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Ferrets....Someone just gave us one...HELP!

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Ok this thing STINKS! They told us we could bath him/her, we did and he/she did not like it at ALL!

We washed his/her cage, hoping to cut down the smell.


We have a small amount of food that was given to us. What do these things eat??


P.S. if the smell isn't going to go away..he/she will!! Please tell me that there is something to help! Dc are already in love with "Bandit".


I read some where that we can put a liter box in the pen..does this work?

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Ummm, why do you think it was given to you. They stink!! You can have their scent glands removed, I think, but from what I understand from others, they still stink. Dh and I "ferret sat" for some friends once. It took months to get rid of the smell. Sorry.

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Supposedly it is very easy to litter-train ferrets. And they're very cute. And fun.


But they stink.


One of my dds tried her best to talk us into letting her have one all the years she lived at home. We acquiesced to the hamsters, the guinea pigs, the cat, the dog and the rabbits.


NO to the ferrets.:)




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When you bathe ferrets, their scent glands go into overdrive and they stink MORE. DO NOT BATHE THEM! It is mostly their waste that smells so badly, so you have to clean their cage every single day. And yes, they will STILL stink. We finally gave our 2 away after 1 year and a half - I was getting migraines from their scent, and I couldn't take it any more. They're so much fun, but they smell no matter what you do.

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I've heard they like to chew or did holes through your couch as well as stink. The web sites seem to think you've got to love them as they are or give them back right away. I've had friends who've done both. Well , not the same friends. ;)

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Cripes! Who gives someone a ferret without asking!?! I've always heard that ferrets stink which is why I would never get one. I think they're cute and all but they are musky animals and I don't know if they can be destinkified... but maybe Soph the Vet knows of some destinkifying procedure!? :001_huh::lol:

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Cripes! Who gives someone a ferret without asking!?! I've always heard that ferrets stink which is why I would never get one. I think they're cute and all but they are musky animals and I don't know if they can be destinkified... but maybe Soph the Vet knows of some destinkifying procedure!? :001_huh::lol:


LOL! Did you take pictures while you were bathing him/her?

Sorry, didn't mean to make light of your plight. In college, I knew a girl who had many ferrets (about 10, I think). The minute I walked into her house, I could smell them but yes, they were friendly and tame.

Perhaps you could check if they can be kept outside or at least in the garage/outbuilding/barn???

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Like skunk smell. Some people don't mind it, some do. I adored my ferrets, had them for years, loved the way they smelled. What can I say, skunk odor doesn't bother me either.

I did keep the cage spotless and I had those little corner litter boxes they make for the cage in more than a few places in the rooms where I let them play. I washed their little blankets and rotated them every few days.


The eat ferret food, lots of fruits, mine adored cheerios and stole M&M's which he was NOT supposed to have.


There are few things funnier than a ferret but they do beat all for getting into trouble.

Mine loved squeaky toys and a big cardboard tube. You can get a little harness and leash for them but not every ferret takes to them.

They need spurts of playtime, lots of love and take tons of naps.

Ohh, in the summer I used to put a big pot of water down and they would stick their heads in it and swish them around like they were fishing. Very funny stuff.

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Cripes! Who gives someone a ferret without asking!?! I've always heard that ferrets stink which is why I would never get one. I think they're cute and all but they are musky animals and I don't know if they can be destinkified... but maybe Soph the Vet knows of some destinkifying procedure!? :001_huh::lol:


Descenting (taking the scent glands out) a ferret does not result in a ferret that smells like a rose. They still stink. They are also prone to insulinomas (pancreatic tumors). I cringe when I see a ferret on the appointment books, which thankfully is only once every four years or so. I really do not think they are meant to be housepets, IMO. Unless you have that cranial nerve 1 deficiency (olfactory nerve doesn't work right):001_smile:.

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We loved our ferrets. They have a musk if they are descented but it's not bad as long as:


1) they are kept clean

2) their EARS are kept clean

3) their litter box is kept clean


Obviously some people are more sensitive than others to their smell, but generally, they don't have to be horrid or anything.


As for the litterbox, put it in the corner they use most. You may need two (we always did).


I would give it a shot. They are GREAT pets, hilarious little critters, and get along well with other animals (though they, like the dog, wondered what was up with the rabbit's ears....btw, one animal I will NOT have again is a pet rabbit!).


Anyway, just my opinion.

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Like skunk smell. Some people don't mind it, some do. I adored my ferrets, had them for years, loved the way they smelled. What can I say, skunk odor doesn't bother me either.

I did keep the cage spotless and I had those little corner litter boxes they make for the cage in more than a few places in the rooms where I let them play. I washed their little blankets and rotated them every few days.


The eat ferret food, lots of fruits, mine adored cheerios and stole M&M's which he was NOT supposed to have.


There are few things funnier than a ferret but they do beat all for getting into trouble.

Mine loved squeaky toys and a big cardboard tube. You can get a little harness and leash for them but not every ferret takes to them.

They need spurts of playtime, lots of love and take tons of naps.

Ohh, in the summer I used to put a big pot of water down and they would stick their heads in it and swish them around like they were fishing. Very funny stuff.


Read that they should not have many sweets. Mmmm, maybe I need to do some more reading!


Do you feed yours cat food? I was told NOT to give it dog food.

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I have been putting a little baby powder on him/her..which makes a big difference.


The dc were told that they are to keep the cage clean and they are to feed him/her.

One time I find that cage dirty or I smell a strong odor coming from ds's room..he/she is GONE!


He/she is very sweet...plays wonderful with our dogs...which we keep a close eye on.

He/she would jump out of the box at our little Pomeranian, which she loved!


No, we didn't take a picture yet, but next time we give him/her a bath I will.


Thanks all for the advice!

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I love ferrets. Mine just passed away in March; it was a very sad event for me. They can smell bad if you don't take care of them. Daily cleaning is a must.must.must - I'm too much of a neat freak to do otherwise.


Ferrets sleep more than cats and but when they are up, watch out...they get into everything. In memory here is my critter rolling in a basket of potpourri - his favorite thing to do - I guess *he* thought he wasn't fresh enough.321218097.jpg

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We had two ferrets and they didn't smell if we kept them clean and loved!! We did bathe ours. Perhaps if you tried putting toys in the tub and let it play in there it might not mind after awhile.


Pet stores now have ferret food and supplies. So, it shouldn't be too hard to find stuff.


Have fun and enjoy that craziness. Lock em up when you can't play. They can hide in anything!

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