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does it take to get the city out of my girls? :glare:


It is beautiful outside. We have 15 acres, a huge barn, woods, fields, chickens, a cat and a dog. The girls just want to be inside watching TV or playing video games.


Apparently making them stay outside since lunch time is akin to torture. The only way I can curb the whining is to offer them a shovel and a stall full of horse manure. :lol:


And yes, I have been outside all day too.

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Some kids just aren't excited about the great outdoors. I don't think it's a big deal. You and your dh may love the country, but your kids may never share your enthusiasm.


If you made me stay outside since lunchtime, I wouldn't be too happy about it, either. ;)

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Some kids just aren't excited about the great outdoors. I don't think it's a big deal. You and your dh may love the country, but your kids may never share your enthusiasm.


If you made me stay outside since lunchtime, I wouldn't be too happy about it, either. ;)


:iagree: I'm an outdoors wimp. The outdoors has never held an appeal with me. I played outside as a kid, but we all preferred to be indoors when a grownup would allow us to go inside.


Maybe cutting down the screen time will help, unless there are other indoor things they prefer to do. Well, reading outdoors can be nice. My kids HATE being outside, but DH and I have talked about taking the kids outside for at least 15 minutes a day. I'm thinking of laying out a blanket with drinks and a snack and reading aloud. Bribery, basically.

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I'm another vote for screen addiction --or at least "screen habit".


We have a 30 minute limit on screentime during the week. Weekends, 30 minutes for computer, but they can watch a movie or two.


As others have said, if they just like doing things that don't require time outdoors (reading, crafts, games, cooking, whatever) that is one thing. Not everyone is "outdoorsy." But if all they do indoors is screens.... that would worry me.

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Sorry to let you know, but you might not. Ever. I am a city girl by heart. My sweet mother moved us to the country in my tenth grade year. We had chickens, a pig, horse, cows, rabbits, well you get the idea. I really didn't like it and left as soon as possible. I didn't have any work to speak of so it wasn't that. We had very little tv due to satellite that caused every room with a tv to have the same channel at once. This was before the internet and ipods. So no screen time there either. When we recently moved dh wanted every house or structure that resembled a house provided it had land. I wanted cement. At least a neighbor within view. Take the city out of the girl? No way.:D

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I know that not everyone will love it. But they aren't totally new to the idea. They have roamed their grandparents land since they were small, whenever we were there, and loved it. They are entirely too sedentary, and I mean to change it. They will willingly do no screen time...if they can sit and read. They just don't want to be mobile. They don't like sports. So outside it is...at least so they do something besides sit. They might hate it...but they'll cope. Or they'll grow up and want nothing to do with the great outdoors.


ETA: They don't get unlimited screen time either, they never have really. They just WANT to have it..lol.

Edited by Apryl H
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