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Watching 3 kids after school for 2.5 hours/day...what to charge?

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I don't know a set amount, but things to consider: Will the bus stop right by your house, or do you have to walk and meet it? Will you be helping with homework? It's one thing to just supervise them while playing, and another thing to be responsible for seeing that homework is done. Feeding them? With that timing, you are going to be giving a snack at the very least, so keep that in mind.

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I don't know about homework but I figured a snack at the very least. I will need to drive or have my older kids walk to the bus stop to meet them. My older kids already walk there each day to meet their ps friends. After a full day of homeschooling, I doubt I'll be responsible for helping with hw!

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We need some more details, Sue. :001_smile:




What about snacks/dinner

do they walk to your house from the bus, or do you have to drive/walk to meet them

Are you expected to help with homework

Is your friend picking them up, or are you dropping them off at 6



All these things would factor into what I would charge.


That's three kids, for 2 1/4 hours a day, 5 days a week. That's 11 1/4 hours per week, times three kids.


For instance, if the kids were getting themselves to my house, and I was just feeding them a snack and letting them play? Hm. For *me*, in this economy here in MI, I think I'd charge $60 a week. Which I know is cheap, but people are struggling around here. It'd go up from there if I was getting them from the bus/back to mom's, feeding dinner, or helping with homework.


And I think I'd make it CLEAR that we the first two weeks would be a trial period for me to decide if this REALLY works for my family or not.


And payment would be due on Monday for the week. None of this paying after the fact or what not. No quicker way to mess up a friendship than money.

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I would clarify the homework situation. Aftercare programs around here ARE expected to do homework. By the time they get picked up at 6, eat dinner, go to activities.... They don't have much time at home. If doing MORE school is going to be hard on you, that's something I would make very clear. Otherwise, they may be instructed to work on it alone....which means you will still be helping.

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I would check on the cost of commercial providers just to make sure you don't vastly under or overcharge. . .


But, that said, I'd think:


$10 for the trouble (&gas) of fetching them

$15/hr for all 3, so about $45 per day

$5/day excess milk/juice/snack costs


That'd be $60/day



I'd be sure to clarify how you will handle cancellations of one or multiple kids.


I'd charge $9/hr for just one kid, $12 for two, $15 for three.


I'd charge full rate for all/any kids unless cancelled at least 7 days in advance, as much of my charge would be for being committed ot being there, not having my own flexibility, etc. So, sick days or other last minute cancellations would still be charged.


I'd be happy to not charge for any/all days that are cancelled at least 7 days in advance (vacations, etc), as I'd be happy to have the break! (And, if I knew about them in advance, I'd be able to make good use of them!)


Have them pay a week IN ADVANCE.

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Some other things:


What about the days when it is early release? Your rates need to be adjusted for those days.


Sick days?


Vacation, snow, hurricane, etc. days?


What happens if the parents don't arrive at 6 but do at 7 or 8?


Remember to always get paid the Friday or Monday ahead. For example, if you were sitting this week, you should have been paid last Friday. Adjustments can be made for the current week (such as overages or days they didn't need you) on the next week. Even if you like and trust them, still get paid in advance.

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I would go to SitterCity.com and plug in the name of your town (with maybe a 10 mile radius) and get a general idea of what aftercare sitters are charging.


That said, if it's a sibling group, I'd probably ask for $75 a week. That's cheap, compared to babysitting rates, but aftercare usually goes pretty cheap at schools, so your competition is way underpriced.


When I sat my little 2yo friend once a week, I made about $15 an hour.

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I'd probably do at least $10 and maybe $15 an hour. You could round it to two hours and charge $30 per day. Be careful not to undercharge. I've said yes to things like this before and regretted it down the road.


You need to also figure out what the back up plan is if one of your own kids are sick (or you are sick) or if you are out of town. I hate being tied to a PS schedule when we don't have to be!

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Wow - anywhere from $60 to $300 a week!! Crazy :)


I guess it sounds like a lot of it will depend on how YOU feel about the deal. If you are helping a friend out who can't afford a lot and it won't severely impact your schedule, then cheap. If you are doing it for someone who could easily make other arrangements but really wants YOU, in particular, to do it, then expensive!


Personally - I could do it short-term as a favor for cheap, but long-term it would be a huge hassle for my family. The only thing that would make it liveable would be more money and an easier job (ie no dinner or HW help, just all kids getting along and playing). I just wouldn't be able to be happy losing my ability to change plans at the last minute or add new interesting classes or just run late on HS & early on dinner...

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$150 to $200 per week is my guess. She's a friend, but it also means that that block of time is no longer your own and you need to be compensated for your time. That's only $30 to $40 per day, so I think it's reasonable enough for her.


Are any of your kids old enough to help them with their homework? It might be a good experience for both. :)

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The rates some people have suggested are awfully high and IMHO unrealistic. Keep in mind that regular child care rates are lower than babysitting rates or drop-in child care. Even when we lived in an area with a much higher cost of living, I paid less for full-time child care before my kids were in school than the amount that some are saying here for only a couple of hours after school! I would check out your state's Child Care Resource & Referral Network (NACCRRA is the national site) to get a target range for your area.

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:iagree: They cover homework & snack here, as well as early release Wednesday's, holiday breaks and sick days she picked them up from school or took them in in the morning. (There were extra fees for that.)


My neighbor charged $15 daily per child, but had sibling rates, and she always had a waiting list.


I would clarify the homework situation. Aftercare programs around here ARE expected to do homework. By the time they get picked up at 6, eat dinner, go to activities.... They don't have much time at home. If doing MORE school is going to be hard on you, that's something I would make very clear. Otherwise, they may be instructed to work on it alone....which means you will still be helping.
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The rates some people have suggested are awfully high and IMHO unrealistic. Keep in mind that regular child care rates are lower than babysitting rates or drop-in child care. Even when we lived in an area with a much higher cost of living, I paid less for full-time child care before my kids were in school than the amount that some are saying here for only a couple of hours after school! I would check out your state's Child Care Resource & Referral Network (NACCRRA is the national site) to get a target range for your area.


I agree.


If the mother earns 20$ an hour (big if!) - she will earn 200 before taxes for the 10 hours or so of care. Anything over 100$ for childcare seems not worth it (I do get she probably makes money during the day for which there is no corresponding childcare...but still).

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