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Another TOG question...OR HOD, Sonlight...HELP!!

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Well..just when I thought I had it figured out :001_huh:


I really am trying to simplify my life a bit w/ school, have 4 I am "teaching".


I had thought TOG would be good, then I realized what I am really wanting a curriculum to walk me through geography, history, great readers etc..but I really want it all laid out. I don't like, "have them learn these continents this week", without a worksheet or something that tells us "how" to do this.


With 7 children, I am really wanting something easier on my brain. I tend to not do real well with stuff like that...does this mean TOG is out..ha?


Oh...boy....I am focusing this year on reading, writing, arithmetic with my youngers, spelling w/ my olders and Language arts skills getting caught up so the other needs to be sort of "light" or it won't get done...does this make sense?


Any ideas?





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TOG could still work for you, if you buy some of the extras. MapAids will help with geography because it includes all of the maps, and some instructions on how to use them. It is probably not as easy to use as a stand-alone geography program, but since it goes along with what we are studying, I think it is sufficient for us right now. I think that TOG does walk me through the history and literature, especially with my D-level student. I love the discussion and the discussion helps for the teacher, and there is a lot of hand holding for that part.

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Honestly....I have seven kids and have finally come to realize their is no magic curriculum that will make life easy for me. Hug.


Find one you like. Then tweak it to serve your family.


I am using TOG with aspects of many other programs.


Once I let go of the idea that I could find a perfect fit for us, it made amazing things happen for us! :)

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Well, I would definitely not go with Sonlight, since coordinating four kids through that would be haywire.


I'm planning on switching to Biblioplan next year. It's much like ToG in ways which mean that it's supposed to be good for multiple kids. (ToG is way too confusing for me, what with the sixty million things you have to coordinate per week. Biblioplan seems much more streamlined. Not to mention cheaper.) There are loads of add-ons, too; for instance, they have maps for your students to fill in every week that seem pretty neat. (But which also make it much less cheap. :p) On the other hand, the program doesn't lay things out quite as thoroughly as Sonlight does.


However, Biblioplan lets you choose what history "spine" you would prefer to use. Two of those are The Mystery of History and Story of the World, and I know both of those are available in audiobook format. It may be helpful to get those, so you can focus on corraling the littles while their older siblings are "doing" history. (I'm assuming the three you aren't teaching are younger.) Plus, a little reinforcement of a lesson in the car or at bedtime never hurt, right? So, yeah, audiobooks are good things in general with multiple kids. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Speaking of audio versions of things, have you considered Geography Songs for your geography learning? The page I linked to has a general weekly plan for the 33 songs that makes a lot of sense, but it might also be overkill. Just having your children listen to the song multiple times will help with general name recognition, though, and then you can just pick a song for the week and pull out the book of maps as you listen. (And hey, this resource comes from Sonlight! This is part of what my son is doing for his second grade, Core C.)

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.but I really want it all laid out.


Oh...boy....I am focusing this year on reading, writing, arithmetic with my youngers, spelling w/ my olders and Language arts skills getting caught up so the other needs to be sort of "light" or it won't get done...does this make sense?




Based on these two statements I don't think TOG is what you want in this stage of your life. I could be wrong, of course, but TOG is not an open and go curriculum. There is quite a bit of planning involved, and it certainly isn't "light" unless you just REALLY pare it down. I would suggest you look at either MFW or Biblioplan. Both of these are open and go and have limited planning since they have already made the book choices for you. Just my two cents. :001_smile:

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Based on these two statements I don't think TOG is what you want in this stage of your life. I could be wrong, of course, but TOG is not an open and go curriculum. There is quite a bit of planning involved, and it certainly isn't "light" unless you just REALLY pare it down. I would suggest you look at either MFW or Biblioplan. Both of these are open and go and have limited planning since they have already made the book choices for you. Just my two cents. :001_smile:



Thank you..that is what I was thinking. I don't want to do MFW, I have looked and looked at it also years ago and tried it once or twice, it didn't click w/ me.


I appreciate your two cents. This has been very frustrating, this is the time of year when I am trying to get things figured as we buy school stuff w/ income tax return money sooooo..

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Honestly....I have seven kids and have finally come to realize their is no magic curriculum that will make life easy for me. Hug.


Find one you like. Then tweak it to serve your family.


I am using TOG with aspects of many other programs.


Once I let go of the idea that I could find a perfect fit for us, it made amazing things happen for us! :)


I would love to know how you do it.....TOG..what else do you use?

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I would love to know how you do it.....TOG..what else do you use?


