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Did you follow your childhood dreams?

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When I was really little I wanted to grow up to be Lassie....some would say that I've followed that dream, I really can be a @itch sometimes. :D


As an adolescent I don't think I ever gave much thought to what I was going to be/do........ I still don't. :tongue_smilie: Que sera, sera.

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No, I didn't. I wanted to be an artist. Sadly, I never got much art training when I was young, and so I never developed much ability.


Now that I have tons for myself (kids in school and almost out of house), I plan to pursue art training as a hobby. I also want to study the Bible more deeply and do more genealogical research.


None of those interests are "new" -- it seems as though they've always been part of me.

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No, but I am glad. I wanted to be a lawyer or possibly a journalist in high school. I altered my path/plans when we welcomed a baby unexpectedly young (I was just shy of 23). The market for young attorneys is brutal now, and it started to go downhill about when I would have graduated law school, likely with serious school debt. Many young JDs are working as paralegals now, if they are working at all. I know grads from good schools who are struggling to find anything that pays enough to deal with the law school loan burden. As for journalism, it is even more brutal with few job openings even for experienced writers and pays literally beans (I know reporters for dailies who make less than $15 an hour with MA degrees). At the end of college, I was leaning law for sure. But babies do change things. I knew that the super long weeks of law were not compatible for me with being a parent and I have carved out a niche in another sector that uses my skills with the bonus that I can do PT hours or sane hour FT and it pays reasonably well with no school debt looming. That works for me.

Edited by kijipt
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a teacher.

So I got my degree in teaching and taught in public school until my first child was born.

I had no intentions of staying home with my children. But, I turned in my resignation while I was still on maternity leave. ;)


And homeschooling???? I would NEVER EVER EVER (did I say never ever?) have planned on that or would have even considered it.

Those people are WEIRD and BACKWARD......now, I have been homeschooling for 8 years. :)


We may be weird, but not backward!!!:lol: I can't see doing anything else different at this time. When the last one graduates I don't see me teaching in public school again. But who knows???

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I wanted to be an astronaut or a doctor and marry Prince William. Luckily I became an engineer (love it) and married DH (love him). His Royal Highness and I wouldn't have worked out. I'm Catholic and he's going to be the King of England someday. :001_smile:


Nope, sigh....I am STILL not a fairy princess or a horse.






:lol: My niece is now eight years old but from the time she was talking until recently she always told us she wanted to be a horse. We'd drive past a billboard with a picture of a horse on it or even a cast iron horse head decoration and her little voice would be so excited and she'd squeak from the backseat, "Can I be that horse?" It was about the cutest thing I've ever seen. She doesn't ask anymore but I suspect she still has those aspirations.

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When you were an adolescent, what did you hope to be doing when you were an adult?


I honestly cannot remember thinking career ever. I just wanted to be married and have kids. Now that my kids are teens, I'm wondering what on earth I'm going to do when they are all moved out. I'm trying to talk my kids into always living next door and giving me a gazillion grandbabies. So far, they all think I'm mad. :tongue_smilie:


My dd19 has no idea what she wants to do. She remembers wanting to be a vet when she was like 10 years old. When she was about 15 yrs. old, she wanted to be a pastry chef. Now, she has no interests. She's not thinking marriage and kids either. Poor child is just lost. Did I do something wrong as a parent that my child has no adult ambitions?


I never knew what I wanted to do either. I remember in high school a teacher going around the room asking what everyone's plans were after high school and being shocked that I was the only one that had no idea! I said I just wanted to be happy (the teacher wasn't pleased with my answer).


I still have no adult ambitions but, life knew what it was doing and sent me to college and to my dh and to homeschooling my babies. It all worked out in the end. ;)

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Let's see. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a meteorologist. In middle school, I wanted to be a paleontologist. Then, I wanted to go into Egyptology. In high school, I decided I wanted to be a Chemistry teacher. Then I went to college, doubled back and decided I wanted to be a Biological Anthropologist. And then I changed my mind, went back to Biology, then Medical Lab Tech, back to Biology, and then finally to Humanities. I feel a really strong calling to the sciences if you couldn't tell... and I struggle with that daily.


So, no, I never became what I wanted to, and I haven't quite made up my mind of what that is yet. I finish my humanities A.A. and then I'm going to work on paying down my loans, and I'll probably go back for Biology. Something about science just makes me happy.

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Let's see. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a meteorologist. In middle school, I wanted to be a paleontologist. Then, I wanted to go into Egyptology. In high school, I decided I wanted to be a Chemistry teacher. Then I went to college, doubled back and decided I wanted to be a Biological Anthropologist. And then I changed my mind, went back to Biology, then Medical Lab Tech, back to Biology, and then finally to Humanities. I feel a really strong calling to the sciences if you couldn't tell... and I struggle with that daily.


So, no, I never became what I wanted to, and I haven't quite made up my mind of what that is yet. I finish my humanities A.A. and then I'm going to work on paying down my loans, and I'll probably go back for Biology. Something about science just makes me happy.


You must be my long lost twin. I changed majors so many times in college that they started getting out the forms as soon as they saw me in the building. :lol:

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When I was a child I wanted to be an actress or a Secret Service agent. There was a book in our elementary school library all about the Secret Service, and I would check it out over and over again to read. :)


As a teen I wanted to pursue acting or television work. It was always just an understood that we would go to a 4 year college, so I went on a theatre scholarship. After two years of that, I realized I wouldn't do well in that environment long term, so I changed it to a minor and majored in Christian Education.


Out of college I worked in a church for a few years, then left ministry vowing to never go back and took a job as a receptionist at a manufacturing company for a few years. We moved for husband's job and I ended up in ministry again at a church. Go figure.


I always knew I would be a sahm when it was time to have children, and I don't remember ever actually having a conversation about it with dh before getting pregnant. We just were on the same page. I didn't follow my childhood dreams, but I dabbled in them (except that Secret Service thing!) and that was enough for me.


One thing I like about getting older is that I have new dreams now - getting my black belt in martial arts, writing, homeschooling, traveling. It is still fun to dream and plan.

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