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Exercise Thread ~ 3/25-4/1

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Insanity Fit Test + Level 1 of Ripped in 30.


I saw some improvement this second go-'round of the Fit Test, but only barely. Most of the moves I only got one more repetition in in the 60 seconds given, and the most improvement I saw was 4 more reps for one of the moves. I also haven't lost a single pound. :( I'm waiting until the end of month one to see if I *hopefully* see some improvement in my measurements.

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Nice workouts everyone!!!


I'm sitting out for a bit because I fell and injured both knees- not seriously, but they each have large goose eggs/hematomas and are quite painful w/ limited motion. :) Slowly improving, but no lunges, squats, running, yoga etc for a bit.


So I've been trying to keep weight training & ab work going....the upside is that I HAVE to do real push ups now- no more knee action :)

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However, I have negated my efforts by eating cookies today. :glare:


If I remember correctly you are my size, yes? Size 0 and around 98 lbs? If so, then you may not say that eating cookies negated working out. ;) With as much working out that you do......enjoy those cookies and don't complain. :D



I've had a thyroid flare up (at least that's what I think it was) so I didn't work out yesterday. I was back down to 93 lbs yesterday due the flare up. Today I'm 94.5 lbs so yeah for my extra pound I put back on. I'm going to cut back on cardio to 15-20 minutes and not longer so that I don't burn extra calories but just keep heart/lungs in good shape. I'll focus more on muscle work.


So this morning I did Crunch Resculpt which is all weight work.


Baking dh's b-day cake today, and I plan on eating a lot of it. :tongue_smilie:


(I'm scheduled to see an endocrinologist, but the soonest appointment is in two months. I'm on the wait list in case someone cancels. Cross your fingers that someone does cancel and I get in before May 29th.)

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If I remember correctly you are my size, yes? Size 0 and around 98 lbs? If so, then you may not say that eating cookies negated working out. ;) With as much working out that you do......enjoy those cookies and don't complain. :D


Oh, heavens, NO! I do sometimes wear a size 0, but probably only because I prefer to shop at places that vanity size! :lol: So, I am smallish, I suppose. I just think the sugar is making me sort of squishy in the belly, but I am having a hard time breaking the sugar cycle.


Tuesday: Les Mills Pump - Pump Revolution

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water aerobics class

Tracy, dh and I used to take a really fun water aerobics class when we were newly weds. I love being in the water. :)


Baking dh's b-day cake today, and I plan on eating a lot of it.

(I'm scheduled to see an endocrinologist, but the soonest appointment is in two months. I'm on the wait list in case someone cancels. Cross your fingers that someone does cancel and I get in before May 29th.)

Happy Belated to your dh. :D Bet the cake was very yummy.

:grouphug: about your thyroid problems. Hopefully someone will cancel before May 29th. Such a long wait otherwise.


You ladies are all doing great! :)

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Wed: Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs + Zumba!

Thurs: Supposed to be Insanity Cardio Recovery, but I don't particularly care for that one, so I did No More Trouble Zones instead. It felt nice to have some weights in my hands again! :D

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Yesterday my Tai Cheng program came in.


I did Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance, the function test of Tai Cheng (it's not exercise), the Master Scroll DVD of TC (to get familiar with the moves), and Day 1 of TC. So that was a lot of time but not strenuous.


The Tai Cheng program is VERY WELL laid out. No swapping of DVDs. For instances, Week 1 uses DVD1. The DVD1 is divided into Day 1, Day 2, and so forth up to Day 6. Week 2 uses DVD2 and that is divided into Day 1, Day 2, and so forth.

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I did Bar Method - Change Your Body (Thursday)


I really liked it, but it did have some drawbacks, I thought. First, there is not much upper body work at all. Is there more in her Sculpt I & II? Also, she talks about your heart rate being up, but mine really wasn't. I didn't even get all that sweaty??? But, man, oh, man! My legs were burning on some of her exercises. And, I LOVE they way she looks! She's so lean and muscle-y! That's how I want to look!! I really liked how the stretching was incorporated into the workout. I will be interested to see if I am sore tomorrow.


Does anyone do these workouts as your "main" thing? Do you look like the instructor? :D I'm thinking I might like to do this method three days a week, but I am wondering if it is "enough" (as I wrote above, the Change Your Body one doesn't have near enough upper body stuff for me) and what it should be combined with?


