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another cosumable thread...


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so do you rip the pages out of the book as you assign them, or do you keep your workbooks all together? Inquiring minds want to know...


I was considering pulling pages out each morning as I assign them so that the big book wasn't so overwhelming and he would have set goals at the end of the day.


Plan was to put all his assignments on one side of the folder and move them over to the other side as we complete them.


DS1 is generally pretty motivated to get things done when he knows that when he's done he can do something he wants to do. I was hoping this would solve the "are we done yet?" questions... and also it would make the day more portable in case we had to run around that day.


Has anyone done it this way?

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I use a modified version of the file folder system, so all of my worksheets get torn out of the books...my problem is what to do with them when the kids are done with them....but I won't hijack your thread for that. So yes, I tear them all out...I hate bulky books...oh, sometimes I staple together several pages if they will need pages 3-5 to answer the questions on p 6 and 7. Otherwise, one page at a time man...too confusing otherwise.

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It's much easier to write on a single sheet of paper lying flat on the desk/table than to wrestle down a workbook, so yes, I tear out pages. If the workbook's pages are not perforated, I take the book to Kinko's (or FedEx Office) and have the spine cut off, then the book drilled for three holes. I put it in a three-ring notebook, take out one sheet at a time for dc to work on, then put it back in the notebook. Sometimes I do that even with workbooks that have perforated pages. :-)

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I tear out pages or have the binding cut off of books. I then put the pages for the week or some other defined unit of time in a folder by my son's work area. Each day we pull out the sheet(s) he needs to work on.


He likes it better because he hates writing in workbooks and I like it better because it's easier to file worksheets in a 3 ring binder so it goes well with my organizational system.

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I tear out everything except HWT since the facing pages go together. I put all his work for a week in a binder with tabs separating the days. He can see exactly how much he's supposed to do each day. It's also in a set-order so he knows what's coming. The first things are ones he can do semi-independently so I work with dd while he does them but we are all at the same table.

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We keep everything in one piece here, but we have rather thin workbooks, so it's never been an issue. I like having everything intact when I need to write up a review quiz or when I am looking back to see what all they did in a year. I do not like working with folders of loose papers.

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I take them out. Then when dd has finished a sheet it gets slipped back into the wkbk cover to keep them together.


I have taken non-perforated sheets out very carefully all on my onsie, but R&S Math 3 is bound pretty well as it is designed to not be consumable. When we get to that I am not sure what I will do as I am not so sure that I want dd copying all of her math at that point. I may have the book sawed or I may just let her work in it without removing the binding.

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It's much easier to write on a single sheet of paper lying flat on the desk/table than to wrestle down a workbook, so yes, I tear out pages. If the workbook's pages are not perforated, I take the book to Kinko's (or FedEx Office) and have the spine cut off, then the book drilled for three holes. I put it in a three-ring notebook, take out one sheet at a time for dc to work on, then put it back in the notebook. Sometimes I do that even with workbooks that have perforated pages. :-)


I didn't even know youc ould do this!!! :thumbup:


We keep everything in one piece here, but we have rather thin workbooks, so it's never been an issue. I like having everything intact when I need to write up a review quiz or when I am looking back to see what all they did in a year. I do not like working with folders of loose papers.


My friend uses Paces and when I was previewing the curriculum I was so jealous of how thin the workbooks were. We're doing BJU for English/Reading/Spelling/Bible and those worktexts are so thick!

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My dds have binders with dividers for Mon-Fri. During my weekend planning time I rip out workbook pages and put them behind the correct divider in their weely binder. I put a weekly assignment sheet in the front of the binder with any work listed (such as reading pages, science assignment/experiment) that is not in their binder. At the end of the week I move completed pages to a 3in binder behind subject dividers (math, LA, history, etc).

We all love this setup, the kids know at a glance what is expected of the each day and for the most part everything is right there together.

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I prefer to keep things together but sometimes there is no choice. With Saxon we tear out the pages and put them in their binders when they are done. With WWE we tear out the pages and I make copies since both of my kids are using them. With everything else we keep it together.......It is less to file later and less random papers floating around!



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My dds have binders with dividers for Mon-Fri. During my weekend planning time I rip out workbook pages and put them behind the correct divider in their weely binder. I put a weekly assignment sheet in the front of the binder with any work listed (such as reading pages, science assignment/experiment) that is not in their binder. At the end of the week I move completed pages to a 3in binder behind subject dividers (math, LA, history, etc).

We all love this setup, the kids know at a glance what is expected of the each day and for the most part everything is right there together.


I do something very similar.


My husband does a lot of the schooling, so this way he knows exactly what to do as well.

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I rip them out for ds13 he gets overwhelmed seeing how much is left in a book rather than focusing on the 1-2 pages I have assigned him. I leave them in for dd12 she had to deface anybook by tearing out pages even if it is a consumable book that will be garbaged at the end of the year. DS8 it depends on the book, I tear out of 1 math book but not the other, for example.

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It's much easier to write on a single sheet of paper lying flat on the desk/table than to wrestle down a workbook, so yes, I tear out pages. If the workbook's pages are not perforated, I take the book to Kinko's (or FedEx Office) and have the spine cut off, then the book drilled for three holes. I put it in a three-ring notebook, take out one sheet at a time for dc to work on, then put it back in the notebook. Sometimes I do that even with workbooks that have perforated pages. :-)



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How much would it cost to have the spine removed from a workbook?


I'm torn because I like the self-contained aspect of our workbooks. I can't stand flying pages. I've gotten to the point of ordering workbooks just to avoid having one. more. binder. That being said, I like the idea of having individual sheets to put in a folder / binder by date.

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How much would it cost to have the spine removed from a workbook?


I'm torn because I like the self-contained aspect of our workbooks. I can't stand flying pages. I've gotten to the point of ordering workbooks just to avoid having one. more. binder. That being said, I like the idea of having individual sheets to put in a folder / binder by date.

It's usually not very much. Kinko's/FedEx Office has been the best place around here for that, as places like Office Max or Staples don't always have the equipment to do it in one fell swoop.


If you don't want loose completed papers, you can always staple them together, which doesn't help with containing the ones which haven't yet been assigned.


I like three-hole-punching (and it does work with workbooks whose pages are pre-perfed). Having the notebooks around is worth it to me. :)

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