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Another prayer request - my brother

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I know I've been asking for a lot of prayer lately, but I have another urgent prayer request.


My brother has been dealing with severe heart issues, half his heart has stopped functioning and he is also dealing with a virus in the heart muscle. My SIL just called and they are taking him on a fast run to Oklahoma Heart Hospital from out in NW OK. He is not doing well and could really use some prayer. He has 2 small kids from his 2nd marriage, and SIL has 4 kids on her own as well.


Please pray they are able to find something to repair his heart or that he is able to get a transplant or artifical heart.

Edited by frugalmama
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asking for prayers for him again - he is going in for a heart cath at 1pm central time today. They are going to scope and see if they can find any blockages or reasons for his heart to have stopped function on one side. They are also evaluating him for an artifical heart and he has been placed on the transplant list waiting for a heart.


Please pray hard.

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Praying here, and also bumping the thread so more people will see it.


I hope they are able to diagnose the problem and that it's a lot less serious than it sounds right now. Praying that it is something they can treat, and that he makes a full recovery.

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Update: The cath surgery discovered that his heart was pretty much completely block and that the previous cath had missed it completely {to the point of malpractice}.


He is going in between 7 and 8 am CDT tomorrow for a multiple bypass operation. Please pray he makes it through the operation - the odds given were not good but the cardiac doctor said it was the only option right now. They waited over the weekend to allow him to celebrate my niece's birthday {early} and him to get a little stronger for the surgery.


My mom is coming unglued with worry over this {which she doesn't need as she has a history of stroke}, she has already lost one son and I'm not sure she can handle losing another one if it happens. Any prayers for her to stay calm through this surgery would be also appreciated.

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I'm so glad he made it through the surgery and that he seems to be improving. I'll keep praying for his complete recovery. The most important thing you can do right now is help him keep his spirits up. (And hopefully the doctors and nurses are handling the rest!)


Major surgery can be very depressing, especially for a person who isn't very old, and who may be angry and discouraged about not being as healthy as his friends or family. It's hard not to wonder, "Why me?" He will probably also tire quickly for quite some time, which won't help his mood, either. It's so crucial that his family is there to help him through all of the physical and emotional issues. It's good that he has people who love him, and who will be there for him.


He's lucky to have a worried sister like you! :grouphug:

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