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Gaming parents?

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In your 40s? I think my age is to blame for the disintegration of my video game skills. My reflexes are not what they used to be. I get easily frustrated with my Wii games, and I can't even manipulate the dual controls of the PS3 and xBox360. I can't handle the intricate details of online gaming like World of Warcraft. I stay a newb killing little things and questing solo. Instead, I've been playing hidden object and time management games on the PC. I feel like I've downgraded. I think I'll be reduced to solitaire only in a few years! What's happening to me?? Eeek!

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In your 40s? I think my age is to blame for the disintegration of my video game skills. My reflexes are not what they used to be. I get easily frustrated with my Wii games, and I can't even manipulate the dual controls of the PS3 and xBox360. I can't handle the intricate details of online gaming like World of Warcraft. I stay a newb killing little things and questing solo. Instead, I've been playing hidden object and time management games on the PC. I feel like I've downgraded. I think I'll be reduced to solitaire only in a few years! What's happening to me?? Eeek!


In my 40's and highly competitive with ds when it comes to certain games. But I do tend to stick to the games that fast reflexes are not a necessity. Solitare (in it's many forms) are my go to games for relaxation on the DS. Don't think you downgraded. Try games with less need for reflexes, ones with more logic and quests.

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I'm sorry you are having troubles. Not being able to do what one enjoys is tough.


Even with the arthritis, I can still manipulate the controllers (We have Wii, and PS2). It will be a sad day in my life when I can't play anymore.


Here, here! While I *stink* at any sort of video games, I still play them sometimes, just to give my kids a good laugh! They love seeing me fall off all the roads in MarioCart Wii,or banging into walls over and over again :lol:


There are things that I refuse to let my RA take from me, and playing games with the kids is one of them! Our annual roller coaster riding frenzy on vacation is another one!


I think that my DH would be agree more with the OP: I think he would say there has been a decline in his video game skills as he's gotten older. It is hard.



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I feel your pain and I've done the exact same thing!!!

I so wanted to play Rayman Origins with the family and I am horrible, it is too fast. Little Big Planet, the kids wanted me to play with then, until I did, lol.

I can still be fairly competent at the Lego games because I am so familiar with them but other than that, I suck.


I loved Plants Vs. Zombies and played it through about 5 times before I got sick of it.

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I've been buying games at Big Fish Games. I've got some time management games like Diner Dash and Farm Life 2. I've got some matching games like Aladdin and Farmscapes. I've got some adventure games like Wandering Willows and The Island: Castaway. I've also got a Mahjong game.


Meanwhile, my Wii game box is just sitting there staring at me. I got so frustrated with Zelda Skyward Sword that I gave up completely. I can't make it past the first world in Wii Super Mario Bros. And my Rayman games are just plain mocking me! :tongue_smilie: I've been enjoying Mario Party 9. I mostly play solo mode. There is also the Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing games. I like those but they do get boring fairly quickly.


I'm hanging in there! I play Left For Dead with ds15 sometimes. I manage because I try to stay in the middle of him and the 2 AI's. But we have to play easy mode, especially because I'm constantly shooting them instead of the zombies! :D

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Sorry to hear that you are having trouble. Dh and I are nearly fifty and kick butt regularly in pvp in WOW. Heck, we do arenas. We plan to play from our matching recliners in the nursing home until dementia sets in.


I'm not so much into wii, but I can still beat the kids at Mario Kart most of the time.


But, lets NOT talk about my steadily decreasing stamina in bike riding.......

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Dh and ds11 do raids and dungeons together in WoW. He asks all the time if I want to come along....um, no thank you dear. I'm the one who always stands in the fire. The only reason we got the "safety dance" achievement was because we were completely overgeared for it so the healer could heal me through it. :lol: I can't strafe and I'm not planning to start anytime soon. I pvp on my frost mage where I can just stand and Blizzard from hidden spots.


He doesn't get that I would rather just work on my gathering, archeology and nice relaxing things while I listen to an audiobook. I don't have time to play like I used to. Instead I set a goal for myself and just focus on that.


I can relate to this! :lol:


Sorry to hear that you are having trouble. Dh and I are nearly fifty and kick butt regularly in pvp in WOW. Heck, we do arenas. We plan to play from our matching recliners in the nursing home until dementia sets in.



These gave me a good laugh even though we don't play anymore. :lol::lol:


DS's friend keeps trying to convince him to start again for MoP.

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In your 40s? I think my age is to blame for the disintegration of my video game skills. My reflexes are not what they used to be. I get easily frustrated with my Wii games, and I can't even manipulate the dual controls of the PS3 and xBox360. I can't handle the intricate details of online gaming like World of Warcraft. I stay a newb killing little things and questing solo. Instead, I've been playing hidden object and time management games on the PC. I feel like I've downgraded. I think I'll be reduced to solitaire only in a few years! What's happening to me?? Eeek!



I am almost 37, so not 40 yet but I am totally inept at controlling regular video games.


I can, however, rock the EQ2 controls when I play :)

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Thankfully I prefer RPGs. The Mass Effect series is the closest I get to a game that requires quick controller skills and I'm generally a sniper in that.


Sadly, ME3 is downstairs but I can't see being able to play it the way I want to for at least a few months. :( Darn the baby. :D

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I used to play WoW. I think my brain is going, because now when I try to follow what's going on in an instance, all I see is a big, chaotic clusterf***. :D:tongue_smilie: I finally just gave up. Dh still plays though, and he's 42, whereas I'm only 28. So who knows?


I've been playing The Longest Journey lately. Much slower. I like it. :001_smile:

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Dh will have an online Risk-clone type game coming out in a couple of months: strategy, not reflexes! I'll post when it goes live.


I don't play games so I don't have to deal with that, but I. Hate. Eyestrain!


Because I work on computers all day, I can't surf for fun, I have to restrict videos and movies, and I can't even read books like I used to without paying for it big time!


No one told me about this unintended consequence of computers and aging!

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I love my WoW and am figuring out the xBox 360 that I got the dh for Christmas/Birthday/Father's Day/Anniversary (yes its the only freakin gift he is getting this year unless the next expac for wow comes out). I still really have to be interested in the game to play though which is why figuring out the xbox has taken so long. We have the kinnect and kinnect games and I have yet to figure out how to set it up in my house lol.

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Dh and I are worried that one day WOW will come out with a version that requires the use of some kind of motion sensor type controller and we will have to actually stand up and move around to play......THAT will be the death of our online gaming........Can you imagine all that jogging and sword swinging?

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Dh and I are worried that one day WOW will come out with a version that requires the use of some kind of motion sensor type controller and we will have to actually stand up and move around to play......THAT will be the death of our online gaming........Can you imagine all that jogging and sword swinging?


:lol::lol: The WoW community would be in an uproar!! Oh what a funny thought!

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