stands to make me laugh. out. loud! I almost didn't make time to check the boards this morning, so now I'm delighted that I changed my mind. You've given me such a lift!


GSMP...just for clarification, I'm not testing today (thank the heavens). A primary focus of the tournaments is just to bring different dojos together to c-c-compete (makes me shudder just to write it). Some people DO test today, I'm just lucky enough to not be one of them. I had to do that recently, and I thought I'd lose my cookies in front of the WOMAN who is second in command! That would have made quite the impression, huh? :D



Walk on the left side of the road, safe. Walk on the right side of the road, safe. Walk in the middle of the road. SQUEICK!....squish like grape.






And, she's off....

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Even if I bombed, I'd have you all there in the stands to make me laugh. out. loud! I almost didn't make time to check the boards this morning, so now I'm delighted that I changed my mind. You've given me such a lift!


GSMP...just for clarification, I'm not testing today (thank the heavens). A primary focus of the tournaments is just to bring different dojos together to c-c-compete (makes me shudder just to write it). Some people DO test today, I'm just lucky enough to not be one of them. I had to do that recently, and I thought I'd lose my cookies in front of the WOMAN who is second in command! That would have made quite the impression, huh? :D



Walk on the left side of the road, safe. Walk on the right side of the road, safe. Walk in the middle of the road. SQUEICK!....squish like grape.






And, she's off....


Yay Doran! You can do it! I'll tell you the same thing I tell my boys before a Judo match: "I don't care if you win or lose. Just getting on the mat and facing your fears is victory enough. Now...let me see your angry face....SCARY!".


I hope you have fun! Kick bum!

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What an incredibly long day! The adreneline wore off around noon, when my events were over. Unfortunately the tourny didn't end until after 4:00. Wooden bleachers are NOT kind to a forty six year old butt.


There were only three in my event - two men who were promoted to brown belt today...and me. I took seconds in both kata and kumite. So, I neither won, nor lost. That's just dandy for me.


Someone snapped a photo of me at the end of the day that I thought you all might enjoy.


Anyone have tips on getting that lingering b.o. smell out of my uniform?!













Thanks for all the support. I absolutely carried your smiles and strength in with me!

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What an incredibly long day! The adreneline wore off around noon, when my events were over. Unfortunately the tourny didn't end until after 4:00. Wooden bleachers are NOT kind to a forty six year old butt.


There were only three in my event - two men who were promoted to brown belt today...and me. I took seconds in both kata and kumite. So, I neither won, nor lost. That's just dandy for me.


Someone snapped a photo of me at the end of the day that I thought you all might enjoy.


Anyone have tips on getting that lingering b.o. smell out of my uniform?!













Thanks for all the support. I absolutely carried your smiles and strength in with me!


Awesome job! I'm so glad to hear it went well :D.

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