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Panic attack?

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I was driving to pick up my 13yo from ballet class and got a mildly queasy feeling, and then felt a little dizzy. My heart started to race and I felt like I needed to take some deep breaths. I was definitely *feeling* some panic then. I opened the windows (freezing temps outside) and took some deep breaths and made it to the studio. Once inside I felt much better, used the bathroom, got a drink of water, and stretched my legs and back a little. (I felt rather burpy. That might have been the sausages and rice from dinner. :))


I was feeling OK so we started driving back and I got dizzy again. Stopped in a church parking lot for a few minutes and walked around the van. Felt better and drove home.


I know I probably shouldn't have kept driving - I didn't have a phone on me so I kept going as long as I felt my head was steady. I was sort of "on the verge" of getting dizzy. My heart wasn't racing any more, but I felt weirdly cold. When I got home I layed down for a while and now I'm feeling fine.


So does this sound like a panic attack? Something else? Car sickness?

Edited by Susan in TN
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Based on the panic attacks I have, I'd say it was either more general anxiety, or a mild panic attack. When I have one, I feel like I'm having a heart attack and I start gasping for air. It really does feel like the world is ending. The first time I had one, I called 911 because I thought I was dying.

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Based on the panic attacks I have, I'd say it was either more general anxiety, or a mild panic attack. When I have one, I feel like I'm having a heart attack and I start gasping for air. It really does feel like the world is ending. The first time I had one, I called 911 because I thought I was dying.


I didn't have any tightness in my chest, but heart failure did enter my mind for some reason. I kept telling myself that I'd been on a long bike ride a couple days ago and it couldn't be my heart. But I did feel a little gaspy, particularly on the way too the studio.


Come to think of it, on our long car trip last week I did experience a couple brief periods of nausea. I've never been car sick before, so I thought it must have been something I'd eaten.


"It honestly sounds like it could hypoglycemia to me. How long had it been since you had eaten?" I'd eaten just an hour before - rice, polish sausage, salad, and water.

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I think anxiety/panic attacks are different for different people.


My panic attacks generally consist of a detached feeling, as though I'm watching a movie and not actually "here".


The only time actual panic comes into play, is if I'm driving or walking and I suddenly realized that I feel so detached that I'm not certain I won't do something crazy ("swerve into the truck in the next lane").


Of course, my "logical mind" is able to convince my "panicked mind" that I won't do something crazy, and I talk myself down.


I also find that I have periods of panic attacks long after the actual time of anxiety is over with. So it doesn't make sense, timing-wise.


Several years ago, I went through an extended period of time when I was having regular panic attacks. I took zoloft and found it very effective for me.

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Based on the panic attacks I have, I'd say it was either more general anxiety, or a mild panic attack. When I have one, I feel like I'm having a heart attack and I start gasping for air. It really does feel like the world is ending. The first time I had one, I called 911 because I thought I was dying.


I called 911, too! The dr just shook his head at me the next day, and proceeded to explain what a panic attack is.


Based on what I know, panic attacks are different for different people. Mine started with tingling in the arms and legs, then my whole body seized up and I couldn't feel anything. There was no feeling of panic to precede it, but there certainly was once the symptoms set in!

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  • 5 months later...

I know this is an old post, but I was looking through old hive posts. Anyways, this sounds like me, except i have had it a long time. However, I recently read in the book "The Magneisum Miracle" a woman describing thr same thing while she was driving over a bridge.


I just wanted to post that it may have to do with the driver deficiant in magnesium. I just ordered some and am praying that it helps me.

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