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So disappointed in our BOE

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First on a state level (MD), they are voting for stricter home school regulations and raising the compulsory age to 18. Second on a local level, they have come up with reason after reason to deny a Classical Charter school from opening, but just agreed to a Montessori Charter school opening (on the same night). Our county already has a Montessori Charter, so now there will be two.


Why does the government want so much control? Why are they afraid of difference and change? I've really had my fill of the BOE this week.

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If MD's state government has done one thing, it's that it's made it clear that it likes (loves) control. I love this state as far as history (including my family's own - some of my ancestors were here since the 1600s) and a few other things, but the government drives me crazy. It is definitely about power and money.

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Gosh, that's so discouraging. Aren't there ANY people on the board who would not be looking at the potential for comparison and just had other reasons for denying the charter? Perhaps there are reasons that they aren't sharing, like the charter school doesn't have their paperwork ducks in a row, or doesn't have a decent plan of action, or WHATEVER might be a reason other than "We don't want someone doing a better job than our public schools." Are people really thinking that? It's just so...yucky.

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This is why we live in Virginia. DH's whole family lives in MD and they harass us all the time about it, but we just can't deal with the much more, um, "active" state government there. So sorry you're dealing with this. :grouphug:


Comparing the laws between MD and VA are why we decided to live in VA when DH took a job in DC. No way would we move to MD when we can live a few miles in another direction with less restrictions.

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First on a state level (MD), they are voting for stricter home school regulations and raising the compulsory age to 18. Second on a local level, they have come up with reason after reason to deny a Classical Charter school from opening, but just agreed to a Montessori Charter school opening (on the same night). Our county already has a Montessori Charter, so now there will be two.


Why does the government want so much control? Why are they afraid of difference and change? I've really had my fill of the BOE this week.


I happen to like Montessori charters--we don't live anywhere near one but SIL applied for the Montessori charter in her area and there were three applicants for every space in kindergarten. Her daughter is 75 on the waitlist and there are only 88 slots total.


There are typically 1-2 slots in each grade after that (4th grade is an exception there are usually about 10 fourth grade slots due to bigger class size allowances) and the school doesn't usually know until August how many openings it will have in each grade. SIL would love a second Montessori charter in her district. Maybe the Montessori people put together a better application and had more signatures.


Is there an appeals process for the classical charter school to get approval?

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It might discourage people from homeschooling. In Texas, funding of the schools is tied to the number of students enrolled. So, the schools would get more money from the state.


It actually got me thinking (momentary insanity) that I should just put them in school, it would be easier.


And it's not that I mind Montessori programs, but why not a Classical Charter as well. The roadblocks the BOE have put up are pure political and hateful. They are holding a rally Sunday that I'll probably attend.

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Explain to me: what's the concern about compulsory education until the age of 18? Off the top of my head I can't think of any issues, but perhaps someone else could clue me in?


ETA: Thought of one thing. Does that somehow make it more difficult for children to graduate early?

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Explain to me: what's the concern about compulsory education until the age of 18? Off the top of my head I can't think of any issues, but perhaps someone else could clue me in?


ETA: Thought of one thing. Does that somehow make it more difficult for children to graduate early?



I could also see this as a roadblock for early admissions to community colleges for both b&m and hs students. Here in CA the admissions to public colleges/universities is being tightened, not raised. There isn't enough money to have teachers/classes so many are not admitting freshmen and/or transfer students mid-year.


If my child must be enrolled in something until she's 18 and she's already finished all her high school requirements AND I can't put her in community college classes, will I be forced to enroll her in public/private high school to keep her from being truant? I hope not.


Am I even making sense? (The girls keep wanting me to do school - go figure!)

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It actually got me thinking (momentary insanity) that I should just put them in school, it would be easier.


And it's not that I mind Montessori programs, but why not a Classical Charter as well. The roadblocks the BOE have put up are pure political and hateful. They are holding a rally Sunday that I'll probably attend.


Well, not knowing a darn thing about the local politics down there, a guess is that "classical" is being seen (or used) as a euphemism for christian. Heck, I am a non-christian classical homeschooler and when any product is put forward as classical I look for the christian part. I know that is what I would think if I heard of a classical charter school.


It might have nothing do to with that though. It could have to do with the people putting the proposals forward. Or, if the first montessori school has a huge wait list it could be argued that has more community support.

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