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Mr. Darcy gets another fan

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Dd13 and I watched the BBC miniseries of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth. I was so excited she was interested and she absolutely loved it. She didn't want it to end. She says Mr. Bingley is a nice enough guy but she would rather be married to Mr. Darcy who is more real and is passionate in his opinions, even if they are misguided sometimes. She was beside herself each time Elizabeth and Darcy missed one another, meaning some miscommunication kept them from truly communicating. She's pretty perceptive and observant for her age, IMHO. She has been in love with the idea of marrying someone like Sherlock Holmes because he is highly intelligent and intensely driven. (She has been reading Sherlock but she first fell in love with the BBC version and of course the actor Benedict Cumberbatch.) And now she is also enamored of Mr. Darcy. I wonder what type of man she'll marry when she's an adult. Do you think she's building up too high an expectation with these fictional characters? :tongue_smilie:

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I wonder what type of man she'll marry when she's an adult. Do you think she's building up too high an expectation with these fictional characters? :tongue_smilie:


As long as she doesn't end up with one of those morons from Jersey Shore, I think she'll do just fine. ;)

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We just watched this over the weekend, too! Regarding watching two characters mis-read and mis-communicate, you should watch North & South with her (not the Patrick Swayze one, LOL).


I'm not familiar with that one. I see a BBC mini-series from 2004. Are you talking about that version? It's on Netflix instant queu!

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I'm not familiar with that one. I see a BBC mini-series from 2004. Are you talking about that version? It's on Netflix instant queu!


Yep, that's the one and we watched it on Netflix. I liked it (gasp!) better than Pride and Prejudice.

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That one is the best, simply because of the length and detail!!! Colin Firth is the perfect a Mr. Darcy.


I do love several scenes in the newer Keira Knightly version as well- I love when Mr. Darcy starts telling Elizabeth his feelings for her (insulting her at the same time), and then finally blurts out: "I love you...most ardently." I rewind that scene everytime :thumbup:

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We just watched this over the weekend, too! Regarding watching two characters mis-read and mis-communicate, you should watch North & South with her (not the Patrick Swayze one, LOL).


OOOH North and South. With Mr. Thornton. :drool:





And that kiss! :svengo: I got all flushed just watching it. :blushing:

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I'm excited to share all my favorite Brit period pieces with my daughter. She's not quite there yet. I could see a glimpse of the future when she got up with me to see the royal wedding last spring. I'm raising my own little Anglophile buddy :D.



Yep, that's the one and we watched it on Netflix. I liked it (gasp!) better than Pride and Prejudice.


I love them BOTH so much. I think it's time to re-watch them this weekend to reevaluate. I'm thankful to have a husband who enjoys watching period movies with me, but he's going out of town tomorrow, and I can get all swoon-y without distraction ;).

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Do you think she's building up too high an expectation with these fictional characters? :tongue_smilie:


Absolutely. How many intelligent, sensitive, gorgeous men are walking around with 10,000 a year? Seriously?


Regardless, it's our most watched movie (right in front of Persuasion). Even the boys like it. And we quote it all of the time. Can't stand the Kiera Knightly version. The thing I love about Austen is that she captures the time perioed, very tongue in cheek and with great wit and humor. To modernize it, with attitudes- ugh. Removes the beauty of the original intent and all of that. But that's just me.

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Even the boys like it. And we quote it all of the time.


This. For her 16th birthday party dd invited friends (who ALL live far away, btw) to come watch the BBC version (aka "the correct version") of P & P. I warned her, "It's long. They won't come. They live far away. They won't come. Not everyone loves that movie like you and I do. They may not come. Don't get your feelings hurt if they don't come." They came. All but one gal who had a death in her family (and was missed!) And they all stayed for the whole thing. They dressed up and, although they were too old for goody bags at a birthday party, we gave each girl a rose and a pearly headband, very P & Pish. Perfect, really.


And now to my point, lol, Dh and ds were out all day (ds had a baseball game) the day of dd's party. That night, ds wanted to know what all the fuss was about. He wanted to watch it. (We started it that night, and finished it the next night.) DH watched it too. They both laughed at Mrs. Bennett and at Darcy's proposal. It's a great movie!!! Of course, ftr, Dh still just says, "Chick flick!" when we mention it, but he does join in on the P&P quotes. "You vex me!" and the ones about consideration for nerves get used a lot here, lol.


Can't stand the Kiera Knightly version. The thing I love about Austen is that she captures the time perioed, very tongue in cheek and with great wit and humor. To modernize it, with attitudes- ugh. Removes the beauty of the original intent and all of that. But that's just me.


I just can't bring myself to watch this version. I said to a friend who'd seen it, "I will ONLY watch the BBC version." Her Dh was in the next room and said, "Are you a King James Bible only person?" I said, "I'm a COLIN FIRTH only person!" :tongue_smilie: to df's dh!

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