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So...this was our Monday...how was yours?

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Home office day (thank you Lord!), phone, phone, email, type, type, email, phone phone...school in the am for DW and the girls...around noon one of our goats goes into labor (finally!), but that's right when the older two go to choir and band...DW planned to grocery shop while they were there, but that's off...she drops them and races back. 11 yr old and 6 yr old wait and watch in the barn, but now it's 2:20 and 11 yr old needs to get to violin practice...quick shout across the street and grandma to the rescue on that. But now it's 3:00, and time for Track & Field for the 2 olders, which I coach...so off to practice for me, during which I get a text (one boy one girl all good - yeah!!), then grandma swings by the gym at end of practice to pick up 2 olders and bring the 3 home to do evening chores and get ready for 4-H Health and Safety presentation day which starts at 6:00 PM, while I race down to the county building to pick up the 16 yr old & 11 yr olds' baby turkey chicks for their market turkey project...race home, heat lamp feeders and waterers set up, temperature good, then boogey over to the local elementary school to catch the 4-H Health and Safety Day for 3 olders' team skit on earthquake preparedness and the 11 yr old's 3 minute safety talk on floods! And.......we're done. Whew!!


I forgot to eat lunch and dinner...:tongue_smilie:


So how was your day?

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got up at 5:30 to get dd, dgs and dsil off to Honolulu. Got back hm from airport around 8, all puffy and sniffly from crying all the way home, slept til 1ish, and basically sat around and felt sorry for myself all day. I did conquer some random chores, and manage to eat a pint of ice cream in my miserable state, but that was my day. (Not quite as exciting as yours)

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OP.... I'm tired just reading your day but here was mine:


7ish - get up shower, put a load of clothes in laundry, fix breakfast and lunch. Got DD10 to add to her essay for a contest we are entering. Got DD12 to start a writing assignment that she was suppose to do days ago.

Fold laundry that was in dryer since yesterday. Yell at everybody to get all their crap together so we won't be late.


11ish - head out the door to co-op. Stop at Dunkin Donuts 'cause I have a punch card to get free iced coffee starting today and every Monday for the next 6 weeks. We read one chapter from the bible in the car on the way to co-op (I have to apologize for yelling at everyone this morning):glare:. I have to volunteer today so I am the crossing guard and assistant sign-in table person until 2:10 pm.


2:15 - Eat my salad I packed for lunch while driving to BJs to get a canister of Lemonade b/c no one in my house can drink water only. Stop by Kirkland's (home decor store) to browse; pick up two items.


3:00 - pick up all kids from co-op as they are done with classes for the day. I swap DD12 for another parent's DD10 so our kids can hang out together. I gave her my 12 year old so she can hang out with her 12 year old and her 10 year old came with me to hang out with my 10 year old.


3:30 - arrive home. Start dinner and chat with hubby about his day. Cut up oranges and pack water bottles for DD10's soccer practice. Check emails. Put laundry from this morning into the dryer. Pack DD12's dinner who is out with her friend.


5:00 - Leave to meet other parent to get our respective kids back. Head to the soccer field.


6:30 - Leave soccer field and head to church for marriage seminar we are attending. Kids go to nursery to help out.


10 pm - Leave church to go home. Awesome seminar with this guy. Stuck in traffic because of work zone on highway.


10:45 - arrive home. Let poor dog out who has been cooped up since 5 pm.


11:22 - staying up late so dog won't have to go back in crate so soon after just being let out at 10:45!



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got up at 5:30 to get dd, dgs and dsil off to Honolulu. Got back hm from airport around 8, all puffy and sniffly from crying all the way home, slept til 1ish, and basically sat around and felt sorry for myself all day. I did conquer some random chores, and manage to eat a pint of ice cream in my miserable state, but that was my day. (Not quite as exciting as yours)




I'm all impressed you ate *only* a pint of ice cream; sounds like amazing self control to me.



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Yesterday was pretty calm here. School in the morning for both boys, Lego time after that while I get some chores done, lunch, outside time, reading for me, dinner, bedtime routine, and more reading time for mom. It was a lazier day than normal... I'm good with that!


Congrats on the goats!!! I'm sure they are adorable!

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Monday was a wonderful day for me.

  • School went smoothly.
  • I made chicken fajitas for dinner. I used a recipe for the seasoning and they turned out excellent!
  • I bought my Speed Queen washer and dryer locally. I thought I'd have to order the set online.
  • DH took the old set out and installed the new set. The installation was drama free.
  • I did my first load of laundry and the wash cycle only took 28 minutes. :) Everything came out nice and smelling great.


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