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Anyone had their child's adenoids removed?

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Yes. My 7 year old was 3 when he had his tonsils and adenoids removed and had two hand surgeries at the same time. I was very bless with two Christian doctors (ENT and plastic surgeon) who also are homeschool dads! :D


So, the poor kid woke up to both hands completely wrapped up and unusable and his throat very sore.



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My daughter had her adenoids only out and it was a non-issue. My son had tonsils and adenoids and that was a whole different ball game! The tonsil removal is where the pain and wailing comes into play. The adenoids alone doesn't have that same affect. Good luck!

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My dd had her tonsils and adenoids out at 3. She'd been sick a lot before then. She's 12 now and it was one of the best things we did for her. They said she wouldn't want to eat much when she got home, but they were wrong! :lol: She ate a whole banana, 3 scrambled eggs and a bowl of ice cream. It really didn't slow her down much at all. The third day was the hardest but it still wasn't bad.

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My dd had her tonsils taken out, adenoids removed and tubes put in her ears when she was 3.


The biggest part of the whole thing for my dd was getting the IV :tongue_smilie:, It seriously wasn't a big deal. She especially loved all the ice cream and attention she got afterwords. :lol:

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My ds had his adenoids out after more than a year of nearly constant illness. There was a night and day difference for him, and we have never regretted it.


He was in pain when he woke up, but coped pretty well. He was able to eat soft foods the same day, though we knew of other children who waited a day for food. The surgery was very quick and we were glad we did it.

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My DS had his adenoids only removed when he was 6. After years of chronic sinus issues, colds that deteriorated to breathing troubles, nebulizer use etc. we have never looked back. We have not needed the neb once since his surgery. This after winters of trips to the ped and ER due to breathing trouble.


The surgery was short, the recovery was quick. By the next morning he was outside playing. The only issue he had from the surgery was that the anethesia made him a little nauseous. He was eating that evening.


I could not have been more pleased that we made the choice to have this procedure, although I was quite nervous going in.


I hope your DS does well.

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My son had his removed last year (just adenoids, not tonsils). He has improved some since then, though he may need his tonsils out in the future (this is more reflective of his age and his Down Syndrome).


Recovery took about a week (again, kids w/DS tend to take longer) and involved very foul-smelling breath, just FYI. It helped lessen his snoring considerably.


Hope it goes well!

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I had my adenoids out and tubes put in my ears in 1981 when I was 6.


You're making me feel old! Ha ha. I could've been your babysitter as I was 16 in 1981. But that's besides the point.


Anyway, ds had his adenoids out at 3 years old due to constant infection and they were trapping junk. He was cranky and sickly beforehand and it was an instant attitude change! He was a new boy when he recovered (which didn't take long). He still got a sinus or ear infection now and then but nothing like he used to. I know that a lot of kids slow down on infections without surgery, just by getting older and having a taller face which drains better. However, for ds, it was an instant change from constant infection to very rare infections.


Dh (who was with him - I stayed home with the other three dc) said he flailed when they were putting him under, but that the doctor said it was very normal and common to flail like that. He did fine with the surgery and with waking up and ate a slice of pizza that night (against doctor's orders of soft food for a few days).


We don't regret it at all.

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We were told to. But we didn't. And, it was a Dr. that was hugely respected and whom we adored. He was a specialist who told us that Ds12 (at the time he was about 9) had the largest adnoids he'd ever seen. He wasn't kidding. His allergies were horrendous, and he was so sickly we thought something was horribly wrong with him.


So, FF to this year, and Ds12 is having trouble breathing-allergies, and crud, so we brought him to a allergist who was closer, and he told us his adnoids were fine, that as they mature, they shrink. And that was after sicking a camera up his nose (which was entirely fun, I thought).


Between the right allergen meds, and ripping out all of the carpets, we had a new man.

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