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Upset at being told to wash your hands

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I am just so practical...and where others see this as weird rationalizing, I see this as being clear on the facts of handwashing.



I think what is driving the handwashing hysteria is a basic fear...who was that comedian that said all fears are based ultimately the fear of death?


Here are the facts...my children rarely wash their hands in our home we use the restroom 8x a day I guess and wash hands twice maybe, uness I am cooking, at someone else's house, just finished cleaning the horses hooves, or at a restaurant/public place.


To be honest..you can take it to extremes...washing hands for less than 20 seconds is not recommended...bacteria/viruses can still survive. Be honest, of those that do the obligatory handwash...have you washed for 20 seconds? Count out twent seconds of washing, not the time it takes to wet your habds and reach for the soap but full on washing. Remember it says a minimum, that is why doctors scrub for a very long time.


So, if the goal is to avoid transferring bacteria/viruses...most have failed. If the goal is to appease those who are concerned about the passing of germs...I will do it out of sensitivity to their irrational fears. Now, of course visiting anyone in the hospital warrants long handwashing, for their needs and my own...


I eat well, I have taken less than 10 antibiotics in the past 25 years...I never use hand sanitizer (I buy into the fact that it actually promotes supergerm proliferation)...I trust my body's insanely amazing ability to fight infection...and the whole handwashing thing for people in their own homes is just an attempt to gain control over the illnesses that inconvenience us...but who here has had a stomach flu bug..you have washed everything, told the kids to open the door with their sleeve over their hand, washed hands dutifully and everyone or most still get sick? I actually have only had stomach flu twice in our house in 20 years

One time it was food poisoning and we all got it, and the other was a virus, all got it but me, the one who never washes hands every time I use the restroom in my own home...no correlation really...just saying I think the reality of handwashing has been blown out of proportion...I wish more people would demand more eat more veggies...


Keep yourself healthy, eat the right things, do not take it overboard...



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Several years ago, the school my sister was attending took soap out of the bathrooms, because people were behaving inappropriately with it in some way (wasting it, or using it to make messes). My sister wrote a letter to the school about it - it was a very polite letter, but also to the point. She wanted the opportunity to use soap!! I believe they put the soap back in. There were no paper towels in the school's bathrooms though.


Someone in my high school was suspended for urinating in the soap dispensers. I still hesitate for a second in public bathrooms if the soap is yellow.

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Love seeing them come out of the men's room using a papertowel to open the door! :)




This is one reason I will not always wash my hands in a public restroom. If there are no paper towels I can grab the door with, I will not be getting my hands wet! Moisture is not your friend when it comes to reducing bacteria loads. I would rather have dry dirty hands I can wash later, than touch anything...door, shopping chart, you name it, with a moist hand!!! :tongue_smilie:


I know I have grossed out many women in the restroom, but honestly I am just as wigged out when I see someone wash their hands, shake them out or dry under the dryer for 5 seconds and then grab the handle. Yuck!!!!

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The recent post got me thinking. Are there some people who are resistant to being clean or washing, and get offended when it gets so bad someone has to post a sign. I know some friends have a hard time getting their kids to take a shower regularly.... The teen son doesn't care about being clean and his parents have to tell him to take a shower (post on a chore chart). The teen son is angry that he is bein told to clean up. Could this sort of uncaring and bucking authority to be clean carry over to the adult years? Could this be why some adults object to showering or washing hands?


Those folks shouldn't come to El Paso. Every public restroom has mulitiple signs in englsh and spanish telling you to not only wash your hands with soap and water but to also flush your toilet paper.:001_huh:

I was told that it was because many of the Juarez residents have plumbing that can't accommodate toilet paper. So thy are not in the habit of doing so.

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I once asked a very good friend to wash her hands (at my house). For some reason, she was not in the habit of washing her hands after changing a poopy diaper. I'm sorry, but that just freaks me out. I let it go a few times but finally I just said, "oh, there should be soap at the kitchen sink -- I can hold the baby for you" or something like that. She seemed to take it in stride.

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I have also seen the evidence of the phantom. I used to clean college restrooms for work study when a student. We had a few months were nearly once a week there was a present left on the floor directly in front of the urinal.:glare:


I am also one of those do not touch anything in a restroom. I keep a paper towel in my purse for paper toweless restrooms:lol:

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Those folks shouldn't come to El Paso. Every public restroom has mulitiple signs in englsh and spanish telling you to not only wash your hands with soap and water but to also flush your toilet paper.:001_huh:

I was told that it was because many of the Juarez residents have plumbing that can't accommodate toilet paper. So thy are not in the habit of doing so.


