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Puppy in Kennel, how long is too long?

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Okay folks question about puppies in kennels. How long is too long to leave 1 in there without coming in to let it out to the yard. We are in the city tomorrow to pick up ds8 and go to Funscience day, and I am not sure if it is too long of a day to leave the puppy in the kennel. We have never left her in it for more than about 15-20 minutes. Generally she goes everywhere with us. Just driving time is 4 hours round trip, plus time to pick up ds8, and another 4 hours at the science event. Making it around 8.5-9 hours that we will be away. If we walk the puppy really well before leaving and again as soon as we get home will that be okay? Or should we be trying to find a dog sitter for the day?

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Dog sitter ;) That's a huge day, and I'd try to find a spot for my dog even though he'd probably be ok. You won't be able to take him to a kennel, because he doesn't have the kennel cough vaccine... (at least I wouldn't think he does... and I'm not sure how old he is...)

If you're stuck with not having a sitter... then if it's not too cold/hot I'd take him in the kennel... in your vehicle.... (What's the weather suppose to be like)

In this situation, that's what we'd do, unless it'd be too hot... or extremely cold...

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She just turned 11 weeks. I am thinking a dog sitter is going to be it. Jeepers I knew when we got her I would be getting a sitter for the weekend we are away but didn't think about these day trips to the city. Generally even for those we could bring her but tomorrow we are at the university for a science day and next week is for a live performance that lasts 3 hours, though that one might be okay if we potty her during intermission.

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11 weeks is pretty young, I would find a way of letting the pup out a few times either bring the dog in the car if the temps are reasonable or find someone to stop by a couple of times while you are gone. I would agree with not boarding the pup if it hasn't had the kennel cough vac.

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I see you are in Alberta, Canada. I am assuming the weather is mild there right now - I live in South Florida! Anyway, if the weather is 75 degrees F or below, I would bring the puppy with me with his kennel. When you are in your science fair, etc, just kennel it.


The puppy will probably like the time with you. Otherwise, you need to find a sitter. I think 4 hours is the limit in a kennel for a puppy that age.


We used to bring one of our shepherds with us everywhere. She loved being with us, and we would kennel her in the back of the Suburban when we had to get out and she would nap.


Have a great trip,


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That is the time to give a trusted neighbor a key and have them come in a couple times to let puppy out to do its business. Another neighbor with a dog is best - that way you can let their dog out if needed sometime (and if they don't need it as their dog is older, well, they had a puppy at one time, too, so should know what it is like).


Otherwise find a dog sitter for the day to come by and let puppy out, or a kennel for the day.

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That is the time to give a trusted neighbor a key and have them come in a couple times to let puppy out to do its business. Another neighbor with a dog is best - that way you can let their dog out if needed sometime (and if they don't need it as their dog is older, well, they had a puppy at one time, too, so should know what it is like). When Captain, our Lab, was a pup we had different neighbors to call on when we wanted to leave for the day.


Otherwise find a dog sitter for the day to come by and let puppy out, or a kennel for the day.


And NIX on the car idea - even it temps do not get too hot, puppy will howl in anguish and someone will call the authorities (or at least get very annoyed having to listen to it!)

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I found someone to pet sit her. Another homeschool family in the city, with 4 kids and 16 month old puppy. They are very excited to have her come for the day so we can attend the science program. :) I feel much better, the finally details weren't hammered out until 11pm last night so I was at the point of cancelling our trip just to make sure she wouldn't be left alone all day.

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No. Please do not leave the puppy in the car. Would you leave your child in the car? I'm not talking about for a few minutes, we are talking about hours.


I would never do that. So no worries there. If I absolutely could not have found a pet sitter I would have essentially gutted my bathroom and left her in there rather than her crate so she would have room to move around etc, or I would have cancelled our daytrip. As it is though I did find a pet sitter so I am happy with that.


I don't have a trusted neighbor or person in this entire town to leave a key with so that option was out.

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