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To all mothers of very little ones...........

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Hang in there. I just realized I don't remember the last time I did laundry. My two dds do it all, from gathering to putting away. They want to iron dad's shirts but for now I'm pulling the Tom Sawyer approach. They think I'm stingy.


The boys do so much yard work that I only mow when I feel like it.


Keep at it moms, those babies are not only cute and cuddly, but they grow into helpers too.

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I remember reading an Amish saying a few years ago


0-7 chidlren are a burden

7-14 children should help enough not to cause more work

14+ children should be an asset and make the work load lighter


I think that many parents today do way too much FOR the kids when they could be doing it themselves.


All 3 of mine have special needs (2 of them are mentally impaired) but we are trying as much as possible to have THEM do the chores, help, etc.


My 20ds goes to a summer job program 2 days a week. I did tell him yesterday though that the other 3 days a week, he was going to WORK for a few hours a day helping me--lawn work, cleaning, etc. He was NOT happy about his 2 hours with the weed wacker yesterday but he did a great job in clearing out the horse trails through the woods for my girls semi blind 30 year old horse (can't see logs under tall grass, etc.).

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OH, yes, Remudamom -


Last week, my oldest 4 dc were gone to a missions project. My dh was out-of-town, so it was me and the littlest (3). Wow! I had to feed chickens, pull weeds, sweep the kitchen floor - I sure noticed how much they help, and how much I missed their sweet conversations.


It was so good to have them back - I think I learned that, for me, having only a little one is more physical work, but having all five is more mental work, kwim?

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So...is 4 too young to be doing the laundry? :)


Thanks for the encourgament. I also liked the "Tom Sawyer" comment. Ds really really really wants to learn to scrub the toilets for the same reason. :) I'm just biding my time....

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this is good to hear. i feel like i just turned a corner in the last 6 months from them needing my CONSTANT attention and help. they can dress themselves, potty themselves (mostly), feed themselves and play alone together for extended periods of time. it is a while new world for me!

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with six kids, is MUCH EASIER than it was THEN,
we need a little 'waving hi' smiley - this is the best I could find :patriot: :001_smile: How's the packing going?


I have a friend who just had her 11th kid who says the same thing. She said her 4th was the hardest, and after that it was easy. From my 7 wks of experience with 5 kids :lol: I would tend to agree.

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:iagree: Which is why I say every new mom should have a 12yo daughter first. Barring that, yes, just hang in there. It definitely gets much better down the road.



My helper is 9, but even at 5 (when ds#1 was born) she was an amazing help. She is also the one who takes the most c**p when Mommy feels frustrated and overwhelmed. Poor kid! :sad:


I appreciate the reminder. Both my sons are SO hard, and SO demanding. They exhaust me. My 4 year old is sensitive and emotional, and tempermantal, and spirited, and often impossible to please. (And the funny thing is, I love him because he is sensitive, and emotional, and spirited... go figure!) My toddler is generally a happy baby - as long as Mommy is at his beck and call 24 hours a day. When he does play he is a monster, getting into things he shouldn't, making messes, wandering off down the street when I take my eyes off him for a second...


But I know you are right. I was watching this chubby little 15 month old girl at a gymnastics class recently, and I thought about my own toddler who was at home. They don't stay little for long. And when it is over I know I will miss it.


So, thanks for the encouragement and the chance to vent a little :001_smile:

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I don't think my olders are quite up to pulling their own weight, but they're awfully helpful sometimes.


In light of that, when someone offers to help out by taking the older 2, I just LAUGH.



I have people doing that all the time. I have offers to take the older two so that our school day will go better. :001_huh: They are only ones that are schooling all day!

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Hang in there. I just realized I don't remember the last time I did laundry. My two dds do it all, from gathering to putting away. They want to iron dad's shirts but for now I'm pulling the Tom Sawyer approach. They think I'm stingy.


The boys do so much yard work that I only mow when I feel like it.


Keep at it moms, those babies are not only cute and cuddly, but they grow into helpers too.



:iagree: My older kids are such huge help to me now! Those days with just small ones are so hard, but they do fly by!

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