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It came!!!!!!!

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Not yet but I am expecting a RR package in the next day or 2, and it has our new handbells, and mapping the world through art and a few other items.


Gosh and after all my complaining this week about no money after the oven door broke I feel like I have to explain that I never had to pay a penny for any of the order. I had funding to buy it all. I don't want people (particularily those that helped me this week) thinking I wasted money at RR and then needed help.


I am still eager for my parcel but having gotten it essentially for free (THough I will have to pay gst to customs to receive it) makes it so much sweeter.

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My new ipad3 is here!!! Anyone else hugging their UPS/FedEx man today? :D


Yes, mine came today as well!! Can't wait to play with it!!


I would love to hear your reviews, especially if you can compare it to the iPad 2. I'm waffling between a refirb iPad 2 64gb for $549 or a new iPad 16 gb for $499 or new iPad 32gb for $599. I can't decide!

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Dh brought one home today. :tongue_smilie: The text resolution is insanely good compared to the iPad2. I inherit his iPad2, just like I inherited his iPad1 after he got the iPad2. The kids are excited because now the iPad1 will be theirs to use.


Dh says I should buy an iPad3, but I'm too cheap. :lol:

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I would love to hear your reviews, especially if you can compare it to the iPad 2. I'm waffling between a refirb iPad 2 64gb for $549 or a new iPad 16 gb for $499 or new iPad 32gb for $599. I can't decide!


Well I'm not much help on comparing models, because I never had an ipad 1 or 2, sniff, sniff... But I've gotta tell you this new ipad is SO beautiful, let's just say all thoughts of the gumdrop cover with the screen protector went out the window! It's insanely beautiful. To me it looks right, like the way you think it ought to look. If you don't have one and have never had one, I think it's worth the extra to get the new ipad, if you can do the stretch. I had a gift card, which helped.


I also have concerns as I read reviews about the apps. You see mentions of apps crashing and locking up ipad 2s. I don't think that's a statement of a problem with the ipad2 so much as just that maybe they're designing these things to push the envelope. The newer apps are going to be written with the ipad 3 and 4 and so on in mind. There was a jump in processor and RAM this year, and I assume there will be in a year as well. You can see where they want to take it, and it's just this huge PUSH to get there. I don't think buying backward makes sense.


That said, it has crossed my mind multiple times today to get an ipad 2 16GB refurb for my ds. A toddler won't notice, and the apps will work fine. But if you're gonna use it, you'll enjoy the new display. Was that clear as mud or more confusing?


Honestly, I've spent the entire day making my brain and eyes bulge with these apps. I honestly had not connected with the extreme potential of it. Problem is, the device is this sort of empty folder when you get it. It has stuff, but if you're not planning to surf or do email (we don't have wifi), then you have to do something to make that use happen, kwim? So I have these 8 million game/educational apps I found, but I realized I needed to move more toward productivity. So that's what I'm doing now, looking at the pdf readers and writers (I know nothing, I'm just downloading what other people have listed), looking for apps to do checklists, that sort of thing.


Next I want to find out if TOG has some sort of app option coming up.

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I have been getting all of my stuff reorganized on here from my 2 (my 2 is going to Hawaii Monday morning with dd so I can face time dgs on it). :tongue_smilie:


I can honestly say that when I had my 2, I thought it was the best thing ever, so if you get a 2 versus a new, I highly doubt you'd be disappointed.


That being said, the display on the new iPad is phenomenal, and yes, I put it side by side with the exact same displays, photos, and apps on - the retina display is awesome! I just updated my Kindle app so I could read my Disney guide on it, and the clarity is just amazing!


I think it's worth the hundred extra bucks to get the new one, but I would not be the least bit hesitant to go with a 2; it is just as wonderful today as it was a few days ago!

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Well if anyone is curious, I got the Gumdrop and hate it. The ipad2 gumdrop case fits the new ipad, but it's just SO thick and cumbersome. If I had a thrower child, I'd definitely buy it. If I were in the military and wanted to take it into combat, I'd buy it. But I just want my ipad to be pretty when I take it places and safe when my non-throwing children use it. And I need a stand. So unless I happen to buy a 2nd ipad just for my toddler, the gumdrop is going back.


But look what I found!!!!! http://www.maroo.com/store/Cases/iPad-Cases This is made by Cyber Acoustics but sold under the label Maroo. It comes in lots of pretty designs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClvZi18yYrQ&feature=related Watch this video. At the end the guy throws it. It gives you full access to the screen, doesn't have a nasty texture, can stand, is pretty, AND protects from reasonable drops.


So I'll keep reading, but that's what I'm thinking right now. Next I need to find a recipe app of some kind. I want to get all my recipes onto the ipad. :)

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