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Dog Whisperers? Doggy psychologists?

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We found a dumped Shih Tzu Pug cross on Sunday afternoon. She has fit in well in every way. We are currently looking for her a new home.


I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning and noticed some lamb bones from last night (boys didn't do a good clean up job) and thought she might enjoy one. I took her outside and put the bone on the ground. She sniffed it, looked at me, tucked her tail and took off. She ran into the woods and won't come back to me. Any clue as to why she did this?


I hope I can get her back because I have several folks who would like to adopt her.

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I would venture to guess that she has either been punished by a person or attacked by another dog for eating a bone.


I would remove the bone since it scares her and sit maybe even facing away from her and see if she will approach you after a while. IME sitting and letting them approach you is the easiest way to catch a frightened dog that knows you. It may take a while. If the weather permits I would sit on the ground and read a book. she will probably eventually come to investigate.

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Update: We live in the country and have lots of land and woods. She took off into the woods but stayed where she could see the house. I went back inside and left her for about 15 minutes. When I went back she was near the patio. I sat on the concrete playing with the poodle and eventually laid down in order to appear totally non-threatening and the shih tzu came up and sniffed my foot, tucked her tail, turned and ran away again.


I think the problem was my foot, not the bone. I think she has been kicked around. When I gave her the bone she was facing the opposite direction. I got her attention to show her the bone and then I nudged it towards her with my foot. My foot was possibly about 6 inches from her head. I think she thought I was going to kick her.


After several hours of working steadily with her, she would let me pet her...but she was still very tense. PReviously she followed me everywhere always asking for attention, licking my hands, etc. After this she tolerated me. We left for the afternoon, we left her outside with the big dogs, and when I came back in the late evening she was totally back to normal.


She has never offered to snap or growl - she just avoids. I have a vet tech with 2 older boys who is interested in her. I think that would be the best home. Several others want her as well, but I'm just so worried that they won't understand that she needs patient loving...I have re-homed so many dogs and I get too attached to them. This one needs to go soon or I'll have a zoo around here!



Edited by CynthiaOK
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What a sweet looking pup! So good of you to take her in and find a new home. Coming in late, but I was going to suggest what you already determined - she was likely previously kicked. My Mom always took in strays and that behavior was exhibited by a few. The new home you have selected sounds perfect!

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Update: We live in the country and have lots of land and woods. She took off into the woods but stayed where she could see the house. I went back inside and left her for about 15 minutes. When I went back she was near the patio. I sat on the concrete playing with the poodle and eventually laid down in order to appear totally non-threatening and the shih tzu came up and sniffed my foot, tucked her tail, turned and ran away again.


I think the problem was my foot, not the bone. I think she has been kicked around. When I gave her the bone she was facing the opposite direction. I got her attention to show her the bone and then I nudged it towards her with my foot. My foot was possibly about 6 inches from her head. I think she thought I was going to kick her.


After several hours of working steadily with her, she would let me pet her...but she was still very tense. PReviously she followed me everywhere always asking for attention, licking my hands, etc. After this she tolerated me. We left for the afternoon, we left her outside with the big dogs, and when I came back in the late evening she was totally back to normal.


She has never offered to snap or growl - she just avoids. I have a vet tech with 2 older boys who is interested in her. I think that would be the best home. Several others want her as well, but I'm just so worried that they won't understand that she needs patient loving...I have re-homed so many dogs and I get too attached to them. This one needs to go soon or I'll have a zoo around here!


I think you are right about your foot. I'm sure you've told the vet tech about it but in case you haven't, make sure you do! Poor doggie.

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