I realized trying to closely follow any curriculum was a disaster for us. Baby crying, dog would have a seizure (has epilepsy), bad attitude of one....I could never keep up. :(


I wanted something to teach me HOW to teach or inspire me. That is how I use TOG now. I also am using ideas from SL, MFW, HOD, WTM, AO, OFE, and other stuff.


So we are basically doing a unit study as a group. Each level does seperate assigned readings. Sometimes seperate videos, worksheets, etc.


I read through TOG and decide what parts we wanna do. Then I search Brainpop videos, Discovery videos, and internet real fast. Science is decided by extra stuff discussed. Example last week we did Middle Ages West Africa. We studied volcanos and Mt Kilimenjaro (sp?). Also Africa landforms and biomes.


Used stuff I had on hand. :)


Not sure if that makes sense. I will post plans for this week if that helps.

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Not sure if that makes sense. I will post plans for this week if that helps.


That would be great, if it isn't too much trouble..really!


See..this is my problem, as much as I want a "daily" plan, we too have lots of different things that come up. It makes it tough, in our house, to follow too close of a schedule. So...maybe TOG would be best as I love that that include bible and church history and the lapbooks! On the days when things are "working better" we do more and on the days the aren't we don't.


I love looking at the Sonlight IG but know we would get "behind" quick, I have tried it and always felt like certain boxes were getting checked quicker than they were supposed to and others we not..so I always felt way off balance so maybe a weekly plan would be good?


ALSO..I just purchased TeacherFileBox through Evan Moor and that may be the "help" I need for geography worksheets or whatever. I just looked and they have worksheets for learning the seven continents etc...




P.S. I am looking for any input here, if something sounds like it just wouldn't work, let me know...


ALSO..My husband wants mostly workbooks for my 14 year old (any suggestsions on that) as he goes a lot and needs a different approach. so..I would be mainly doing the curriculum w/ my ds6, dd8, dd11

Edited by Blessed with seven
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I have a ds3 (just learning letter sounds etc..), ds6, dd8, dd11, ds14 and two older girls that are doing "their own thing"...




My only concern with SL is the difficulty to more than one core at a time. I haven't tried it, but it seems difficult to do...I have also heard the same complaints about HOD.

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Moving through at different speeds is why TOG works for me. You are never behind!


I guess this would be true, so long as you weren't worried about following the history cycle strictly and getting in so many cycles per child.


I too would love to see your plans in action. How much of TOG are you actually using? And are you making up these plans "on the fly" or do you plan out each week in advance?

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Well..just when I thought I had it figured out :001_huh:


I really am trying to simplify my life a bit w/ school, have 4 I am "teaching".


I had thought TOG would be good, then I realized what I am really wanting a curriculum to walk me through geography, history, great readers etc..but I really want it all laid out. I don't like, "have them learn these continents this week", without a worksheet or something that tells us "how" to do this.


With 7 children, I am really wanting something easier on my brain. I tend to not do real well with stuff like that...does this mean TOG is out..ha?


Oh...boy....I am focusing this year on reading, writing, arithmetic with my youngers, spelling w/ my olders and Language arts skills getting caught up so the other needs to be sort of "light" or it won't get done...does this make sense?


Any ideas?





HOD is open and go, and I prefer using multiple guides of HOD than combining in HOD or SL or MFW...I don't have to tweak anything! I am meeting the needs of each of my kids without burning out or taking all day and it's totally planned out for me. There's much to plan with TOG. HOD lays it all out there for you. Makes it easy on your brain! You may spend more time teaching a couple levels of HOD compared to TOG let's say, but you have absolutely NO planning to do. That's a big time saver! We've done 3 levels and still done by lunch. :)

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I guess this would be true, so long as you weren't worried about following the history cycle strictly and getting in so many cycles per child.


I too would love to see your plans in action. How much of TOG are you actually using? And are you making up these plans "on the fly" or do you plan out each week in advance?


Actually....I am using TOG in a 3yr rotation :D


Kind of on the fly and ahead of time. Honestly thinking of making a video....but that petrifies me! Lol


Been working on email to you but trying to make it not too confusing. :)

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TOG this week: doing lg and ug history core readings, famous men read aloud (2 ch), sotw 2 (4 and half chap), sotw2 activity book sheets (maps, color sheets, activities), church history (2 ch), vocan (between 10-22 words), people notebook pages (5), play marco polo game, writing activity.


Non tog: preschool/k/1st activities from HOD and MFW. Lite.


Science I. Am throwing together compasses and asian biomes. Plus pandas :)


I add videos from discovery streaming and brainpop.