This all leads into my next questions: I am really enjoying having more variety in my workouts, but I can't figure out the best way to rotate everything. If you all have multiple programs do you kind of work through them one at a time? Or do you mix them all together? I am kind of wanting to get a couple more of the Bar Method DVDs, but how should I fit them in? Should I do a week of Pump, then a week of Bar Method, then a week of my three stand-bys of JM NMTZ, Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training, and Brazil Butt Lift? I love the variety, but it sure was easier to figure out when I only had two DVDs. I like to exercise six days a week, between 45 minutes to 1 hour per day.


Thanks, fitness friends!


ETA: I did notice that the other "helpers" didn't look nearly as fabulous as Burr Leonard. What's up with that??

Edited by Hoggirl
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I tried out a new "Cardio Pump" class at my gym today. What a misnomer! There was ZERO cardio. The "pump" (weights) was good, but my heart rate never really got going, and I barely broke a sweat. Won't be going back. :glare:

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I did Bar Method - Change Your Body (Thursday)


I really liked it, but it did have some drawbacks, I thought. First, there is not much upper body work at all. Is there more in her Sculpt I & II? Also, she talks about your heart rate being up, but mine really wasn't. I didn't even get all that sweaty??? But, man, oh, man! My legs were burning on some of her exercises. And, I LOVE they way she looks! She's so lean and muscle-y! That's how I want to look!! I really liked how the stretching was incorporated into the workout. I will be interested to see if I am sore tomorrow.


Does anyone do these workouts as your "main" thing? Do you look like the instructor? :D I'm thinking I might like to do this method three days a week, but I am wondering if it is "enough" (as I wrote above, the Change Your Body one doesn't have near enough upper body stuff for me) and what it should be combined with?


This all leads into my next questions: I am really enjoying having more variety in my workouts, but I can't figure out the best way to rotate everything. If you all have multiple programs do you kind of work through them one at a time? Or do you mix them all together? I am kind of wanting to get a couple more of the Bar Method DVDs, but how should I fit them in? Should I do a week of Pump, then a week of Bar Method, then a week of my three stand-bys of JM NMTZ, Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training, and Brazil Butt Lift? I love the variety, but it sure was easier to figure out when I only had two DVDs. I like to exercise six days a week, between 45 minutes to 1 hour per day.


Thanks, fitness friends!


ETA: I did notice that the other "helpers" didn't look nearly as fabulous as Burr Leonard. What's up with that??


Pick a spine program and swap out the parts that aren't doing it for you. Try to have 3 cardio days and 3 weight training days.


For ease, pick a 90 day schedule - 3 weeks on, 1 week of recovery type stuff (may be your Bar Methods would fit here?), 3 weeks of similar routine but different DVDs, another week of recovery, and you get the idea.

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Raquel Welch Yoga


I didn't even get all that sweaty??? But, man, oh, man! My legs were burning on some of her exercises.

Cynthia, I'm embarrassed to admit that I haven't done my Bar Method workouts very much. I plan to. The few times I have done, I also didn't get very sweaty either. And yes, my legs burned like crazy also. I love these workouts and need to do them more often. My problem is that I have too many choices and too little time.


I am really enjoying having more variety in my workouts, but I can't figure out the best way to rotate everything.

Glad to know that I'm not the only one :tongue_smilie:. I go through crazy indecisiveness constantly. I'm always trying to come up with THE perfect rotation :rolleyes:. I need to learn to just come up with a plan and be content with it. It seems that the more variety and options I have, the more overwhelmed I feel.


Does anyone do these workouts as your "main" thing? Do you look like the instructor? I'm thinking I might like to do this method three days a week, but I am wondering if it is "enough" (as I wrote above, the Change Your Body one doesn't have near enough upper body stuff for me) and what it should be combined with?

I think that redsquirrel here does these as her main workout. I know of many on the VF forums who do barre as their main workouts. I am considering doing different rotations as my main workout and seeing how or if my body changes.

3 days a week, as you mentioned, is good. I once emailed them and they told me anywhere from 3-5 times a week. But to me, if you're doing other stuff (maybe upper body stuff), 3 days a week is perfect.

Yes, I like the instructor. :)

However, I don't think that even if I were to do barre 7 days a week, I would ever get to look like Burr Leonard or most of the instructors. My body is different. I would hopefully get the leanest I could possibly get, but no, my body wouldn't change and look like hers. You might be interested in this thread

Some very interesting posts there.


