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Teachers Lodge 1-12-12

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Good morning! The Lodge is open early today because I need to buckle down after breakfast (it's already 0840 here!) and knock out the schoolwork that did not get done yesterday! :001_huh:


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Hubby is on his way home from the store with eggs and milk so we can have some breakfast. Lunch? Like I know! :D


What are you studying in history right now? We're in the 15th/16th centuries.


What sports are your kids involved in? My ds is in baseball right now. My dd was supposed to be in volleyball but she broke her leg the week before Christmas, so that's out! I'm still dancing! :001_smile:


Talk to me!


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I have time today. My kids are slow moving this cold morning! Breakfast: dd7 and I are sitting down to some cold cereal and yogurt right now. Lunch: leftovers and fruit slices probably. Dinner: I am thinking potato soup.


In history we are in the modern ages. We just read about the Ottoman Empire, and we are very near the end of it.


Sports for mine is dance. They both do tap, ballet, and jazz. We have tried soccer in the past with mixed results. It was good when they were 5 and liked to run around, but it got too serious too fast after that.

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Good morning!

It is a very good morning!


What's for breakfast/lunch today?

Breakfast for me was my usual, Greek yogurt with flax and berries. The girls had gf pancakes. Lunch will either be pb&apples or leftovers.


What are you studying in history right now?

The younger is moving into ancient Egypt - she's doing three unit studies for history this year which she chose. She tagged along with her sister for chronological history long enough to decide she hated history which just isn't an option around here so we decide choice would lead to more inspiration and it has.


The older is not acutally studying history at home this year. We're studying philosophy instead - she loves ideas and we've covered a round of history already. She is doing ancient history at her enrichment school which just moved into ancient China.


What sports are your kids involved in?

The girls both do judo, but other than that, we play, walk, bike, swim, and hike instead of doing organized sports.

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Ahhh, it's been a while since I've been here. I've missed it!! This place is truly calming and therapeutic.


Breakfast today was blueberry muffins that DS baked last night when I said I had a hankering for something with blueberries in them. He's such a great son. ;) I have no idea what lunch will be yet.


We are studying the War of Independence and the beginnings of the USA right now. He's supposed to be in his room memorizing (or at least familiarizing himself extremely well) with the Preamble to the Constitution.


For sports, DS is in swim. He takes lessons once a week and has team practice twice a week. I'd like to get DD involved in yoga, but that'll have to wait till fall. Even then, I suspect she'd rather take swimming lessons with her brother than follow her own path just yet. We'll see.

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I am so sleepy this morning :sleep: Being cold and gray outside is not helping at all. Just want to snuggle under a blanket and do nothing.


Breakfast was oatmeal and coffee for me. Kiddos had oatmeal and juice.


Lunch -- not sure but I need to figure it out soon


History -- civil war


Sports -- basketball now, baseball coming up

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Good morning WTM Family!


Breakfast in a half hour will be: 2 eggs, 1 cinnamon raisin bagel thin, water.


Lunch will be: a salad with protein. (I actually veered from the narrow road yesterday and had a hum bao.)


History is the ancients this year. Dd10 is studying ancient Israel. Ds14 and I are watching the Teaching Co. "Classical Mythology" lectures.


Sports: Ds14 has a red belt now in tae kwando. He does that 4 nights a week and on his day off goes swimming with dd and me.


Dd10 isn't in anything formal but does basketball and swimming at the Y. At home, she works on some of her gymnastics moves.


I do cardio kickboxing, Zumba and swimming depending on the night.

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Good morning!


Breakfast: probably some toast and jam, clementine, and tea for me. Kids fend for themselves.


Lunch: feels like a soup kind of day and ds11 has been requesting dunkin' soup, so dunkin' soup it will be (recipe: 2 cans baked beans, 1 onion, 1 tomato, dash each of celery salt and garlic powder; blend together; heat through; thin with a little broth if needed; serve with corn bread).


History: ancients


Sports: right now dd13 is in ballet and fencing; we have a rule of one activity and one sport per kid per year; everyone else is in activities and no sports and dd13 wasn't in an activity outside of fencing so she contacted the owner of the ballet school (a family friend) and asked if she could trade two hours a week of work for 2 hours a week of ballet lessons so she helps in the preschool ballet and tap classes in exchange for her own lessons; no one else seems interested in organized sports right now and we are fine with that as long as they get moving on their own regularly

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Sounds like full days for many of us! I'm the one dancing right now, although my schedule has shifted a bit.

The way my ds has been grumbling at me lately, his may shift a bit,

too! :glare:


Off I go to get kids back on task. Feel free to pray for me today - and my kids! (Even you, eternalknot. ;) )


I'm hoping dh can get off work a little early today to take ds to baseball practice. That way, I can check out a new pre-pointe class (which falls right in the middle of the bball practice schedule).

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I didn't eat breakfast! My kids had granola with milk.


Lunch will be samosas with salad.


History--we are skipping it this month! My girls are working on a Shakespeare production instead.


My kids usually do some form of swimming---swim or dive team and water polo. This month we are taking off from sports. Money and mental sanity decision.


