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16 or 32 GB iPad? Which one should I get?

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We're going to invest in an iPad for our homeschool and I'm trying to figure out how much memory I will need. I won't download many apps, I don't think, except for educational. We will view some textbooks on there, and probably download Notability.


Is 16 enough? Thanks.

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I'd agree with a pp, get the most memory you can afford. Personally, though, I'd go for the 32GB at the very least. I have the 64GB and quite a few apps (educational ones mostly), videos, music, ebooks and PDFs. Right now I'm around 16GB. My iPad is what finally pushed me to pretty much paper free so it's worth it to have the storage space.

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My rule is always buy the most memory you can afford.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in pursuit of a tablet must be in want of maximum RAM and internal storage.
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I vote 32 GB because the OS will take up quite a bit of space. I have a 16 GB iPhone with homeschool docs on it, and it's full. I have a 64 GB original iPad with about 45 GB used. Keep in mind all the cool textbooks and such they just demo'd will take rough 1.5 to 2 GB. Of course, you can sync them as needed, but it's something to keep in mind.

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32. I returned the 16 because after loading just a few SM bar model apps, I was close to full. I didn't even have that many apps since I only had it for a month, but if you are planning to use it for a longer period of time, I don't see how 16 would be enough unless you are willing to sync frequently or use iCloud. I prefer to have everything on an iPad.


Are you using it to watch movies? I wouldn't mind syncing movies however, but I haven't purchased any yet.


The question should be 32 or 64. :D

Edited by crazyforlatin
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When computers first came out for people to buy I remember we could buy either a 40 meg hard drive or a 100 meg hard drive. My dad said I would never use 40 whole megs and just get that. Within a couple of years we had programs bigger than 40 megs Funny how things change! Get the biggest you can afford.

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