Yep :) Lots of people coming up don't know they are supposed to flush their paper. Just like lots of Americans come down and clog toilets with their toilet paper. Even if you know, changing habits can be hard. You sit on the toilet and do your normal thing without thinking.


In border areas and also hotels that cater to Americans, you see signs that ask you not to flush your paper. I'm sure some Mexicans think, "Why in the world would someone flush their toilet paper??" :tongue_smilie:

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Okay, I was chastised in Costco this weekend because after I used the washroom, I didn't use soap. I washed my hands under the water for about 30 seconds, but an older lady leaned over and said "the soap dispenser is right there". I was furious. I do not use the soap dispensers, nor do my kids because we have extremely sensitive skin and DD5 and I have gluten allergies and many common soaps have gluten ingredients. If I use the soap I end up with red, itching hands.


Do not judge someone or assume they are dirty or unclean because they do not use the soap.


(sorry if that sounds snarky, but I was flabbergasted)

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I am just so practical...and where others see this as weird rationalizing, I see this as being clear on the facts of handwashing.



I think what is driving the handwashing hysteria is a basic fear...who was that comedian that said all fears are based ultimately the fear of death?


Here are the facts...my children rarely wash their hands in our home we use the restroom 8x a day I guess and wash hands twice maybe, uness I am cooking, at someone else's house, just finished cleaning the horses hooves, or at a restaurant/public place.


To be honest..you can take it to extremes...washing hands for less than 20 seconds is not recommended...bacteria/viruses can still survive. Be honest, of those that do the obligatory handwash...have you washed for 20 seconds? Count out twent seconds of washing, not the time it takes to wet your habds and reach for the soap but full on washing. Remember it says a minimum, that is why doctors scrub for a very long time.


So, if the goal is to avoid transferring bacteria/viruses...most have failed. If the goal is to appease those who are concerned about the passing of germs...I will do it out of sensitivity to their irrational fears. Now, of course visiting anyone in the hospital warrants long handwashing, for their needs and my own...


I eat well, I have taken less than 10 antibiotics in the past 25 years...I never use hand sanitizer (I buy into the fact that it actually promotes supergerm proliferation)...I trust my body's insanely amazing ability to fight infection...and the whole handwashing thing for people in their own homes is just an attempt to gain control over the illnesses that inconvenience us...but who here has had a stomach flu bug..you have washed everything, told the kids to open the door with their sleeve over their hand, washed hands dutifully and everyone or most still get sick? I actually have only had stomach flu twice in our house in 20 years

One time it was food poisoning and we all got it, and the other was a virus, all got it but me, the one who never washes hands every time I use the restroom in my own home...no correlation really...just saying I think the reality of handwashing has been blown out of proportion...I wish more people would demand more eat more veggies...


Keep yourself healthy, eat the right things, do not take it overboard...


That's gross. Not to be rude, but ewww.


Someone posted the link to the CDC website that talks about how handwashing saves lives. Maybe you should read it (or reread it).



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Those who do not wash hands at home - you might be fine because your family is used to your own germs. But I would not want to visit you or eat at your house even if you have wonderful personalities! I am immuno-compromised. I used to come home with swollen lymph nodes just from a visit to the grocery store. I am not used to your family's germs and would get sick.


Those who do not wash hands when you're out and about - you are contributing to the germ load on those door handles, shopping cart handles etc. See paragraph above about my swollen lymph nodes.


Fortunately I'm getting stronger but going out of my house is still a crap shoot for me. (Ack! I made a very bad pun without meaning to!)


I really appreciate those who know that they have sensitivities etc. and still made provisions to take things with them so that they will be sanitary. Thank you.

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Those who do not wash hands at home - you might be fine because your family is used to your own germs. But I would not want to visit you or eat at your house even if you have wonderful personalities! I am immuno-compromised. I used to come home with swollen lymph nodes just from a visit to the grocery store. I am not used to your family's germs and would get sick.


Those who do not wash hands when you're out and about - you are contributing to the germ load on those door handles, shopping cart handles etc. See paragraph above about my swollen lymph nodes.


Fortunately I'm getting stronger but going out of my house is still a crap shoot for me. (Ack! I made a very bad pun without meaning to!)


I really appreciate those who know that they have sensitivities etc. and still made provisions to take things with them so that they will be sanitary. Thank you.


That is exactly what I thought after I posted. They are used to their germs. Other people are not. I wonder how many illnesses and possibly deaths they have contributed to by their lack of hygiene.


I hope I don't know anyone who feels this is okay!


Honestly, I'm shocked that someone would admit to that... it seems they would be embarrassed to admit it. It just shows they are so used to it, they do not see how truly disgusting it is and they don't realize it isn't normal and most people are grossed out by it.

Edited by Jinnah
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