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Compliment from MIL

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MIL and I get along fairly well. She's a bit scatter-brained which is frustrating at times, but she's sweet and means well.


She called me tonight to chat about coming by to visit everyone next week-end. She made the comment that I was quite the Mother Hen (or Duck, I forget which one she said).


She said that I was such a great mother. Then she paused a moment and told me that she had often thought about how wonderful life would've been if she'd grown up with a mother as wonderful as I was. She said she wished I was her mother.


I admit I was a little teary because it was such a sweet thing to say. Interestingly, MIL has never had to work in her life because her mother was quite wealthy. She gave MIL everything.


Anyway, just a sweet moment and wanted to share a happy In Law story. :)

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Oh, that made me tear up.


What I wouldn't have given to hear my mil say something like that before she passed. On her deathbed, she was on a ventilator, so she could only write; and that only briefly because of fatigue and pain. She did write that she loved me.


What a great reminder to SAY all the nice things to people that we THINK about them.

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