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Someone 'splain pinterest to me

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Ever hear that song by the Eagles...titled, "Hotel California"- well, the new code word for the same idea is "Pininterest".


Everyone gets the warning. Few heed. Beware.


ps: It's a blast, cmon in, it's such a lovely place, there's plenty of room








I joined for about 5 minutes until I realized that it makes me feel the same way I feel when I watch shows on HGTV or Food Network.




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Once someone sends you an invite you will need to sign up. I think that you have to have either a FB or Twitter account. Some people have worked around that but not sure how. When you first install it you will insert a Pin It button on your favorites bar. Then when you seen anything on the internet that you like or want to remember you hit the Pin It button and it will allow you to pin it to one of your boards. If you are looking at other peoples Pins and you see something you like you can hover near the top of the piture and a repin button will pop up that will allow you to repin something to one of your boards. You can click on the Pinterest Title at the top of the page and it will show you just a bunch of random pins. If you find someone's boards that you like then you can follow them and then their stuff will show up on you main page when you go there. You can also click on the everything link under Pinterest and it will show you all of the subjects and you can pick on particular subject to look at. That way, say you are interested in home decor or say women's apparel you can click on those subjects and look at pictures about those subjects. Here is a link to my Pinterest Board: http://pinterest.com/kidshappen/ . That way you can see how you can set up boards and the kinds of things that you might want to pin to them. Good Luck. There are lots of recipes boards.

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Have you ever ripped pages out of a magazine to save a recipe or craft idea? Pinterest is a super-easy, super-cool way of doing that, no matter what your interest is. It visually represents multiple things you like, pulled from a variety of sources.


Because it's visual, you can go back and quickly scan many ideas you have saved. If you want the details, just go clicky.


I love it. And it's not just for pretty - I've done several recipes/projects/etc that I discovered on Pinterest.

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Have you ever ripped pages out of a magazine to save a recipe or craft idea? Pinterest is a super-easy, super-cool way of doing that, no matter what your interest is. It visually represents multiple things you like, pulled from a variety of sources.


Because it's visual, you can go back and quickly scan many ideas you have saved. If you want the details, just go clicky.


I love it. And it's not just for pretty - I've done several recipes/projects/etc that I discovered on Pinterest.


Great explanation! I am an "idea gatherer"....always have been. I have tons of notebook pages or index cards with little nuggets of info written on them. Might be a blog I want to remember, maybe a fun breakfast idea for st Patrick's day, something I see in July that I want to give dh for Christmas, a great way to practice multiplication later this year, etc. Except with pinterest it's on the computer, organized visually, and I can always find it! I can't tell you how many times I've written something down and thought I'd remember right where I put it...only to never find it again.

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Ever hear that song by the Eagles...titled, "Hotel California"- well, the new code word for the same idea is "Pininterest".


Everyone gets the warning. Few heed. Beware.


ps: It's a blast, cmon in, it's such a lovely place, there's plenty of room




You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. Yeah, I would agree. It's interesting, but everytime I visit I feel inadequate. I already feel that when reading here sometimes, I don't need another online place to help me question my self-worth. :tongue_smilie:

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