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s/o Book a week challenge - how do you calm down enough to read?

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I find it very difficult to read. I have a few super balls jumping around in my brain and I can't concentrate.


I read in bed when I'm too tired to be up. I put a heating pad on any sore spots and sink into my nice pillows.


With any reading, if I am not concentrating on it, I read it aloud. Works wonders at increasing comprehension and concentration.

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Reading is what calms me down so I can do other things. Maybe you don't have fluffy enough books. :tongue_smilie:




:iagree:Reading is what I do to calm down if I need to focus on something else. And if that doesn't work, let me introduce you to my friend Ativan. :D


Just kidding. Well, mostly. :tongue_smilie:

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I find it very difficult to read. I have a few super balls jumping around in my brain and I can't concentrate.


I have honestly found that it is simply a discipline - it gets easier with practice. I've learned so much about how I read and why I read in last year's challenge. You might want to start with books that are fun and interesting for you, not too challenging and not too long. Set a certain number of pages a day (I use two bookmarks to signal where I am and where I need to be by the end of the day). If you get easily distracted, start early in the day (before everyone's up and with a cup of coffee, even if it means setting an alarm for a while), both because your head will be clearer, and because it gives you more time to plug away at your assigned reading in short bursts (say 5 pages a time?) over the whole day. In my experience, how well you concentrate, and how much you can read in one sitting will improve.



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I'm with others who say reading IS what calms me.


Dh watches tv to relax. The noise and action ramps me up. If he's watching something stressful, I can feel my adrenaline start to go. I have to put on headphones with soothing music, if he does it right before bed.


I will say that most of my reading is non-stressful, urban fantasy, historical romance, happy ending stuff.


I joined the Shakespeare group and it's good at not ramping me up. I don't read disturbing stuff before bed. I read "Night" by Elie Weisel a few years ago and that is definitely not before bed reading. On the fiction side, I don't read Jodi Picoult because her endings make me mad and upset.

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Reading IS what calms me down. I would never be able to sleep at night if I didnt read.


Me too. I just head into a book to escape my own difficulties for a time.

I'd be lost without reading.

Which doesn't answer the OP of course. Perhaps you could look on opening a book as an escapist adventure? Heading somewhere else for a mini mind vacation?

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I've had a terrible time concentrating enough to read for the past few years. I can't count the number of books I've never finished, or skimmed to the end to get it over with. However, I've recently found, and I know this sounds strange, that I can read with very few problems on my Nook. I've finished 5 or 6 books on it since Thanksgiving, and that's a huge deal for me.

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