If you all have multiple programs do you kind of work through them one at a time? Or do you mix them all together? I am kind of wanting to get a couple more of the Bar Method DVDs, but how should I fit them in? Should I do a week of Pump, then a week of Bar Method, then a week of my three stand-bys of JM NMTZ, Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training, and Brazil Butt Lift? I love the variety, but it sure was easier to figure out when I only had two DVDs. I like to exercise six days a week, between 45 minutes to 1 hour per day.

I would do 3 days of Bar Method DVDs - get whatever more DVDs interest you and that is within your budget.

On other days, I would do other stuff that you love - cardio, weights, yoga, whatever you enjoy.

Personally, I'm not into 1 week of Pump, one week of Bar, etc. I prefer doing something different every day. But that's just me. :) I like variety to prevent boredom (huge reason - I get bored very easily) and to challenge my muscles, etc.


ETA: I did notice that the other "helpers" didn't look nearly as fabulous as Burr Leonard. What's up with that??

Again, that thread that I linked may be of interest. Different body types. I could do barre workouts 24/7, but my rather curvy, hourglass, overweight, 5- foot 2-inch body will never, ever look like Burr Leonard's. It just won't. I believe that it will get to look the best it can if I were to put that time and effort in. But again, won't look like her. Barre workouts have so many other benefits - posture, graceful aging, etc. I'm glad to hear that you're liking them. :grouphug:


Um, I have to plan more than that, because what I would feel like doing on ANY particular morning would be sleeping in!


If I don't plan, I don't do anything. I'm big on planning. Wish I could be more spontaneous, but that's a rarity for me.


Pick a spine program and swap out the parts that aren't doing it for you. Try to have 3 cardio days and 3 weight training days.


Edited by Negin in Grenada
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Pick a spine program and swap out the parts that aren't doing it for you. Try to have 3 cardio days and 3 weight training days.


For ease, pick a 90 day schedule - 3 weeks on, 1 week of recovery type stuff (may be your Bar Methods would fit here?), 3 weeks of similar routine but different DVDs, another week of recovery, and you get the idea.


What exactly is "recovery?" I see this term, but I don't really know what it means. Also, I find that if I take more than two or three days off it is really hard for me when I do go back to exercising. Is this the idea of recovery? I know you mean doing something during recovery - perhaps something "lighter?" I wouldn't know how to determine what would qualify, though.

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If I don't plan, I don't do anything. I'm big on planning. Wish I could be more spontaneous, but that's a rarity for me.





Hoggirl and Negin,


I just the opposite. If I plan my workouts ahead of time, I get grumpy because then I feel restricted and I have to force myself to workout. I like to do what my body tells me that day. Some days I feel like a harder workout and others I feel I need a lighter workout. Some days I feel I need rest. Like right now. I never workout the first two days of my period. It just doesn't feel good on my body.


This is also why I can't plan my outfits in advance. I know people who will set out a week's worth of outfits in their closet to save time. I've so tired to do this, but without fail I will get up in the morning and just not feel like wearing XYZ. I have to go with my mood. I'm weird.

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Hoggirl and Negin,


I just the opposite. If I plan my workouts ahead of time, I get grumpy because then I feel restricted and I have to force myself to workout. I like to do what my body tells me that day. Some days I feel like a harder workout and others I feel I need a lighter workout. Some days I feel I need rest. Like right now. I never workout the first two days of my period. It just doesn't feel good on my body.


This is also why I can't plan my outfits in advance. I know people who will set out a week's worth of outfits in their closet to save time. I've so tired to do this, but without fail I will get up in the morning and just not feel like wearing XYZ. I have to go with my mood. I'm weird.


This is me. :lol: The hardest part of doing Insanity for me right now is not being "allowed" to chose my workouts, which is why I did No More Trouble Zones instead of the Recovery workout. I needed some space! :lol:




Insanity: Plyo Cardio Circuit this morning.

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Just finished my 20 mile run, then did weight training for 2 hours followed by....


Back to reality :lol:


This week I've hit the treadmill a couple times, did JM NMTZ with dh (he whined about his legs for 2 days :D), then last night it was Bar SS II. Fun, fun!



Today...still undecided.

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