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GROWL! It's that time of year again...

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when I make out my list for the next year and realize that there is no way I can spend that much money!


I would love to be able to just buy what's on my list once and not have to settle for something else that is less expensive or use what I have, which would have to be planned\scheduled and tweaked.


So, pardon me while I whine and pout and stamp my feet.:tongue_smilie:


Join me if you like...I'm off to rework my list...I'll check back in a bit to see who else feels like throwing a temper tantrum about this issue.:D

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I'm right here with you. I have the basics, so I should be happy, but.....


I really dislike using my library and wish I could just buy all the lit books I want and I "need" music and art books. Sigh.


Ok, thanks for letting me vent, I feel better.


Off the see what I can sell to make a little book money:001_smile:

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Yes, I've cut a few things off my list too. AND, we've had a mini heatwave this week (high summer temp today), causing me to run to the shops in panic and spend my curriculum money on summer clothes for everyone, because of course everyone (including me:001_huh:) has grown out of last years.....



It will rain tomorrow for sure. We might even have snow.:tongue_smilie::lol:

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This happens to me every year too. This year I keep telling dh I need $X amount. He hasn't said a word. But it is yet to be determined if I will actually have that amount or not.. Things always happen to start to chip away at that amount I am counting on.


Some years the ways I have had to make do have been a hit. But I would love to not have to find out sometimes!

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I know - I wish I had unlimited funds! I so desperately want to do TOG next year! DH and I have agreed to purchase only 1 quarter to start bc we also will need to buy the spine books and don't want to purchase a full year (doing DE) until we know it will be a good fit. We have a good library system but it is a headache to have to request books and wait for them to get sent to my library. Sometimes, the come in 2 days and sometimes it takes a week. I wish I could buy all the books, but there is no way we can afford it - especially considering I will have a LG, UG and D student!


I already purchased math for my younger 2 and part of our science at convention last week. As soon as my credit card stmt drops (hopefully tonight!) I'm going to purchase CQLA for my older two. That sale ends March 30th. I've ordered a set of Jacob's algebra used to look over as I'm still in a quandry for math for my older for next year.


But my Timberdoodle list is about $400 long and I'm sure I will have to cut quite a bit off of that!


However, we are in a better position than we were for our first year to homeschool so I do feel really blessed!

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We're in the same boat. I have some of what I want, but the next Teaching Textbooks will run us about $200 (no free shipping to Canada) and then there's this fantastic-looking language course that's be another $230......and that's my bare minmum, before adding in the stuff that's more "optional"!

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Personally, I'm checking out the convenience stores in the area to see which one I could rob and have a good chance of making a getaway before the cops show up..........anyone know the average take in the average convenience store robbery? :lol:


More realistically, from now on if any of my kids want me to babysit my grandkids they have to either send me a paypal or an Amazon gift card......even five bucks helps.

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Personally, I'm checking out the convenience stores in the area to see which one I could rob and have a good chance of making a getaway before the cops show up..........anyone know the average take in the average convenience store robbery? :lol:


More realistically, from now on if any of my kids want me to babysit my grandkids they have to either send me a paypal or an Amazon gift card......even five bucks helps.


:D Thanks for the laugh!


Well, I've been having a tantrum for about two months now. Tears included. It has been very painful. Sorry you all are experiencing this too.

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Ah well, I'm sorry that others are feeling the frustration too. We don't put anything on credit and our income tax went for a new dishwasher and kids clothes. It was supposed to cover a few books...and that's all it covered (a few).


I made no progress on my list today either...I got sucked into that Circe thread and now I'm re-thinking all of the stuff that was on my list to begin with. :glare: Sometimes this forum makes me :confused:.

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I'm getting that sort of way. I still have a little bit of time left before I have to start narrowing it down/looking at things. But whats currently sitting on my pinterest board is mostly wishful thinking I would say!


I can usually tone it back, and still be happy, BUT it would be really nice to have some extra dollars to get the literature, I really dislike using the library, number 1, its not close to us, and number 2, I prefer to have my children be able to re-read through it at their leisure and be able to actually "touch" the books. Because of E's temper and C's destructional habits, library books are kept locked away, and only I'm allowed to "touch" them, which is sad, but unfortunately, a neccessity if we don't want to owe the library money.


We used to have this HUGE charity shop (more like a department store LOL) and most books were 99cents. Everytime we went into town, more books would somehow end up saved from the charity store and be on my shelves, but now we don't even have that place to get books from, I actually counted on that place A LOT (from books, to cookie sheets for magnets, dress up clothes) to keep me within budget, so I have no idea what I am going to do now.....possibly a road trip to the next closest of that chain? *roadtrip!* :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, it does add up quickly, doesn't it? I really didn't think I had to spend much more for next year. I've already got my SL IG for next year and I've collected the books a bit at a time as well, so I'm set there. I also bought my son's grammar for next year and WWS for my daughter at the beginning of this year. So, for some reason, I didn't think the rest would be that much more. But, oh yes, it is. AND I just found out about Map Trek and I'm dying to get that as well.



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