Today going horrible as dd2 woke up throwing up. But this is plan. For week. Then I record what we actually do each day. Add in math and la. Also some electives when time.

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TOG this week: doing lg and ug history core readings, famous men read aloud (2 ch), sotw 2 (4 and half chap), sotw2 activity book sheets (maps, color sheets, activities), church history (2 ch), vocan (between 10-22 words), people notebook pages (5), play marco polo game, writing activity.


Non tog: preschool/k/1st activities from HOD and MFW. Lite.


Science I. Am throwing together compasses and asian biomes. Plus pandas :)


I add videos from discovery streaming and brainpop.


Today going horrible as dd2 woke up throwing up. But this is plan. For week. Then I record what we actually do each day. Add in math and la. Also some electives when time.



Wow..that sounds good....does TOG include Vocabulary?

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I guess this would be true, so long as you weren't worried about following the history cycle strictly and getting in so many cycles per child.





I am not worried about history cycle rotation, I do want to do it chronologically but not worried, at this point, how many times they go through it etc..or how fast we get through it. I just want GOOD history, GOOD books etc...in a plan I can actually do.

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Find one you like. Then tweak it to serve your family.


I am using TOG with aspects of many other programs.


:iagree: I let TOG run the show because it has the teacher support that I want and the discussion questions for when I need them. I tweak it as necessary to meet the needs of each child.

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See..this is my problem, as much as I want a "daily" plan, we too have lots of different things that come up. It makes it tough, in our house, to follow too close of a schedule. So...maybe TOG would be best as I love that that include bible and church history and the lapbooks! On the days when things are "working better" we do more and on the days the aren't we don't.

We have a lot of life happen here too. This year our year is being interupted by a move out of state. The last month, we have been working, but definately at a lighter pace.

I love looking at the Sonlight IG but know we would get "behind" quick, I have tried it and always felt like certain boxes were getting checked quicker than they were supposed to and others we not..so I always felt way off balance so maybe a weekly plan would be good?

What I love about TOG is that I don't have boxes to check. I can decide how much or how little is enough. With SL, I always felt guilty if the boxes weren't checked. I sat this summer and made all my plans for TOG for the year. I prepicked the activities to do. I knew we couldn't do everything, so I tried to pick activities that allowed me to combine my kids as much as possible. Some weeks work better than others, but so far, it is working out pretty well. I also went through and printed all the maps for the year and literature pages that we'd need and file them. It was a lot work this summer, but it has paid off b/c it all done for the whole year. All I have to do is go to the file and pull it out. In a sense by doing the preplanning, I've made TOG a little more open and go.

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I can't speak about TOG..


BUT.. I will say that we're using SL this year. I'm not sure you could put all 7 children into one core with it, and not knowing your children's ages I don't know if you could do a 3 and 3 with two cores. I will say that Sonlight is set up so that a child can look at the lesson plans and do what's required of them. There won't be a lot of worksheets or "extras" unless you round them up though. ;)


Having said that.. Winter Promise has a core or two.. All American 1 & 2 for instance.. where you can put children from grades 1-7 in it and purchase a highschool add on if your children are beyond those grades. We loved our time with it. There was plenty of hands on stuff, good books to read, etc. It was all laid out for you and told you which worksheets to use, etc. Downside? I think the geography was pretty flaky. ;)

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Blessed with Seven if you really like TOG take some time and think about what you need/want accomplish for each child. Then see how you can make TOG work that way. I hear a lot of people say that there is so much planning involved with that curriculum. I looked at it and it did not appeal to me personally but that's the beauty of hs. I can't see how you are going to make TOG work without some planning perhaps you could front load lots of plans or plan the whole year over the summer. Otherwise look at the goals you have set for your children and see if you could combine them in a program like SL. You may be able to get away with two or max three cores and tailor LA, math to their grade levels. Science could be done together but activities or reports also tailored to each childs ability.

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I knew you were doing that....wasn't sure if you still were. I think I must be confused by what you meant when you said "you were moving through TOG at different speeds"? I took that to mean you were slowing it down.


For us, we are doing some as short weeks. Core reading only and maybe one video. Other weeks when there is more interest, we slow down. :)


So we will make it in 3 years, but not too indepth in some areas. Once they are able to do more on their own, we will adjust to them to more structured schedule.

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Wow..that sounds good....does TOG include Vocabulary?


TOG has history, writing, literature, geography, arts and activities, church history, government and philosophy at rhetoric level, vocabulary, map work, supplimental reading, enrichment, people to focus on, timeline, plus some weekly worksheets.


