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Quick, please ~ question re Ibuprofren dosage...

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Don't have time to go into details but I have some major ankle/foot pain (running related) and need some relief. I have 200mg Ibuprofen caplets. One per 4-6 is advised; I always take two because I have a super high tolerance for meds and one doesn't do a thing. But two isn't doing a thing, either, and I know when I've been post-op in the past, I had more than 400mg per dosage. Anyone have some knowledge on this one? Thank you!

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Hi Colleen,


You can take 800 mg at a time, every 4-6 hours, which is prescription dosage. I do it a lot when I have killer headaches -- just don't do it for a long period of time without consulting a doc about the base problem.


For reference, if you have a choice between taking the true prescription (one 800mg cap) vs taking four OTC (4 x 200 mg cap), it's better to take the one 800 cap because of the way it dissolves and enters the system. But since you don't have that option, I'd go for four OTC ones without a whit of hesitation.

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Don't have time to go into details but I have some major ankle/foot pain (running related) and need some relief. I have 200mg Ibuprofen caplets. One per 4-6 is advised; I always take two because I have a super high tolerance for meds and one doesn't do a thing. But two isn't doing a thing, either, and I know when I've been post-op in the past, I had more than 400mg per dosage. Anyone have some knowledge on this one? Thank you!



Given the way my bosy uses pain meds, if it is motrin I usually take 800mg for regular pain (1000mg for the onset of a migrain), if generic 1000mg is for regular pain, I find the generic to work less than motrin even when they both say 200mg, not sure why.


My kids are the same way (my dr and their ped has said the high doses are fine because it is what we need).

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