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What Causes Someone to be Banned?

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Moderators, please delete this if necessary. I'm sorry if this has been asked before.


What leads to someone being banned?


A few days ago/a week ago, someone started posting quite a bit and looked suspicious/weird to me. This person has been banned.


Now, someone else who's quite a regular here has been banned.

I guess I'm hoping I don't get banned. As an isolated homeschooler, I would be very, very distraught if such a thing were to happen to me ... :001_huh:

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Nah, you are too nice to get banned. Maybe read the rules to get an idea. I think repeatedly breaking a board rule would get you banned for a few days. You can get unbanned too.


I thought a few times I might get banned because of a strongly stated opinion, or a flip response, or even a totally misunderstood response of mine. But, so far, I guess I have been within guidelines. I think the moderators have a really tough job, and are not very quick to ban someone or delete a thread. I think this is a very open board with room for all kinds of opinions and ideas....as long as they are stated kindly and respectfully.


Faithe...who really enjoys your health reports....

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Almost always it is a clear violation of the stated rules. If you see the post or posts that leads to the ban you can see it coming. The probem is that those posts are almost always removed so that it is almost impossible to see what caused it after the fact. If you follow the rules, you will be safe.

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Thank you, both.


Nah, you are too nice to get banned. Maybe read the rules to get an idea.

Faithe, thank you for your very sweet words. :grouphug:

I don't know how nice I am sometimes. :tongue_smilie: I can have very strong opinions (as my dh often remarks, "You don't say!" :lol:) and often worry about offending others or possibly getting banned.

Tried to look for the rules - a sticky or something - maybe I'm not fully awake yet. Couldn't find them.

I agree that the moderators' job is a very difficult one. I'm so grateful to them and to these boards. They are my favorite ever and allow for such diversity of opinion, unlike some others that I have visited. :)

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Tried to look for the rules - a sticky or something - maybe I'm not fully awake yet. Couldn't find them.


On my screen, there is a "Board Rules / FAQ" menu item on a blue bar right below the box that tells which board you're on (near the top). I just read the rules for the first time myself. Pretty logical.

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Thank you, both.



Faithe, thank you for your very sweet words. :grouphug:

I don't know how nice I am sometimes. :tongue_smilie: I can have very strong opinions (as my dh often remarks, "You don't say!" :lol:) and often worry about offending others or possibly getting banned.

Tried to look for the rules - a sticky or something - maybe I'm not fully awake yet. Couldn't find them.

I agree that the moderators' job is a very difficult one. I'm so grateful to them and to these boards. They are my favorite ever and allow for such diversity of opinion, unlike some others that I have visited. :)


Here you go: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/faq.php

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Newbies who get banned do so because:

1. They are really adbots.

2. They set up multiple accounts.

3. They sent weird private messages out.

4. They are obvious trolls.


Oldies who get banned? It is usually a temporary time out because things got a little too heated. If it happens often enough, then a ban can last longer or even be permanent. When you search their posts, then you can usually find the fight that led to the banning, even if the offending posts were deleted.


PS-Is that The Dude in your avatar?

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But your avatar took me aback for a second, lol. I think you've changed it before recently, and I'm used to your smiling face, not a hairy guy.

:lol: Sorry ...


On my screen, there is a "Board Rules / FAQ" menu item on a blue bar right below the box that tells which board you're on (near the top). I just read the rules for the first time myself. Pretty logical.

Thank you. It all makes sense.


Newbies who get banned do so because:

1. They are really adbots.

PS-Is that The Dude in your avatar?

What are adbots? Spammers? Advertising, I assume.

And yes, that's The Dude. :D "His Dudeness" or "El Duderino" :lol:


I hope it is. I love Jeff Bridges, but I never really pictured Negin looking that much like him.

No, I don't look like him. :lol: I have an entire pinterest board on this movie. Mostly, to make my dh laugh, but also for me.

He and his wife have been married since 1977. Nice for Hollywood. I love it when couples stay together.


Sam Elliott and his wife also. Another couple who've been together a long time.

More here on my other pinterest board.


I was banned last summer though no explanation was ever given as to why. I emailed TPTB and asked. A few days later my posting privileges were restored, so I was a happy camper again. I had not participated in any controversial threads, so your guess is as good as mine.

Tammy, that would really upset me. I take things like that so personally. :confused:

Glad you got your privileges back. :grouphug:

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