My dh's basketball starts on Friday.


I'm excited because we are going out to eat tonight--that's my excitement for the day!

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Good morning! The Lodge is open early today because I need to buckle down after breakfast (it's already 0840 here!) and knock out the schoolwork that did not get done yesterday! :001_huh:


What's for breakfast/lunch today? Hubby is on his way home from the store with eggs and milk so we can have some breakfast. Lunch? Like I know! :D


What are you studying in history right now? We're in the 15th/16th centuries.


What sports are your kids involved in? My ds is in baseball right now. My dd was supposed to be in volleyball but she broke her leg the week before Christmas, so that's out! I'm still dancing! :001_smile:


Talk to me!






Breakfast was organic raisin bran and rice milk and eggs with cheese.


Lunch is steel cut oats with nuts, maple syrup and cinnamon.


History right now is the '49 gold rush. Fascinating!


Sports are not happening for the kids right now. They only do one sport per year and it's typically baseball.


Have a great day!

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What's for breakfast/lunch today? Green tea and a potato, egg and cheese breakfast taco. Lunch, I'm embarrassed to say was Dr Pepper and potato chips. I wasn't very hungry. :blush: Kiddo...chicken strips. Hopefully also some salad.


What are you studying in history right now? Native Americans, the Arawak and other Caribbean tribes, specifically. It's our last week with Native America before we start in with Columbus and the other world explorers.


What sports are your kids involved in? Just signed Ariel up for tumbling, her first lesson is this week. She's been begging to take gymnastics again and I finally found a place that is less than 30 miles away.

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We didn't eat breakfast, per usual. I made my son a cup of hot chocolate and I had a cup of tea. We met my older son early at Red Lobster and had lunch with him. He had to come in town for a hair cut (I love that his school is close enough that he can come home occasionally).


While I made our hot drinks this morning, I put together a beef stew in the slow cooker and it is smelling good right now.


In history right now, we are between the two world wars, smack dab in the midst of the depression and the dust bowl.


My son is supposed to start indoor soccer this weekend and it's none too soon! The lack of physical activity is getting to me! My older son swims at his school and we are trekking over there this weekend for a 3team meet....

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Karen, thanks for the lunchtime bump. Here's another one!


It looks like dh may make it home just in time to take ds to baseball practice.

I think ds NEEDS the exercise because he has been whiny lately! Oi!

And when I have days like today, I need a dance class to help me shake it out.

If dh takes ds to practice, that means I get to make it to TWO ballet classes. If not,

then I'll only make it to one.


I'd love to do some of the sports that all of your kids are doing!

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Karen, thanks for the lunchtime bump. Here's another one!


It looks like dh may make it home just in time to take ds to baseball practice.

I think ds NEEDS the exercise because he has been whiny lately! Oi!

And when I have days like today, I need a dance class to help me shake it out.

If dh takes ds to practice, that means I get to make it to TWO ballet classes. If not,

then I'll only make it to one.


I'd love to do some of the sports that all of your kids are doing!


Where do you take your ballet classes? I use to take ballet as a kid and have taken it here and there as an adult. Of course at this point in life, I'm not to keen to get into a leotard!

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What's for breakfast/lunch today?

I had multigrain cheerios with soy milk for breakfast. The kids had cinnamon toast or waffles, and orange juice.

Lunch was leftover taco meat, rice, pico de gallo and cheese...made into "rice bowls."

Dinner is going to be hodge podge since it's just me and the three youngers. I'm going to have a salad and protein (a la Jean), the kids will have pigs in a blanket and macaroni & cheese bites from Trader Joe's, along with bell peppers, celery, and cucumber sticks.


What are you studying in history right now? We're taking a year off from the our history cycle and studying world geography this year.


What sports are your kids involved in? My oldest dances at least 4 nights per week. She also goes to they gym 1-2 times per week. My youngest dances once per week. Soccer season starts back in March for ds, dd2 and dd3. They are also very active at home....playing outdoors, riding bikes, walking the dog, etc.

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OK - I just had a hugely frustrating hour teaching dd10 math. We meticulously went through the teaching sequence, adding only a small step from what we meticulously went through yesterday and the day before. We did examples on the white erase board. We had manipulatives and did the problems with them. I gave her the worksheets (which have the problem illustrated on it). She did the entire two pages wrong. :banghead: I explained that it was wrong and why. She was in tears while I carefully kept every single shred of frustration out of my own voice while I encouraged her to do it again. Sigh.


Following that I trimmed the fur off of ONE paw of our large male dog. The conversation went like this: "Sit. . . sit. . . . down. . . down. . . Rocky! Down! No, no, no. Darn dog, will you hold still?! You are the most annoying dog in the entire planet!" (Rinse and repeat.) The paw is trimmed and his nails cut. Two paws down (I did another one yesterday). Two more to go. Sigh.


It is taking every shred of self discipline not to burrow head first into a hot fudge sundae. I've just lost 5 pounds of the 75 that I need to lose so I really can't give in to my desire.

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