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If my 3 yo is asking for school, what does he want?


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My ds 3 1/2 is asking for school. And this isn't just one day. It's every. single. day. What is he wanting?? I've done BFIAR stuff, and he seems to like it. I play games with him and do puzzles. I've gotten out the abacus to do some basic math. He likes the Abeka art books that you cut and assemble. (I got a few at a sale for cheap and we've been doing them.) We have Bob books we "read" together for speech therapy. He has magnatabs to write letters with. I have a Kumon workbook he enjoys. He's pretty good with scissors and enjoys the workbook I got him for that. He turns down my offer of audiobooks (though I should press it), and likes non-fiction, especially books about science or construction.


I'm not in any rush to do K5 material, because he doesn't have his glasses yet. We know he's farsighted, and the doc said he'll need glasses when he starts doing school work. I just feel like I don't know what he's wanting. He's not at all like my dd was at this age. All my dd wanted was nature walks, crafts, and read alouds. This child is different, whew. I've never had anyone in my house BEG for school! :lol:

Edited by OhElizabeth
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well sounds like you're on the right track--at this age (in my opinion) anything that is fun and engaging can help them learn-readin books,coloring books,games-whatever he likes to do keep it up-if he wants to learn to write,count,whatever I would try to do it with him-within reason because of the eyes anyway.....:001_smile: sounds like you're up to a great start with him....

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Hmmm, it looks like you have a nice variety in activities. It seems as if you have all of your bases covered...maybe a unit approach to something he is especially interested in...like cars, trucks and trains (transportation) or animals. You could check out books from the library, read, color/draw pictures, etc. Homeschool share has a lot of unit type ideas for various topics.



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If he's unsatisified with the stuff you've been doing with him, maybe he what he's really asking for is a schedule or routine like his older sib? Workboxes or whatever system you've set up for your older dd? Some time where you tell dd "not right now, I've got to do math with your brother" (or whatever you say or imply or send via vibes etc :tongue_smilie:).


It may not be so much the materials as the atmosphere or mood from you?


Just throwing that out there. If my 2.5 year old wants to do "school" he's happy sitting in his booster seat scribbling on some blank pages in a duotang at the table, as long as I sit with him and talk lol.

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My daughter is the same. She's always asking to "do school". I'm trying not to push her so I'll ask her what she wants to do. She'll usually tell me reading eggs, coloring, art, or reading. At his age just follow his ques and you can't go wrong. It's not like your pushing him. I know that classical hs doesn't encourage academics early, but I wouldn't hold him back. You probably wouldn't want anything text book, but lots of fun hands on learning won't hurt him. There is also lots of really fun and engaging computer learning game online that are either free or really inexpensive. My 4 year old loves playing games like reading eggs, ABCya, and anything on PBS.org. Also, try some cut and paste activities for him to learn some new skills.

Edited by bttrflyvld
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For my younger when he asks for "school", he really wants one on one time with me, with my full attention. To play a game, read a book, build and take apart legos and act out a full movie type pretend play with them. I'm sure you do all of this already, but is it possible your younger is an extrovert? Mine is, and I could never give him enough attention. He would happily spend all day talking and playing with me. It could just be that you are seeing a difference in personality.


ETA: I know I am engaged by school, so the kids typically get happy mommy at that time because we are being productive. I think that is what mine wants when he asks for school; full, happy, engagement in activities.

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If he's unsatisified with the stuff you've been doing with him, maybe he what he's really asking for is a schedule or routine like his older sib? Workboxes or whatever system you've set up for your older dd? Some time where you tell dd "not right now, I've got to do math with your brother" (or whatever you say or imply or send via vibes etc :tongue_smilie:).


It may not be so much the materials as the atmosphere or mood from you?


Just throwing that out there. If my 2.5 year old wants to do "school" he's happy sitting in his booster seat scribbling on some blank pages in a duotang at the table, as long as I sit with him and talk lol.

:iagree: What he perceives your DD is getting from you: probably one on one time, interesting looking books and things to read and write on.
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I've done BFIAR stuff, and he seems to like it. I play games with him and do puzzles. I've gotten out the abacus to do some basic math. He likes the Abeka art books that you cut and assemble. (I got a few at a sale for cheap and we've been doing them.) We have Bob books we "read" together for speech therapy. He has magnatabs to write letters with. I have a Kumon workbook he enjoys. He's pretty good with scissors and enjoys the workbook I got him for that. He turns down my offer of audiobooks (though I should press it), and likes non-fiction, especially books about science or construction.



All I know is my toddler would love your house!! :lol: (I'm glad he can't read this because he might beg to move in with you!)

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Sounds like he wants "Me too school."

Try inviting him to your school table to color or play with clay or do workbooks during your school time as long as he is quiet and doesn't interrupt. Give him pencil and paper when your dd is writing and praise his efforts too. Careful with the rules because you'll be stuck with whatever bad school habits you instill now. What my younger two wanted when they asked for school was just the same attention they saw the older getting.

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For my younger when he asks for "school", he really wants one on one time with me, with my full attention. To play a game, read a book, build and take apart legos and act out a full movie type pretend play with them. I'm sure you do all of this already, but is it possible your younger is an extrovert? Mine is, and I could never give him enough attention. He would happily spend all day talking and playing with me. It could just be that you are seeing a difference in personality.


ETA: I know I am engaged by school, so the kids typically get happy mommy at that time because we are being productive. I think that is what mine wants when he asks for school; full, happy, engagement in activities.


You win the prize! I think you all are right, that it's his way of saying he wants more time. I talked with him about it, and that's what he said. I think he likes the academics, but I think you're right that it's a time thing, not really a specific request for something. I thought I was missing some category and just wasn't satisfying him. I do think that's part of it, but more it's that he wants the time with me. So cool, thanks for straightening that out!


Now what in the world are reading eggs? Cuisinaire rods I just recently got introduced to, and they're super cool. I definitely want to get him some.

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:iagree: What he perceives your DD is getting from you: probably one on one time, interesting looking books and things to read and write on.


:iagree::iagree: My 3yo is the same way, but what he really wants when he brings me OPGTR is one on one in mama's lap and to be praised and told what a smart little man he is. I think he brings me academic things because he sees the girls get so much attention for their academics. I make it a point to do things that are not academic with him because I don't want him thinking that is all I value.


He knows all his letters and numbers and scribbles on his own copy of whatever the girls are doing. He usually sits down and listens to the read alouds, and when my DH built desks for the girls, he fell apart when he didn't get one because he isn't old enough for school yet. I ended up buying him a folding table from walmart and letting him steal a dining room chair. :tongue_smilie:

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You win the prize! I think you all are right, that it's his way of saying he wants more time. I talked with him about it, and that's what he said. I think he likes the academics, but I think you're right that it's a time thing, not really a specific request for something. I thought I was missing some category and just wasn't satisfying him. I do think that's part of it, but more it's that he wants the time with me. So cool, thanks for straightening that out!


Now what in the world are reading eggs? Cuisinaire rods I just recently got introduced to, and they're super cool. I definitely want to get him some.


Happy to return the favor. Your advice has helped me more than you know. ;)

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