There are also evaluations, map helps, and lapbooks sold seperately. :)


You pick and choose each week. Some weeks we do all. Some weeks we do core reading and geography only. All up to you.

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TOG has history, writing, literature, geography, arts and activities, church history, government and philosophy at rhetoric level, vocabulary, map work, supplimental reading, enrichment, people to focus on, timeline, plus some weekly worksheets.


There are also evaluations, map helps, and lapbooks sold seperately. :)


You pick and choose each week. Some weeks we do all. Some weeks we do core reading and geography only. All up to you.



So what are you using from HOD and MFW and how do you fit them together? I'm impatiently waiting on your email, lol. :tongue_smilie:

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I would have to say that if you want something that is easy on the brain from the get-go, then I would rule out TOG. I love TOG (and plan to use it for years to come since I have huge history-loving 6yo), but I am not a fan of the add-ons (at least the MapAids and the WritingAids). Sometimes, there is a specific list of things to map, and sometimes the geography assignment is vague. Sometimes, the answers are not in the recommended books or even in the answer key. As for WA, I don't understand the philosophy behind it, so I can't really teach it. Of course, I am talking about the LG level. From what I can see, WA for R level is stellar.

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I am going to throw one more question out there....what curriculum has the best readers/read a louds? That is the most important thing for me..I want to get my kids reading good books, focus on getting caught up in LA areas etc..


Just curious...I am looking at Preparing from HOD..that looks good to. I want TOG to work but am thinking it might not this next year because of everyone needing help w/ reading, writing, LA skills etc..it seems really intense right now with the stuff needing to get done and the time I need to take.


So...I want Bible, Memory verses, great read alouds, a timeline would be nice to do also...


Sorry..please bare with me while I muttle through this!



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I am going to throw one more question out there....what curriculum has the best readers/read a louds? That is the most important thing for me..I want to get my kids reading good books, focus on getting caught up in LA areas etc..


Just curious...I am looking at Preparing from HOD..that looks good to. I want TOG to work but am thinking it might not this next year because of everyone needing help w/ reading, writing, LA skills etc..it seems really intense right now with the stuff needing to get done and the time I need to take.


So...I want Bible, Memory verses, great read alouds, a timeline would be nice to do also...


Sorry..please bare with me while I muttle through this!



This sounds like SL to me.

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Well..just when I thought I had it figured out :001_huh:


I really am trying to simplify my life a bit w/ school, have 4 I am "teaching".


I had thought TOG would be good, then I realized what I am really wanting a curriculum to walk me through geography, history, great readers etc..but I really want it all laid out. I don't like, "have them learn these continents this week", without a worksheet or something that tells us "how" to do this.


With 7 children, I am really wanting something easier on my brain. I tend to not do real well with stuff like that...does this mean TOG is out..ha?


Oh...boy....I am focusing this year on reading, writing, arithmetic with my youngers, spelling w/ my olders and Language arts skills getting caught up so the other needs to be sort of "light" or it won't get done...does this make sense?


Any ideas?







I haven't read the responses yet, so forgive me if this has been said. TOG does give you the assignments for geography, but you have to buy Map Aids. Writing Aids is only $50 and you have all the instruction needed for 12 years of schooling.


TOG can be as light or as heavy as you need it to be. I think with 7 kids you could save a lot of time with TOG having them work together.


Not TOG, but for spelling you could do Spelling Power and use colored tabs/flags to mark the pages for each child and have a "group" spelling time.

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Maybe you would like the offerings over at Simply Charlotte Mason. Click on "Free Curriculum Guide" on the left for an overview. We especially love the SCM scripture memory system and the SCM Organizer. Their history guides are inexpensive and designed to include books for the family and individual age levels. http://simplycharlottemason.com/

I also use All Through the Ages, a booklist guide. http://www.nothingnewpress.com/atta.shtml

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I am going to throw one more question out there....what curriculum has the best readers/read a louds? That is the most important thing for me..I want to get my kids reading good books, focus on getting caught up in LA areas etc..


Just curious...I am looking at Preparing from HOD..that looks good to. I want TOG to work but am thinking it might not this next year because of everyone needing help w/ reading, writing, LA skills etc..it seems really intense right now with the stuff needing to get done and the time I need to take.


So...I want Bible, Memory verses, great read alouds, a timeline would be nice to do also...


Sorry..please bare with me while I muttle through this!




I think you may be wise to pass on TOG for now. I think it is EXCELLENT for a large age range, but you have mentioned really wanting to focus on basics. TOG takes a fair amount of planning and you would still have science to figure out. Maybe leave it on the back burner as an option for next year.


