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DH has a job interview!

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On Thursday my DH will interview for the kind of job he's been wanting for years. The kind of job that he had in mind when he spent countless hours and a good chunk of money earning a degree that would qualify him to do it. He graduated 2 years ago, and this is the first "bite" he's had after putting in multiple applications (most of the time he's gotten generic "this job has been filled" e-mails a month or so after applying).


As a bonus, this job is *near family*, which makes it that much sweeter! We've been by ourselves up here in WA for just shy of a decade now, and are really getting tired of it. We'd love our kids to have the opportunity to live near at least one set of grandparents, as well as aunts, uncles, and cousins, etc. Lonely Christmases and quiet Thanksgivings get pretty boring after a while.


So if you could please keep him in your prayers that he does well at this interview, and that they offer a reasonable wage that would allow us to accept it if offered (the job posting didn't list the pay-scale, and online searches for similar positions have shown a pretty wide range of possible wages, some at or above what he makes now, but also some significantly below).


And also some prayers for me that I don't die of anxiety in the mean time. I've told DH if they don't offer him the job we'll be making an immediate visit to Ben & Jerry's. :tongue_smilie:

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Praying for you guys! My dh has his dream interview on the 17th so the more "got the job" vibes floating around here, the better!! :D


Good luck! This is my DH's "dream job" too, as well as mine, since it'll put us so close to family. :) (we're currently 12 and 14 hours from our respective parents and siblings. it's getting old)

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On Thursday my DH will interview for the kind of job he's been wanting for years. The kind of job that he had in mind when he spent countless hours and a good chunk of money earning a degree that would qualify him to do it. He graduated 2 years ago, and this is the first "bite" he's had after putting in multiple applications (most of the time he's gotten generic "this job has been filled" e-mails a month or so after applying).


As a bonus, this job is *near family*, which makes it that much sweeter! We've been by ourselves up here in WA for just shy of a decade now, and are really getting tired of it. We'd love our kids to have the opportunity to live near at least one set of grandparents, as well as aunts, uncles, and cousins, etc. Lonely Christmases and quiet Thanksgivings get pretty boring after a while.


So if you could please keep him in your prayers that he does well at this interview, and that they offer a reasonable wage that would allow us to accept it if offered (the job posting didn't list the pay-scale, and online searches for similar positions have shown a pretty wide range of possible wages, some at or above what he makes now, but also some significantly below).


And also some prayers for me that I don't die of anxiety in the mean time. I've told DH if they don't offer him the job we'll be making an immediate visit to Ben & Jerry's. :tongue_smilie:



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Ugh. Tell them to take some M.O.M. and get a move on!


What's M.O.M. ???


DH and I are both really hoping to hear something before the weekend. We've already been through one weekend since the interview, not really looking forward to another one.

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What's M.O.M. ???


DH and I are both really hoping to hear something before the weekend. We've already been through one weekend since the interview, not really looking forward to another one.


Milk of Magnesia (" M.O.M. in the p.m. for a bm in the a.m." --guess you missed that jingle)

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No-go on the Job-o. They offered the position to someone internally. The guy DH called today said he didn't know if the offer had been officially accepted, but why WOULDN'T the guy take it?? The guy currently holds the same position as DH does now though, so he said he'd be interested in the soon-to-be-vacant position (a lateral career move), but we'll see. They know he wants to move up, so I doubt they'll pick him for even that.


Just... :(

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No-go on the Job-o. They offered the position to someone internally. The guy DH called today said he didn't know if the offer had been officially accepted, but why WOULDN'T the guy take it?? The guy currently holds the same position as DH does now though, so he said he'd be interested in the soon-to-be-vacant position (a lateral career move), but we'll see. They know he wants to move up, so I doubt they'll pick him for even that.


Just... :(


I'm sorry, Xuzi. It's especially hard to take when you've hoped for a while.

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I'm sorry, Xuzi. It's especially hard to take when you've hoped for a while.


Ya, this was a very big hope dashed. The job was in Utah, which would have put us around TONS of family (both DH's and mine), and we would have been able to move in with my IL's for a while until our house here sold (so I wouldn't be stuck here alone with DH, and the kids would've been spoiled by their grandparents, who are both retired). I'm feeling just crushed right now. We're going to keep looking, but this job would have been *perfect* for DH and for our family in SO many ways. :(

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