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MamaSheep could use your prayers

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Thank you so much, all of you. It has been very hard, but I am coming to peace with it. It's still nice to know I have another child, even if I have to wait a while to meet him or her. Eternity is much much longer than mortality. I'm sad, but I'm ok.


I'm getting tired of not feeling well physically, but hopefully that won't last much longer. I'm not really up to deep discussions or controversial conversations for a while yet, though. ;)

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Oh honey! I wish I lived closer to you so I could bring you some meals. We're all missing you and praying for you! Come back when you're ready and know that we carry you in our hearts! :grouphug::grouphug:


So sorry to hear of your loss. :grouphug: Praying for you...

I am close enough in distance that if you need me to help with dinner or anything, I will do it in a heartbeat!


You ladies are so nice. :)


We're already fending off well-meaning friends and ward members, and my parents are coming in a couple of days to help dig me out of the mess the house has become. I'm the sort who needs to hole up alone for a while to "process", but I so appreciate the sentiment.:grouphug:

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Thank you so much, all of you. It has been very hard, but I am coming to peace with it. It's still nice to know I have another child, even if I have to wait a while to meet him or her. Eternity is much much longer than mortality. I'm sad, but I'm ok.


I'm getting tired of not feeling well physically, but hopefully that won't last much longer. I'm not really up to deep discussions or controversial conversations for a while yet, though. ;)


:grouphug: You remain in my thoughts. You are a lovely lady and I wish speedy recovery and peace for your heart.

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