Just my opinion (take it for the .02 it's worth:)), but I think Preparing might be a decent option for all but your 14 yo. It should be spot on for your 11 yo, and she can do much of it independently. It uses CHOW so both your 8yo and 6yo could listen in. I have an IRL friend who said the books (Storytime) are excellent. You may have to tweak it, but I think it would give you a good framework.


That does still leave your 14yo...that is out of my league. I have no idea if Preparing could be beefed up enough to make it work.:confused: Maybe some HOD'ers could help you out there.

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Well...I am thinking TOG. I am also thinking about getting the "Preparing" book from HOD and checking it out. I am almost sure it is TOG. I, however, will mainly use the History, Church History and Literature for now.


Thank you for asking and thank everyone for their input. I want to just get Unit 1 and just look at it, I might do that.



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I will be curious to see how it works for you! :) I have been drawn to TOG, but scared of it at the same time. We have 5 kids - 12,10,8,3,1. We are returning to HOD in the fall - CtC and Beyond. I really want it to work, but I am still so interested in TOG. I just don't think I would have time for all the planning. Look forward to hearing how it goes. :)



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Hi Missy,


I will try to remember to post. I have heard from many who use it, one lady emailed me, she has children close to your kids age. She said it really doesn't take as much planning as people think. It is flexible enough to do it as it will work for your family.


There is a video on Marsha's Blog, you can get there from the TOG website, about planning lessons etc...that is supposed to be very helpful, think I will go there now. :001_smile:



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Well, I'll throw my 2 cents in, even though you've already made your decision. Take my advice with a grain of salt.


1. I feel your pain. This year I'm teaching 5 grades, K-9 and trying to keep the preschooler out of trouble. It is challenging! This is probably my hardest year yet and there's no baby in the house!


2. I started out with SOTW/wtm 10 years ago and then somewhere in Y2, switched to TOG. It worked well when all my kids were in elementary AND I could borrow the classic version from a friend.


3. Having used TOG for Y2-Y4 (classic borrowed) and Y1-Y3 (redesign purchased) for a total of 5 1/2 years, I found that I really did not like the geog and writing add-ons.


4. Last year we did SOTW Y4 and it was a refreshing change, though prob too easy for my 8th grader.


5. This year we went back to TOG Y1 and it's killing me. We're not really enjoying it and we've lost, I've lost my passion for it. The high school stuff is WAY too advanced for a 9th grader. I hate reading it and I was a lit major. I don't want to kill literature for my child.


6. I just ordered SWB's Ancient History and we may switch back to SOTW/AH and supplement from the TOG reading list, but go back to a more relaxed approach that I feel the SOTW allowed us.


Hope that's not too wordy!

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Well, I'll throw my 2 cents in, even though you've already made your decision. Take my advice with a grain of salt.


1. I feel your pain. This year I'm teaching 5 grades, K-9 and trying to keep the preschooler out of trouble. It is challenging! This is probably my hardest year yet and there's no baby in the house!


2. I started out with SOTW/wtm 10 years ago and then somewhere in Y2, switched to TOG. It worked well when all my kids were in elementary AND I could borrow the classic version from a friend.


3. Having used TOG for Y2-Y4 (classic borrowed) and Y1-Y3 (redesign purchased) for a total of 5 1/2 years, I found that I really did not like the geog and writing add-ons.


4. Last year we did SOTW Y4 and it was a refreshing change, though prob too easy for my 8th grader.


5. This year we went back to TOG Y1 and it's killing me. We're not really enjoying it and we've lost, I've lost my passion for it. The high school stuff is WAY too advanced for a 9th grader. I hate reading it and I was a lit major. I don't want to kill literature for my child.


6. I just ordered SWB's Ancient History and we may switch back to SOTW/AH and supplement from the TOG reading list, but go back to a more relaxed approach that I feel the SOTW allowed us.


Hope that's not too wordy!


Thanks for your input...I secrectly wonder if this (what is in red above) is what will happen to me, even though TOG is working fine for us now...

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Thanks for your input...I secrectly wonder if this (what is in red above) is what will happen to me, even though TOG is working fine for us now...



I think of that all the time. But I just keep reminding myself about that buffet. I keep thinking about bumping my accellerated reader from LG to UG. She absolutely loves TOG as we are doing it now. And she is learning way more than I ever did, even in high school. So I guess we may just stay in LG for the whole 12 years. :lol:

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Well, in TOG's defense, it may just be the Ancient History year. But, the first two units are pretty blech. I think there are gems throughout the full four years. Like the Jane Austen that I think shows up in Y3. LOL. But, I don't think my teenage son will read those with me! ;)

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