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Spelling Program? (starting late)


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My 2nd grader is an avid reader. He is reading at a 3rd grade level now. But he can't spell to save his life. He can't spell words like jean, etc. I am worried I let him get behind. but we have so much going on in life in general.


I have never used a spelling program with either. what would be a good start? and with both or just the 3rd grader?


thank you!

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Well, this isn't the most common thing, but if you like McGuffey's you might like the [vintage, public-domain] Modern Speller. We're using it; I type the lessons into my StartWrite software to make it easy, and print them out. Button does them as copywork in the AM and from dictation in the PM.


I just adore this right now; when Button's older (he's 6 now) and can write more, we may graduate to Wheeler's Elementary Speller. -- if there are particular words we encounter & are having trouble with that haven't come up in Modern Speller yet, we just add them in to our practice. The downside is there aren't explicit spelling rules given, at least not so far as we've seen.

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I *heart* AAS. I can tell exactly what we've covered in AAS because those are almost the only words spelled correctly when dd writes on her own. ;) You'd probably fly through AAS 1 (but it has some important spelling rules, not just CVC stuff) and then go slower in AAS 2 and beyond.

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All About Spelling!!! Start with level 1 and work up from there. My youngest is reading at a high level but spelling wise she is where most K/1st graders would be. I agree you'll fly quickly through AAS1 and then go slower in AAS2

I wouldn't skip 1 because of his reading level though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to post to say thanks -- I had this exact question except my son is in 1st now. We use a spelling program (Horizons) but I can't stand it. I loved their phonics for K so thought we'd stick with Horizons for 1st grade. Phonics is decent but the spelling is *blech!*


I am going to check out AAS. Thanks, OP & everyone! :)

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We are using Horizons in conjunction with their reading/grammar program and they are wonderful!! I also add her weekly words into either Spelling City for some online time/fun with them, make a scavenger hunt or art project based on them and then now I am using Spelling Board on the Ipad adn enter her weekly words for review all week -- she loves it.


Her spelling is pretty good! :001_smile:

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You just need the cheap paperback manual and Ellie :-)


Spalding isn't open-and-go, to START with, as there is a bit of a learning curve. But once you understand the manual, it is VERY open-and-go, to the point that sometimes you don't even need to open the manual :-)


My Spalding journey was a crooked path, to it's full adoption, and it took about a year to get to the point where I started intensive tutoring sessions with it.


I tried a bunch of the spin offs on myself, and bits of them on my students, and became quickly disenchanted with them, when I got to the nitty gritty of application. Spalding can be vague, but never takes me in the wrong direction. I can trust it as my spine.

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spelling has been an issue for us. i just didn't even think about it because my son was a natural reader and i just assumed that he would pick up spelling as easily. we never did any formal phonics and i see that for him it translated into spelling problems.


he is not that bad, but does consistently spell the same family of words wrong. what i just did recently is print a comprehensive list of spelling rules and exceptions. each week, i pick a rule, find some spelling words and we work on those.




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We really like All About Spelling. All three of mine are using. It really TEACHES spelling and they all enjoy it. My oldest has used Spelling Workout and Spelling Power in the past. They were fine and he is a good speller but after seeing his sisters go through AAS, he asked me if I could teach him through the AAS method. We've gone through 3 levels in about 3.5 months and he hasn't yet encountered a word he didn't know how to spell, but he is learning the whys of spelling and enjoying it.


My middle child is a good reader but not that does not translate into her spelling at all. The program helps tremendously with her. I highly recommend.

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  • 2 months later...

I would recommend Logic of English for 14-year old.


Honestly, we used AAS 1-2, and I switched to Logic of English a couple of weeks ago. I am much happier with it than I was with AAS. It is structured but not as scripted as AAS, has a greater variety of activities, and it moves faster. So, we're using it for our 3rd grade spelling this year.

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