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Who wouldn't miss this face?!?

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I'd LOVE to move there, but dh has issues with it. Heck, my other kids kinda do too! :tongue_smilie:


I DO have two trip dates planned, and tickets are already in the budget! I'll be going either late May or early June, then again late August or early September. They are SUPPOSED to leave Hawaii for the mainland in November, but he is applying for a position that might keep them there until February (if he got that though, they would be HERE - not living with us, but living an hour away - for 3 years while he went to LSU).


Even if he does get approved for that position, they would come home for our family trip to Disney in December, so that would put me never having to go more than 10-11 weeks without seeing him (and dd and dsil of course, like THEY really matter :tongue_smilie:).


I have it planned out, and I know it won't be THAT bad, but today I'm just feeling really sorry for myself. I figure I'll allow myself a day or two of whining then back to reality!

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I'm actually planning to send videos of myself. I figured I would just talk to him like I normally did, and maybe do a little peek-a-boo on film, so she could show him every day so he won't forget me.


I DID read to him almost every day while he was here, so I may send a video of myself reading him a book for her to play for him.


We also plan to face time at least once a week.


I just really want him to stay familiar and not forget me. That can be tough at this age, but I think if we do these things, we can at least keep me from being a stranger.

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Dd is 21 months tomorrow and still looks young compared to a lot of other kids on the play ground. She has thin blond short hair. I still put sunblock on the top of her head if we are going to be out for any length of time.


Babies are a lot of fun and hopefully it won't be too long before you see him again. It has been a couple of months since we have been able to visit my mom and she misses dd like crazy.

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